Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Holy bag spam!

  • EzikielStorm
    Laerian wrote: »
    Don't make mistakes, we are not talking about compulsive pack rats storing thousands of items without purpose.

    Exactly, Im literally just trying to be a provisioner, Im not storing gear for alts even, I dont have any room to do it.

    I cant even read on any of the Provisioner mats which level range of recipe it is for. So I cant possibly know if its for something I am still waiting to find the recipe for and therefore should save.

    This is EXTREMLEY annoying Zennimax. I love the game itself, I just absolutley hate inventory in its current implementation.

    As it is right now, this is what I would expect form a F2P/P2W game that expected me to pay RL money for more bag room. I dont see any reason for it to be like this in a P2P game.
  • moonsugar66
    Laerian wrote: »
    Creating alt mules is a workaround, however character slots are not an inventory extension. The fact that players have to do this to have more inventory to play the game shows how bad the inventory system is.

    Don't make mistakes, we are not talking about compulsive pack rats storing thousands of items without purpose.

    Right! Alts should be for playing, not packing.

  • night55cat_ESO
    I agree with different locations for bag space. Its not a major issue for me because I have been doing 1-2 Professions, but I also help collect resources for other guildies and store them in the gbank. It would be nice to have a seperate storage for mats or a larger bank option.

    Quest Items: Separate
    Potions, Gear, Maps: One Space
    Materials: Separate
    Pets: Seperate
    Edited by night55cat_ESO on 2 April 2014 17:17
  • Alpha_ESObeta
    I also am extremely disappointed at how ESO is handling the inventory issue.

    Four things ZOS could do to help make Crafting (ie: gathering) more FUN are:
    1. Increase bag and bank space
    2. Make extra space more reasonably priced
    3. Give us separate Material Bags for Provisioning, Enchanting, and Alchemy mats.
    4. Give each Alt their OWN separate bank space as well as shared bank!!!

    Only 2 days into the game and I already have had to create 6 alts (one for each craft). As mentioned above, an Alt should be for Playing, not just storing stuff.
    EDIT: to add item 4
    Edited by Alpha_ESObeta on 2 April 2014 17:51
  • riccifacce
    I saw someone mention the CE maps.

    Don't you love how they were region-bundled "for convenience," and then you CAN'T ACTUALLY TRANSFER THEM TO OTHER CHARACTERS UNTIL YOU OPEN THEM INCONVENIENTLY?
  • bryndukeb16_ESO
    TBH I wouldn't have bothered with the deluxe version if I had of known a few things about the items. Most other games you get the bonus items on EVERY character, not 1 per account.

  • korwinthale
    Stonie wrote: »
    I totally understand what people are complaining about but I actually think this is a good thing.
    Focus on 1 or perhaps 2 professions and you will be fine .. just because you can its not a smart move to collect everything you see.
    But I do agree that the crazy amount of different food ingredients is a bit over the top.

    Too much convenience will destroy this game as it has with other big games.
    I don't think you do understand man, my Main is level 20 and at tier 2/3 in Blacksmithing and enchanting. With just those 2 professions my bank is completely FULL of materials and I have thrown away everything I feel I can get by with I also have Mule toons holding things. Once you hit second tier you completely run out of space the only way you wouldn't is if you just got rid of ALL your materials which is just silly Why would I want to throw away all the gems I have for doing traits? Why should I not be able to have a few stacks of ore for making gear to sell? Why should I be unable to even have room for my pets in my bank? Why should I not be able to store a piece of gear with a nice trait so I can research it when my cooldown is up? Why is it that I have TONS of square and triangle runes and no circle ones so I cant even use them to level ? This system of storage is Flawed and does not work. Every character needs their OWN bank space . With the HUGE amount of required materials we need MORE space. I can't even keep molds.. I have to buy them every single time because there just isnt enough available space to keep the ones I find. its ridiculous.
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • bluntobjnub18_ESO
    I think that most of you are in the single player / old school MMO mindset where everything has a value in in game currency. ESO lends itself to a very tribal social organization method. What I've found with our guild is that I mail stuff to the people that are focusing in that crafting. I focus on blacksmithing and provisioning with the main, have an alt for wood and and enchanting, but i mail all my cloth, leather, alchemy stuff, excess provisioning and recipes, to other guild members plus dagger and bow swap to the other blacksmith and woodworker in our guild. I can even mail stuff out to them right in the dungeon.

    Why give stuff away? Because it has no value. You have years in which to farm locations for receipies and style books, you've probably only working with iron right now, and if you join a guild you'll find that people will be pouring in mats to be crafted, and it's better to deconstruct those than sell them. In short, rough materials > all in value, and even then they aren't worth that much.

    It's funny to see ppl merchanting stuff, because if it's not customized or high level gear it's not worth much. You'll outlevel it quickly.

    So don't sweat the vault stuff. Give it away to others in your guild, and help their crafting along. Oh, you don't have a guild? Welp, the game is about choices.
  • Jadeviper1974
    I have a question and this is something I have never understood. Why do I get more "crafting xp" for destroying items than I do for making items. Example I made a full set of cloth armor for my caster Sorc. yesterday, the full set didn't move my clothing xp even a quarter of what breaking down on set of non magical gloves did. Have never understood why that is.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • michael.fielderrwb17_ESO
    Much easier to learn about something from "reverse engineering" than it is trying to design it from scratch. Someone has already done the hard yards with R&D, you're getting a shortcut to the knowledge required
  • DeLindsay
    I have a question and this is something I have never understood. Why do I get more "crafting xp" for destroying items than I do for making items. Example I made a full set of cloth armor for my caster Sorc. yesterday, the full set didn't move my clothing xp even a quarter of what breaking down on set of non magical gloves did. Have never understood why that is.
    Also, try to get as many 'Intricate' pieces of gear and wear them any time you decon anything, it'll make a BIG difference. Intricate is not researchable so you will have to find/buy the gear.
  • Savinder
    The current limited inventory space would make sense in a Free-to-Play title, but with a buy-and-subscribe model it feels out of place.
    Var var var
  • pyradius
    Soul Shriven
    Stonie wrote: »
    I totally understand what people are complaining about but I actually think this is a good thing.
    Focus on 1 or perhaps 2 professions and you will be fine .. just because you can its not a smart move to collect everything you see.
    But I do agree that the crazy amount of different food ingredients is a bit over the top.

    Too much convenience will destroy this game as it has with other big games.

    Somewhat agree, and perhaps there is a broader push for people to invest in guild banks, etc.

    Still, given that Bank slots are shared across your account it'd be nice to see a bit more bank space as standard for the solo player. I'd also add that all the blue CE maps take up a huge amount of space up when you open them all, which definitely does not help the situation. Thankfully once you locate a hidden chest, the map for that spot disappears. Dealing with this initial bag bloat would be a nice gesture, however they decide to deal with it.
  • Pyatra
    Don't hold on to provisioning mats, if you can craft something DO IT. You will be out leveling a lot of the provisional food anyway... just use some of the created food for leveling and sell the rest for mad cash (The stuff you make, not mats). Level 50 Provisioner btw. Also open every cabinet and night stand you see... when you go through a town scour it looking just for those 2 container types (and chests) and you will get huge amounts of recipes... also don't forget to put points to unlock green recipes and the next step in Level dependent recipes when you have extra skill points.
    Edited by Pyatra on 3 April 2014 20:19
  • dephpersonb16_ESO
    I decided to try and work on Clothing and provisioning. I havent managed to get above level 14 yet due to CONSTANTLY having to go back to town and sell and put things in the bank. Of 80 bag slots and 80 bank slots at least 100 of these are full of provisioner materials!

    Cant we get a seperate provisioners bag please? Im getting frustrated with the constant "bags and bank" full messages.

    Im trying to decide if i should just infact never loot another crate or sack again and drop provisioning so i can actually play the game, instead of the "bag micro management" mini game.

    Pretty please with cherries on top FIX provisioner mats spam!

    the thing about prov, is that you can craft 3 different types of food health, stam and mana. each requires its own type of food/materials.

    If you collec all food you see yes its going to be very intensive on your bags. but if you focus on only health or whichever one you want its far easier.

    Myself i leveled from level 10-40 prov from all the things i've collected in the first 2 zones alone.
  • Lywen
    One of the things I loved about Elder Scrolls was being a pack-rat. Heh. It's very hard to get out of that habit, especially as I'm still learning and getting used to each crafting system. And it's hard to tell what recipes or race knowledge you'll find early on to decide /what/ to focus on. So unless you've studied everything beforehand and made those tough decisions, I can see this being frustrating for players. So far, I've managed to not fill my bank completely, but I do make regular crafting/merchant trips. And only Level 8 (Darn that I have 8 hour work days ;) )
  • Dodece
    This entire debate is actually quite cliche. There are always those players that feel they need unlimited space. Rather then appreciating the fact that limits on storage are there to create a challenge. You are supposed to have to make the hard decisions. Time management, logistics, and prognostication are just part of what makes this kind of meta game fun.

    People always grapple with instantaneous and deferred gratification. Crafting in games such as this is about deferred gratification. You simply can't be picking up everything you see, and it is counterproductive to spread yourself to thin. Do one thing at a time, and do it well. If you are grinding a craft. Figure out your grinding materials, and simply walk away from advanced materials that you cannot use yet.

    Once you level up then you need to decide how you are going to play that class. If you insist on being the one stop shop. Then your cross to bare will be you wont have much space let alone time for anything else. If you decide to be a specialist then it will be less burdensome, and of coarse there is always the run type of crafting. Where you gather specific resources to make a dramatic run of one thing, and then repeat the process for something different. This is less hard on storage, but can be tedious.

    The reality isn't that the game is tedious in this regard, but you are making the game tedious for yourself. The truth is this. Space isn't the real issue, but a bad mindset that is pitting you against an imagined foe. You aren't going to lose by not having an infinite amount of resources, because nobody else is getting that either.

    Early on I settled on one crafting profession to dabble in, and that doesn't stop me from doing others later. I stopped picking up materials that didn't relate to that profession, and that has left me with ample space. All it really is costing me is ten spaces in my inventory. In other words if you do one thing at a time, and do it well. You shouldn't have major storage issues.
  • Chews
    So many people want everything haha! Im lvl 21 doing 2 professions. Have plenty of bag space after I spend some gold on more. Just quest and earn money. The way ESO is doing it I think is great!
  • wizzerd_lg_ESO
    I would like a little more inventory space, but I'm pretty much ok with what we have now, even if it does mean building alts to hold stuff sometimes. What I would really like would be a small improvement to the inventory UI that lets me right click on the Materials tab to get a dropmenu for each crafting subcategory. It would just make it easier to sort large lists of stuff and find what I'm looking for faster.
  • cmongo_ESO
    Just be glad your bag space is not based on Str or the points you put into your health....LIKE ALL THE ELDER SCROLLS GAMES!!! I for one am happy that i can carry so much more then I could if it was based in skyrim or the others.
    Edited by cmongo_ESO on 3 April 2014 21:55
  • gunplummer
    I'm a self-professed hoarder and DDO has the best bag/storage system I've seen so far. You can keep all of your stuff in your personal bank neat, organized, and with auto-sort to boot. The bank slots in ESO get pricey after the 1st upgrade. I can't even imagine what the cost for all 110 slots will cost much less for 1 main and 7 mules. I work full time so I want to spend my precious little game time playing not on logistics and log in-out. That is my choice.
  • NewBlacksmurf

    The most efficient way to level and crafting in this game is not by making items.
    You should only make items to sale or use...that's it.

    To level you should breakdown green, blue, etc items. White items too but this alleviates running around wasting time gathering mats and puts you in a position to profit rather than waste time and gold.

    Also people who complain about space, put 100% of your crafting items into the bank at all times as its accessible on any character.

    Crafting for use:
    make sure to add the max amount of materials as this increases effects, armor, etc.

    **Crafting armor, weapons and clothes should give you a lot of $. I don't have a mount but at level 16 I have over 9,000 gold and that is after doing 3 bag upgrades.
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on 4 April 2014 01:45
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Phadin
    I havn't looked through all the posts here, but honestly, do you need all the provisioning supplies? Each alliance has different recipies for their provisioner, so unless you have a way to get recipies from outside your alliance, there are provisioning mats you just won't use and should sell. For example, Ebonhart uses Goat, while the Dominion uses Pork, and the Alliance uses Cappon.
  • manticoreblack
    Soul Shriven
    My suggestion? Make a few good friends. You mail yer best Orc bro yer ores, and that cat lady yer sweet on yer runes and herbs. In return "orcbro" send you his wood. (Woah woah). And yer darling feline send you all the jute she can get her paws on.
  • ShinChuck
    Inventory management isn't a challenge for me: it's a timesink, nothing more (that is, I can do it just fine, it's not a challenge, it's just a long process!). I do not enjoy it. I want to explore, craft, and adventure. I'd be all for more inventory space!
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • cmongo_ESO
    Well one thing they could do it just lower the drop rate for know so we are spending hours and hours killing and looting things and never filling our bags up or getting what we need. Ya that sounds more fun.
  • wizzerd_lg_ESO
    Dodece wrote: »
    This entire debate is actually quite cliche. There are always those players that feel they need unlimited space. Rather then appreciating the fact that limits on storage are there to create a challenge. You are supposed to have to make the hard decisions. Time management, logistics, and prognostication are just part of what makes this kind of meta game fun.

    People always grapple with instantaneous and deferred gratification. Crafting in games such as this is about deferred gratification. You simply can't be picking up everything you see, and it is counterproductive to spread yourself to thin. Do one thing at a time, and do it well. If you are grinding a craft. Figure out your grinding materials, and simply walk away from advanced materials that you cannot use yet.

    Once you level up then you need to decide how you are going to play that class. If you insist on being the one stop shop. Then your cross to bare will be you wont have much space let alone time for anything else. If you decide to be a specialist then it will be less burdensome, and of coarse there is always the run type of crafting. Where you gather specific resources to make a dramatic run of one thing, and then repeat the process for something different. This is less hard on storage, but can be tedious.

    The reality isn't that the game is tedious in this regard, but you are making the game tedious for yourself. The truth is this. Space isn't the real issue, but a bad mindset that is pitting you against an imagined foe. You aren't going to lose by not having an infinite amount of resources, because nobody else is getting that either.

    Early on I settled on one crafting profession to dabble in, and that doesn't stop me from doing others later. I stopped picking up materials that didn't relate to that profession, and that has left me with ample space. All it really is costing me is ten spaces in my inventory. In other words if you do one thing at a time, and do it well. You shouldn't have major storage issues.

    Thank you for reminding everyone that the way you think people should play is the only way people should play, and anyone who thinks differently from you is just punishing themselves ad deserves their dissatisfaction because they aren't like you.

  • MasterSpatula
    I'm spending about 15-to-20% of my time doing inventory management. With mules and such, it's not impossible; it's not even hard. It is, however, time consuming and quite dull.

    I totally get the need for limitations to present a challenge. But this isn't really a challenge. It's just tedious. Mind-numbingly boring. Precisely the opposite of fun.

    Not quite what I expect from a game.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Phranq
    Provisioning is a royal pain in the bank... especially since they nerfed recipe drops a patch or two ago.. since that patch I have not seen a single recipe that isn't one of the 6 starter ones. My bank is filling up with potatoes and garlic and different types of grapes and things, but i have NO recipe to use these :(
  • radiostar
    Yes, how quickly a few complaints about recipes cut us down to size! My sweet roll recipe doesn't even show up anymore, I guess they took that away from me.

    Why can't I research stolen food? If I have a mutton pie, or w/e it's called, why can't I as future Chef, taste it and figure out the recipe? If I've learned to grill weeds in fat drippings, I can taste a stale piece of meet or some leftover ale and know what it is.

    I'll have to log into my char and check, but I don't think there's any research to be done on all that food you can pick up laying around the way you can on weapons or armor you loot from enemies.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
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