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Why Doesn't She Fight Back

  • Vrienda
    Because they're probably not there for PvP and sadly there's no PvE IC or Cyrodiil. So they have to put up with people like you who they'd rather just ignore because they aren't interested in PvP.
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • valenwood_vegan
    Never even heard of the "tri-focus bug". And I'm actually somewhat active on the forums - only a TINY percentage of the playerbase is even on here at all. I can't find any information about this bug in any patch notes, recent dev comment, or from any official source... how exactly am I supposed to know about this bug?

    Fortunately I don't pvp with a HA setup so I guess you're safe from me. I wouldn't assume that random people joining the event know about it.

    The way this event is designed, you're going to encounter a lot of people who don't normally pvp, don't WANT to pvp, and don't really know what they're doing to some extent (or at all).
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on 30 June 2023 17:23
  • rpa
    I will not bring my oakensorc in IC because for I'm aware of the bug and knowingly using potential exploit is against ToS. But most PvErs simply do not know. Farming PvE players at PvP zone during PvP event is allowed but I do not feel any pity if it sometimes backfires.
    Edited by rpa on 30 June 2023 17:25
  • Mik195
    jaws343 wrote: »
    You can just leave the area of the boss and get away from the splash damage, that's on you for staying engaged against a player who is clearly fighting an NPC with a lightning staff equipped. You can't complain about dying from Tri-focus when you allowed yourself to die from Tri-focus. Yes, you were there first, but they never attacked you directly, only the boss.

    It's also worth noting that there are players who mainly play PVE and Don't know anything about the tri-focus issues in PVP. You may have run into a PVE player who is trying to participate in the event.

    Defaulting to "they must be cheating" doesn't mean that is what happened.

    EDIT: You also would have been able to come back and loot the boss after the fact since you dealt damage to them, so the "I wanted my loot" won't hold water here. You pursued with a full health bar and a shield on top and they never attacked you. They actively ran away and went back to the boss and engaged with them using the HA. You either played into the hands of an evil genius or got overzealous and tried to get easy tel-var but got stung for it.

    Bruh, you have no clue what you are talking about. The player is clearing abusing the Tri-focus bug. I initiated the fight with the boss, initiated fight with the player, the player refused to target me, with the bosss above 90% health. No one in pvp is going to sit and ignore an enemy player trying to kill you, using a heavy attack build.

    They are abusing the bug to proc a Tri-Focus to kill me. There is a reason when I dip low, they make no effort to kill me. Because they have a guaranteed kill by procing Tri-Focus.

    Eh, when I am running my heavy attack build to farm tel var, and I am fighting a boss, I am 100% ignoring another player during the boss fight if they show up, unless they are a serious threat to me.

    And that is on any build I am running really.

    Because, if I target them and they kill me before the boss dies, I get zero tel var from the boss.

    So, it is 100% on the player who gets within the area of a boss knowing that they player is heavy attacking. Like, sorry, not going to stop attacking the boss just because you decided to be close to it.

    Also, way too many players try to use NPCs to body block heavy attacks. I am going out of my way to only attack a player when I am focusing the player, and they are pulling or dodging behind NPCs. Sorry, my heavy is going to attach to that NPC now. You did it to yourself.

    And you are using a Lightening staff and prociing the Tri-Focus. Anyone that uses that build in IC knows, what they are doing.

    It is a well known bug.

    Actually no. Even after reading this thread I still don't know (or really care) what the bug is. I'm PVE who occasionally wanders into PVE IC (I don't care if you kill me, but I'm not fighting you). I use lightening staff because I like that it sizzles when you heavy attack rather than pooh pooh like the other staffs do. I have enough skill points that every skill line has full passives and nearly every skill is purchased.
  • jaws343
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.
  • Braffin
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.

    But it's definitely a bug that players recieve dmg based on PvE calculations.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Varana wrote: »
    Anyone that uses that build in IC knows, what they are doing.
    It is a well known bug.

    That is nonsense. I dabble casually in PvP, but not with a build like that - only during MYM when I go into PvP with random PvE characters as well. I don't follow what's happening in PvP-land very much.
    Otherwise, I play PvE. I read the forums quite regularly, but never the PvP section. (If it's not in General, I won't see it.)

    And so, this thread is literally the first time I hear about a bug with Trifocus. What exactly does this bug do?

    Long story short, this complaint is ridiculous. HA builds are all the rage in PvE nowadays, so you will see people going into PvP during MYM using their characters and attack everything that may or may not move with that.

    here one from like 2 weeks ago. Its been a bug for months now. Search ESO Tri-focus bug.

    TBH, I think click-baity thread titles like that are part of the problem with why there are people who don't know about the bug, because the title doesn't even mention the bug so readers have absolutely no idea what "this" is unless they click and read-- and some people are so tired of click-baiting that they will generally avoid anything that looks click-baity.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • jaws343
    Braffin wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.

    But it's definitely a bug that players recieve dmg based on PvE calculations.

    It's an unintended consequence that PVE heavy attack damage has drastically increased and that has impacted tri-focus damage against players.

    But it isn't a bug. It is working as it has always worked. Battle Spirit has never applied to tri-focus because it would end up double dipping when used against players.

    It's an oversight. One they should definitely do something about. That doesn't make it a bug.
  • Braffin
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.

    But it's definitely a bug that players recieve dmg based on PvE calculations.

    It's an unintended consequence that PVE heavy attack damage has drastically increased and that has impacted tri-focus damage against players.

    But it isn't a bug. It is working as it has always worked. Battle Spirit has never applied to tri-focus because it would end up double dipping when used against players.

    It's an oversight. One they should definitely do something about. That doesn't make it a bug.

    That's agreeable.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • rpa
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.

    (I vaguely understand BS works as +X%mitigation, -Y%shields, -Z%healing for every player. If I'm mistaken you sort it out.)
    Attacks on NPCs (monsters) can do increased damage because of buffs like Empower which does not apply on PvP enemies. NPCs simply have no Battle Spirit. So with tri focus lightning staff attack, full damage * buffs_some_which_may_not _apply_in_PvP hits an IC boss and is 100% splashed both on enemy NPCs and players with no Battle Spirit applied at any point. That's the bug! And PvE players with the build for buffed LA/HA damage do not know because there are no enemy players in PvE environment to complain.
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    LOL that's a lot of splash damage! It's pretty clear they weren't trying to kill you, since it's not like they put you in position near the boss or debuffed or DoTed you (unless I missed it).

    I almost always ignore other players who try to attack me when I'm fighting a boss—if they're not a threat. It's like let's see if they know when to give up lol.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • jaws343
    rpa wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.

    (I vaguely understand BS works as +X%mitigation, -Y%shields, -Z%healing for every player. If I'm mistaken you sort it out.)
    Attacks on NPCs (monsters) can do increased damage because of buffs like Empower which does not apply on PvP enemies. NPCs simply have no Battle Spirit. So with tri focus lightning staff attack, full damage * buffs_some_which_may_not _apply_in_PvP hits an IC boss and is 100% splashed both on enemy NPCs and players with no Battle Spirit applied at any point. That's the bug! And PvE players with the build for buffed LA/HA damage do not know because there are no enemy players in PvE environment to complain.

    But that isn't a bug.

    That is how it has ALWAYS worked. The only difference is that they beefed up heavy attack damage against PVE enemies. Before that increase in damage, splash damage initiated from NPCs also did the full Tri-Focus proc against players. Which, still, was more damage against a player than Tri-Focus damage that originated from a player targeted heavy attack.

    Battle Spirit not applying to Tri-Focus is intentional. This interaction is just, as I said, an oversight.
  • Jaraal
    And this is why my go-to build for this event is damage shield focused with Infernal Guardian. If a player wants to hit me from range while I'm fighting a boss, or "coincidentally" hit me with splash damage, then my auto-targeting firebombs will rain down on them while I remain focused on the boss. If they aren't hitting me in the back, then the bombs go to the boss.

    Also, assuming you are blocking in your boss rotation, you could use the Swarm Mother set to pull them into the delightful poison, fire, or Silence AOEs some of these bosses have. Many players will quickly make putting some distance between themselves and the boss and you a priority.

    Edited by Jaraal on 1 July 2023 03:37
  • jaws343
    To follow up on my other comment. I don't think there is too much they could do here to separate the impact of the passive without actually ruining the passive against players entirely, even in non PVE enemies situations.

    Outside of just shutting off Empower entirely if Battle Spirit is active.
  • rpa
    I'm fine calling it "oversight" as long they fix it for PvP without messing with PvE.
  • RaikaNA

    Almost seems like there is something going on

    I do think ZOS should fix it so that bosses can't go inside buildings. When someone tries to taunt the boss inside the building the boss should immediately go back to their original spawn point. This is what's ruining IC..
  • Jaraal
    RaikaNA wrote: »

    Almost seems like there is something going on

    I do think ZOS should fix it so that bosses can't go inside buildings. When someone tries to taunt the boss inside the building the boss should immediately go back to their original spawn point. This is what's ruining IC..

    I had a case yesterday where someone from my alliance had pulled this very same boss inside a building, and it was stuck inside a wall while they were fighting it, and it was almost dead. I tried to hit it a few times to get a style page drop at least, and couldn't seem to get "in combat" with it. So I started dropping some ground AOEs, and when the boss died, I got the full loot. The player said, "But I did all the work!" I couldn't disagree with them, but I also think it was a direct result of them pulling the mob into a potentially buggy situation.

    Also, regarding the OP's original question: sometimes when the odds are against me, say for instance I come upon a patrolling horror being fought by five players from an enemy alliance, I will focus on burning down the boss and ignore the players trying to hit me, knowing full well that I'm not going to survive the fight, but still wanting to get enough damage credit for looting purposes. So I will lay there dead on the ground until they kill it, to see if the corpse is outlined in yellow. If it is, then I know it's worth the potential suicide run back to loot it. If I didn't get in enough hits, then I will know, and can rez up and head straight to the next objective.

    Edited by Jaraal on 30 June 2023 20:22
  • Dr_Con
    This is the worst topic imaginable to complain about the tri-focus bug.
  • jaws343
    Jaraal wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »

    Almost seems like there is something going on

    I do think ZOS should fix it so that bosses can't go inside buildings. When someone tries to taunt the boss inside the building the boss should immediately go back to their original spawn point. This is what's ruining IC..

    I had a case yesterday where someone from my alliance had pulled this very same boss inside a building, and it was stuck inside a wall while they were fighting it, and it was almost dead. I tried to hit it a few times to get a style page drop at least, and couldn't seem to get "in combat" with it. So I started dropping some ground AOEs, and when the boss died, I got the full loot. The player said, "But I did all the work!" I couldn't disagree with them, but I also think it was a direct result of them pulling the mob into a potentially buggy situation.

    I generally pull into buildings because it "hides" the fight somewhat and gives me the ability to face a single doorway to see any potential enemies incoming while preventing their ability to flank me. 100% tactical approach than just sitting out exposed in the open like a neon sign.
  • Jaraal
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »

    Almost seems like there is something going on

    I do think ZOS should fix it so that bosses can't go inside buildings. When someone tries to taunt the boss inside the building the boss should immediately go back to their original spawn point. This is what's ruining IC..

    I had a case yesterday where someone from my alliance had pulled this very same boss inside a building, and it was stuck inside a wall while they were fighting it, and it was almost dead. I tried to hit it a few times to get a style page drop at least, and couldn't seem to get "in combat" with it. So I started dropping some ground AOEs, and when the boss died, I got the full loot. The player said, "But I did all the work!" I couldn't disagree with them, but I also think it was a direct result of them pulling the mob into a potentially buggy situation.

    I generally pull into buildings because it "hides" the fight somewhat and gives me the ability to face a single doorway to see any potential enemies incoming while preventing their ability to flank me. 100% tactical approach than just sitting out exposed in the open like a neon sign.

    Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it does also mean that you can at times be trapped in a small room with multiple enemies and little room to maneuver, or no way to get away from a low health/low resist PvEer in your own alliance who is the fuse for the bomb that ends up taking you out.
  • DrNukenstein
    There is a simple fix for this problem. If you see anyone with a lightning staff in IC just blow them up. Make them super dead, and send them back to RND's. Stay away from the mob when you do it. These are bad players running bad builds for bad people. Keep them out of our sweaty amusement park.
  • SeaGtGruff
    There is a simple fix for this problem. If you see anyone with a lightning staff in IC just blow them up. Make them super dead, and send them back to RND's. Stay away from the mob when you do it. These are bad players running bad builds for bad people. Keep them out of our sweaty amusement park.

    LOL, just because they have a lightning staff? Or was that over-the-top sarcasm?
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • HidesInPlainSight
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Varana wrote: »
    Anyone that uses that build in IC knows, what they are doing.
    It is a well known bug.

    That is nonsense. I dabble casually in PvP, but not with a build like that - only during MYM when I go into PvP with random PvE characters as well. I don't follow what's happening in PvP-land very much.
    Otherwise, I play PvE. I read the forums quite regularly, but never the PvP section. (If it's not in General, I won't see it.)

    And so, this thread is literally the first time I hear about a bug with Trifocus. What exactly does this bug do?

    Long story short, this complaint is ridiculous. HA builds are all the rage in PvE nowadays, so you will see people going into PvP during MYM using their characters and attack everything that may or may not move with that.

    here one from like 2 weeks ago. Its been a bug for months now. Search ESO Tri-focus bug.

    TBH, I think click-baity thread titles like that are part of the problem with why there are people who don't know about the bug, because the title doesn't even mention the bug so readers have absolutely no idea what "this" is unless they click and read-- and some people are so tired of click-baiting that they will generally avoid anything that looks click-baity.

    If you mention bug, your thread goes into the abyss, never to see the light of day again. If you want to see what kind of bugs are really in the game, ask your guildmates, and why they don't post bug reports anymore.
  • HidesInPlainSight
    RaikaNA wrote: »

    Almost seems like there is something going on

    I do think ZOS should fix it so that bosses can't go inside buildings. When someone tries to taunt the boss inside the building the boss should immediately go back to their original spawn point. This is what's ruining IC..

    Lol wut?

    There are only a handful of spots in every district you can hide a boss successfully. You can hear the boss sounds and see the animations through the walls half the time. Fighting a boss indoors (not counting glitch spots) is significantly harder, then fighting them in the open. During non event times, a boss kill time of under 1 min 30 seconds solo, is better then pulling for a total of pull / kill time of 2 min 30 seconds.

    IC is different content, it is competitive pvp with a reward. You are fighting both your own faction and enemy factions for Telvar, and you are damn straight we are greedy as *** when farming. 99% players who tag in on a boss, are anet negative, and are more likely to get you killed and lose your Telvar then they are to help. Its why all regulars know each other, where they prefer to hide the bosses, and all the other tricks.

    If the regulars want to farm, you wont see a boss, ever. If you try and zerg, we just swap faction and push you out..Its pvp, that you have to fight for the privilege of farming the bosses unhindered. And zero hinding of the bosses is needed, for players to never see a boss spawn.

    Changing boss aggro, would negatively impact the power struggle that controlling a boss has while pvping. Using the boss mechanics to killl enemy faction players is standard practice. Every boss can be fought in an 8 metier radius, without issue. Knowing the boss mechanics and how to fight both the boss and enemy players at the same time is a skill in IC. Which is why Tri-focus bug is extremely annoying, because it will proc any NPC in IC, and insta gib you, because it bypasses battlespirite, and procs off any NPC.. A player with a lightening staff heavy attack build can wipe an entire group simply heavy attacking any npc once. Ive seen tanks go full to empty just rom a Tri-Focus proc on a boss add spawn, when a zerg would not bring them down. This not just a problem with Tri-Focus, other sets and similar mechanic that proc off NPCs, also ignore Battlespirit.

    It is well known bug, by anyone that freuents IC and the devs. Plenty of players in IC use the Heavy Attack onebar build simply because of the Tri-Focus bug, ,and the protection it offers from gankers.Does not protect them between bosses, and they are easy kills as long as they are not directly next to an NPC. Which is the problem, because 99% fights in IC are right next NPCs.
  • HidesInPlainSight
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    Is it a bug?
    Seems intended or not thought thru by the devs and you know about it so don't use the cheat card automatically.

    It's a bug in how splash damage from PvE attacks on monsters is applied to enemy player characters, resulting much higher PvP damage than should.

    It's not actually a bug.

    The splash damage intentionally doesn't have battle spirit applied to it to prevent double dipping in battle spirit when the heavy attack is done against another player. Since the heavy attack itself is already impacted by battle spirit when used against the other player, and the splash damage is calculated from that.

    (I vaguely understand BS works as +X%mitigation, -Y%shields, -Z%healing for every player. If I'm mistaken you sort it out.)
    Attacks on NPCs (monsters) can do increased damage because of buffs like Empower which does not apply on PvP enemies. NPCs simply have no Battle Spirit. So with tri focus lightning staff attack, full damage * buffs_some_which_may_not _apply_in_PvP hits an IC boss and is 100% splashed both on enemy NPCs and players with no Battle Spirit applied at any point. That's the bug! And PvE players with the build for buffed LA/HA damage do not know because there are no enemy players in PvE environment to complain.

    But that isn't a bug.

    That is how it has ALWAYS worked. The only difference is that they beefed up heavy attack damage against PVE enemies. Before that increase in damage, splash damage initiated from NPCs also did the full Tri-Focus proc against players. Which, still, was more damage against a player than Tri-Focus damage that originated from a player targeted heavy attack.

    Battle Spirit not applying to Tri-Focus is intentional. This interaction is just, as I said, an oversight.

    It is a bug, because its a subset of damage that procs off NPC and ignores Battlespirit. There are other set bonus and skills that do same thing in that subset of damage that should not. Periodically ZoS, actually fixes these piece by piece, sometime reintroducing them. I know of at least one or two others that are currently active. Where the set procing off players goes through battlespirit, but if it procs off of an NPC, it does not go through battlespirit. IIRC, Hrothgar was was once a big issue with this .Luckily, the playerbase has not spent the time to look at some of the more obvious sets.

    EDIT: Yeah now I remember, I found Hrothgar was ignoring battlespirt on your pets and other npc. So, back around its release, if you proc''d off, say sorc or necro pet in a duel or pvp, you would insta gib the enemy players. I believe they fixed it for Hrothgar sometimes in the months after its release.
    Edited by HidesInPlainSight on 1 July 2023 00:42
  • Weckless
    Imo if someone is fighting a boss and you run up heavy attacking it you are 100% in the wrong and know exactly what youre doing. If you had the boss first thats another story but anyone thats been down there for more than 15 minutes knows something isnt quite right and to steal bosses from people by killing them with an exploit is basically bullying people around and hogging the bosses
    Edited by Weckless on 1 July 2023 00:54
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Varana wrote: »
    Anyone that uses that build in IC knows, what they are doing.
    It is a well known bug.

    That is nonsense. I dabble casually in PvP, but not with a build like that - only during MYM when I go into PvP with random PvE characters as well. I don't follow what's happening in PvP-land very much.
    Otherwise, I play PvE. I read the forums quite regularly, but never the PvP section. (If it's not in General, I won't see it.)

    And so, this thread is literally the first time I hear about a bug with Trifocus. What exactly does this bug do?

    Long story short, this complaint is ridiculous. HA builds are all the rage in PvE nowadays, so you will see people going into PvP during MYM using their characters and attack everything that may or may not move with that.

    here one from like 2 weeks ago. Its been a bug for months now. Search ESO Tri-focus bug.

    TBH, I think click-baity thread titles like that are part of the problem with why there are people who don't know about the bug, because the title doesn't even mention the bug so readers have absolutely no idea what "this" is unless they click and read-- and some people are so tired of click-baiting that they will generally avoid anything that looks click-baity.

    If you mention bug, your thread goes into the abyss, never to see the light of day again. If you want to see what kind of bugs are really in the game, ask your guildmates, and why they don't post bug reports anymore.

    There is an entire subforum devoted to bugs, and it's quite active.

    As for asking other players in-game about bugs, I have seen a lot of negativity in zone chat, filled with unproven speculations and sometimes outdated (and exaggerated) information which I know to be untrue.

    One example is a zone chat I saw last week, in which one person claimed that the entire dev team-- "EVERYONE!" (complete with caps and exclamation)-- had been reassigned to work on Starfield. First of all, Starfield is from Bethesda Game Studios, not from Zenimax Online Studios. And second, while devs come and go in any game studio, the core devs for ESO are still at ZOS and still working on ESO. So my assessment of that particular claim from zone chat is that it's little better than some unproven conspiracy theory of the sort that some individuals are only too ready to embrace and repeat because it seems to reaffirm their particular opinions and beliefs.

    Another person in that same zone chat pointed to "the Wrothgar public dungeon bug" as proof that things aren't being fixed. The person claimed that the bug had been in the game for five years, which is a gross exaggeration amounting to a blatant untruth. To my knowledge, the issue with players who'd already done the Old Orsinium quest being unable to enter the inner portion of the public dungeon did not start happening until after Account-Wide Achievemennts were implemented-- and that was definitely not five years ago. Furthermore, I know for a fact that this bug was fixed recently-- I'm not sure when, but it was before Necrom went live. Figuring that the person was simply unaware that this bug has been fixed, I spoke up in zone chat to tell him that it's been fixed. His reply? "Well, it isn't working for me!" I spoke up again to say that I'd just gone into that public dungeon a few weeks earlier and had managed to get a lead there. (I wasn't looking for the lead-- I would actually have been happier to get a motif page-- and I had only gone to the dungeon for a daily endeavor and because I was curious to see if the bug had been fixed.) My additional comment was met with glaring silence. I even made a point to go to Wrothgar right then and there just to be sure that I was still able to enter the inner portion of Old Orsinium, which I was.

    So, no thank you, I prefer not to listen to speculative hearsay, bitter negativity, and outdated or exaggerated information.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • kringled_1
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    There is a simple fix for this problem. If you see anyone with a lightning staff in IC just blow them up. Make them super dead, and send them back to RND's. Stay away from the mob when you do it. These are bad players running bad builds for bad people. Keep them out of our sweaty amusement park.

    LOL, just because they have a lightning staff? Or was that over-the-top sarcasm?

    It's not an over the top reaction. Anyone on another faction who is doing lightning heavy attacks presents a high risk. Mobs are ever present, it's easy to get 10k plus tri focus ticks that are not telegraphed and can't be blocked or dodged. You can't really have an unstated truce, they will likely kill you intentionally or not anytime the mob they are latched onto approaches.
  • HidesInPlainSight
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Varana wrote: »
    Anyone that uses that build in IC knows, what they are doing.
    It is a well known bug.

    That is nonsense. I dabble casually in PvP, but not with a build like that - only during MYM when I go into PvP with random PvE characters as well. I don't follow what's happening in PvP-land very much.
    Otherwise, I play PvE. I read the forums quite regularly, but never the PvP section. (If it's not in General, I won't see it.)

    And so, this thread is literally the first time I hear about a bug with Trifocus. What exactly does this bug do?

    Long story short, this complaint is ridiculous. HA builds are all the rage in PvE nowadays, so you will see people going into PvP during MYM using their characters and attack everything that may or may not move with that.

    here one from like 2 weeks ago. Its been a bug for months now. Search ESO Tri-focus bug.

    TBH, I think click-baity thread titles like that are part of the problem with why there are people who don't know about the bug, because the title doesn't even mention the bug so readers have absolutely no idea what "this" is unless they click and read-- and some people are so tired of click-baiting that they will generally avoid anything that looks click-baity.

    If you mention bug, your thread goes into the abyss, never to see the light of day again. If you want to see what kind of bugs are really in the game, ask your guildmates, and why they don't post bug reports anymore.

    There is an entire subforum devoted to bugs, and it's quite active.

    As for asking other players in-game about bugs, I have seen a lot of negativity in zone chat, filled with unproven speculations and sometimes outdated (and exaggerated) information which I know to be untrue.

    One example is a zone chat I saw last week, in which one person claimed that the entire dev team-- "EVERYONE!" (complete with caps and exclamation)-- had been reassigned to work on Starfield. First of all, Starfield is from Bethesda Game Studios, not from Zenimax Online Studios. And second, while devs come and go in any game studio, the core devs for ESO are still at ZOS and still working on ESO. So my assessment of that particular claim from zone chat is that it's little better than some unproven conspiracy theory of the sort that some individuals are only too ready to embrace and repeat because it seems to reaffirm their particular opinions and beliefs.

    Another person in that same zone chat pointed to "the Wrothgar public dungeon bug" as proof that things aren't being fixed. The person claimed that the bug had been in the game for five years, which is a gross exaggeration amounting to a blatant untruth. To my knowledge, the issue with players who'd already done the Old Orsinium quest being unable to enter the inner portion of the public dungeon did not start happening until after Account-Wide Achievemennts were implemented-- and that was definitely not five years ago. Furthermore, I know for a fact that this bug was fixed recently-- I'm not sure when, but it was before Necrom went live. Figuring that the person was simply unaware that this bug has been fixed, I spoke up in zone chat to tell him that it's been fixed. His reply? "Well, it isn't working for me!" I spoke up again to say that I'd just gone into that public dungeon a few weeks earlier and had managed to get a lead there. (I wasn't looking for the lead-- I would actually have been happier to get a motif page-- and I had only gone to the dungeon for a daily endeavor and because I was curious to see if the bug had been fixed.) My additional comment was met with glaring silence. I even made a point to go to Wrothgar right then and there just to be sure that I was still able to enter the inner portion of Old Orsinium, which I was.

    So, no thank you, I prefer not to listen to speculative hearsay, bitter negativity, and outdated or exaggerated information.

    I mean, i could tell you but, Id get hit with a ToS for talking about it. Ask your guild mates in discord about their experience. Every guild has their fair share of ZoS moments, with proof. Hell, reddit was sharing the other day.
  • TaSheen
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »

    There is an entire subforum devoted to bugs, and it's quite active.

    This is true. But it's a one way activity. Players report bugs (whether they are actually bugs or not). Devs don't respond much if at all.

    So it's simply another forum where posts go to die.

    Edited by TaSheen on 1 July 2023 02:06

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

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