First, I'd just like to say that I was really happy with the difficulty increase in ToT, and I really love all of the changes that have been made. If anything I think that the AI still makes a lot of really rookie mistakes even on Expert, and I hope they get even smarter in the future! Thank you so much for making the effort to improve the game!
That being said, here's a real humdinger of an AI issue: If you let the AI take Red Eagle agents, it will continue to remove cards from its deck until all cards are removed. I'm in the middle of a game in which the AI has done this:
Absolutely zero cards. It's wild. And I would have sent this as in-game feedback (I'm not a forum guy), but I feel like the screenshot really helps to illustrate how wild this is. Plus, it's not a victory condition so I still have to play the whole game! Personally I think it's pretty funny but at the same time, I think the AI should be making better decisions with discard powers. In other games I've seen it get rid of really important cards while it has plenty of other, better options for discard.
Thanks again!