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ZOS will you ever fix lag?

The title says it all
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 27 July 2023 17:04
  • Mrtoobyy
    I mean could you even give as a ETA on the servers? The current state is the worst the game has been in years with the lag, DK, Undeath and stupid sets.

    I have hesitated to buy anything since High isle cause I don't think you deserve anymore money selling unfinished products.
    Making tickets and trying to reach out to you guys there is just a waste of time since I have done that several times and here it falls on deaf ears as well?

    All it would take is to make someone make a video saying something about the servers, just a freaking sentence?
  • Starbridge84
    Lag? What lag?
    My ping sits around 90-140 about 95% of the time, which is really good for mega-server builds.
    If you want to see what all the craftable lights look like in ESO, use this command on PC NA.
    /script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Starbridge84", 71)
  • Dr_Con
    vague topic gets vague response

    your region, server you play on, platform, and situation you encountered are all relevant information. don't expect too many constructive convos to happen unless you elaborate.
    Edited by Dr_Con on 16 June 2023 15:18
  • Ragnarok0130
    Lag where and when? Are you talking in Cyro or in general? if in Cyrodiil then that's ZoS' area to fix, if you mean in general there are likely other factors outside of ZoS' control at the server and Internet provider level outside of ZoS' control afftecting this. If you mean during specific encounters like the reef guardian then that may be your machine needing to be upgraded or perhaps the visuals dialed back on your end.
  • Lydawobbles
    The servers have all been upgraded except Xbox EU. I don't have any lag except during primetime in high visual situations, like the galen vents lol

    Like others said, it's likely something on your end if you're still lagging badly
  • NettleCarrier
    I don't have any lag at all. I don't PvP though and that's where I hear the most issues but I do virtually everything else in the game for years now without issues.
    GM of Gold Coast Corsairs - PCNA
  • Four_Fingers
    Lag seems to be working just fine.
    No fix needed. :D
    On a serious note, large latency spikes (micro freezes) are still a thing.
  • HidesInPlainSight
    The desync is so bad. Its becoming unplayable.
  • JanTanhide
    I haven't had lag in years until the last week or so. This is on PC NA. So I was it my Router? Is it my Modem? Is it my ISP? Is it my PC?

    The last few days in ESO my ping goes from 60 ms to 600 ms and stays for minutes and then drops down to 200 to 300 msec. It's always been less than 80 msec routinely for me until these last few days.

    I've done a few dozen speed tests and all are good with response times of 8 to 12 msec and max download and max upload speeds reached and maintained for my current Internet plan.

    The only game that lags now is ESO. It's frustrating playing at 300 msec. Now I understand the players from Australia and South Africa having to deal with 300 msec all the time. The lag happens the most when I travel from one Wayshrine in one zone to another Wayshrine in a different zone.

    Hope that whatever is causing this is soon resolved. Whether on my end or ZOS's.
  • seventy_kg
    well you have to specify, it's to my understanding that pve is fine even at close to 200 ping, in pvp however it's really really bad and your ping will spike horrendously
    answer is probably no, I'd consider it a miracle if they fix cyrodiil performance
  • jerj6925
    The primary cause of lag I run into are the people able to spam abilities 6+ to every 1 I can get off. These are people utilizing programmable devices running scripts and or macros. When they are not around game runs smooth as butter, when the cheaters roll in game runs like garbage.
  • Jaraal
    Cyrodiil performance started tanking with the Lighting patch when they moved most of the calculations server side and added anti-cheat code and started filtering everything through the Akamai anti-DDoS servers. I would imagine that many of the PvE issues are similarly related.

    Do a forum search for Akamai and you can see the documented latency issues with tracerts identifying bottlenecks at the Akamai servers.

    Edited by Jaraal on 18 June 2023 00:35
  • HidesInPlainSight
    Performance is so bad right now. If they can't drop a fix, just settle for restarting the servers daily.
  • Roxxsmom
    I've noticed lag issues since Necrom. They're intermittent and unpredictable. The game will be humming along, and suddenly I'll get weird latency spikes where I click on something and nothing happens for a couple of seconds. I've been getting booted from the server occasionally too. My internet speeds seem to be fine, so if it's on my end and nothing to do with the game itself I'm not sure what's causing it.
  • Jaraal
    Roxxsmom wrote: »
    I've noticed lag issues since Necrom. They're intermittent and unpredictable. The game will be humming along, and suddenly I'll get weird latency spikes where I click on something and nothing happens for a couple of seconds. I've been getting booted from the server occasionally too. My internet speeds seem to be fine, so if it's on my end and nothing to do with the game itself I'm not sure what's causing it.
  • SandandStars
    Desync in PvP is as consistently bad as it’s ever been (played 2 years). I’m on Xbox NA.

    It’s so consistently bad that many more players seem to be intentionally designing builds to exploit it. I think I’m not supposed to mention specific exploits due to forum policies, but PvPers will know the chief ones I’m referring to.

    As there have been hardware updates, one has to assume the continuing desync problems are unrelated to that, but stem from basic coding architecture.
    Edited by SandandStars on 18 June 2023 17:42
  • wilykcat
    This if for pc:
    My average ping on other online games' mega NA servers is 30ms. The Elderscrolls mega NA server average ping is 100ms.

    They need to update to better servers that are more efficient, stable, and secure.
  • Mrtoobyy
    Sorry that I forgot to mention wich server etch I am on.
    I play on PC EU and it got worse after the upgrade and the anniversary. I mostly PVP and there is where the lag is so bad but even in PVE. Even talking to NPC:s or a banker lags.

    I have two different computers at home and a laptop at work. It's the same exact thing on all three machines and I've tried both wireless and a cable at home and work.

    No other game has issues on these machiines/connections. There is something really bad going on with this game... Even at launch with larger populations in Cyrodil the game ran miles better.
    There isn't just delay due to high ping but it's animations and sounds not even being visible. BG's are barely playable...

    Maybe the EU mega server just doesn't like Sweden where I am living.
  • Stamicka
    People were asking the same thing in 2016. Things have only gotten worse each year. Draw your conclusion from that.
    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • Mrtoobyy
    Stamicka wrote: »
    People were asking the same thing in 2016. Things have only gotten worse each year. Draw your conclusion from that.

    I think that ZOS is moving away from ESO step by step wich is so sad...
  • UnseenCat
    In terms of networking, ESO relies heavily on TCP -- under which, everything sent back-and-forth between client and server alike has to be confirmed, kept in sequence, and acknowledged by both sides of the connection. Any errors require a re-send of the data. Making an MMO -- especially a PvP environment in an MMO -- reliant on TCP means putting a lot of faith in the stability of the network connection. Other games use UDP plus other forms of error and consistency checking. It's been attributed to ESO being originally based on HeroEngine during development and that the current state of the game engine and its network stack is still largely based in that era. (Don't feel bad if you aren't familiar with the terms "TCP" and "UDP" -- they're networking protocols. TCP is a "handshake" between two computers with built-in error detection, but it's slower because of it. UDP is more or less a blind blast of data -- which is fast, but error-checking has to be done separately.)

    That said, the only thing you can do on the client end is to optimize TCP handling on your own PC, and hope for the best in the network connection across your ISP, Internet carrier backbone line(s) and the ESO datacenter.

    Optimizing TCP performance on Windows is a complicated topic. Unfortunately, the default configuration of Windows 10/11 isn't optimal for various reasons; networking in Windows in general is optimized for power savings and not network performance. A German sysadmin has packaged a set of scripts in PowerShell which can configure optimal performance of TCP in desktop Windows, or reset everything back to defaults. Unfortunately, you need to understand how to work with PowerShell on desktop Windows, including temporarily setting execution policy, or it just won't run. It's awkward and sometimes intimidating if you're not comfortable with desktop support or scripting. The scripts, however, are well-commented -- so for the curious and for the power-users, you can see them at

    I can say that using the scripted Windows networking settings results in somewhat improved performance in ESO. It's an overall TCP optimization, so applying it also affects web pages and networked applications. Web pages with significant TCP demands do load a bit faster, and Web applications like Discord load faster and may be more responsive -- it's a blanket improvement to how Windows handles a particular protocol. In ESO, areas that tend to have FPS drops or stutters can be smoother. Firing off rotations of skills in PvE tends to be a bit more stable and reliable. It's not a night-and-day difference, but there can be a notable improvement and overall impression of smoother behavior. Remember, though, that the improvement is only as good as your end-to-end network connection to the ESO servers, as well as dependent on the ESO servers responding back efficiently to your client. Things can, and will, still go wrong.

    Oh, and paradoxically, I've noticed that while I was able to stabilize and slightly improve overall ESO behavior, ever since applying the TCP optimizations to my PC, I've encountered the stuck-in-combat bug more often. Which makes me think that the "fix" for the bug is a hack that plays nicer with less stable TCP connections -- make of that what you will.
  • Jaraal
    For the Win 10 layman (like me):

    Task Manager > Details > ESO.exe> right click> Set Priority> High (Tells Windows to maximize bandwidth for the game)

    Windows Update> Delivery Optimization> Advanced Option> Absolute Bandwidth> Limit Bandwidth> enter 0.2 mbps (Tells Windows to minimize the bandwidth that it is constantly using to update itself in the background)

    Edited by Jaraal on 18 June 2023 22:44
  • manukartofanu
    The answer is obvious: "No."
  • ldzlcs065
    This is getting worse and worse, it's so frustrating
  • ZOS_Bill
    As there are multiple threads discussing latency, we have decided to close this thread. Our help article linked below offers different troubleshooting you can try for latency issues while playing ESO.

    Latency / Lag - Technical Support - The Elder Scrolls Online
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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