Magnitude. At legendary:
- Precise adds 7.2% critical rate. With heartland conqueror, it adds 14.4% instead.
- Nirnhoned adds 15% to the Damage rating of the weapon. With heartland conqueror, it adds 30% instead.
This is what it means.
I've haven't looked hard at this myself, but does anybody have strong opinions about questions like:
For what traits, if any, does the 5-piece bonus compare well with that of other sets? It doesn't in the case of Nirnhorned (when compared to crafted sets ) or Precise (when compared to Mother's Sorrow).
What about Sharpened (when compared to Spriggan's/Spinner's)?
How about more complex scenarios (e.g. backbarred Infused to go with frontbarred Precise)? How about Charged?