Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts


i have beta tested and played at least 40 mmorpg's since the original EQ and this has to be the most frustrating launch I've ever gone through. I want to know what got fixed since launch?you guys had to be aware of all the issues.spawn rates suck.it's a fricking campfest.haven't seen this type of spawn camping since everquest.was hoping that wasn't going to be an issue.why aren't things like that a private instance? i want to try to understand the logic behind this. I so wanted this game to feel epic but it can't when every place you go into.....every dungeon...is packed with people usually with the mobs dead so there is rarely a challenge running to that object you came there in the first place to get. that isn't epic,it's dull.skyrim made you feel like a warrior,a killer.not entering a dungeon,boat,etc on a mission and seeing the place cleared and people just hanging out.i was looking forward to this universe. it is a pretty game.jumping is a little wonky but everything else about your character feels right.thats about all the good I have to say about it.
  • Inversus
    Going into 'public' dungeons and getting annoyed at other players is a bad thing to do.
    There are instanced group dungeons, one in each area.

    Not quite sure what you're talking about 'spawn camping'.

    This doesn't seem like a question... more a rant that you put a couple of question marks into at random positions.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Strigoimare
    I'd rather stumble into other people rather than having everything instanced out of reach. It is an MMO, and the genre demands such adaptations.

    The single player TES games will always be there for us. Now, let's try out this new format. It might actually work.
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    They need to increase the spawn rate or it is going to be a camp fest forever.
  • phermitgb
    well, on the spawn camp issue, what I *think* he's talking about is a pile of people all standing around the location where a quest-requirement monster/npc is supposed to appear.

    during beta, spawns for quest-dependent npc's were broken by...something. Apparently, now, they're fixed (according to patch notes), but I guess the spawn rates are (i.e. the time between when the npc appears, gets killed, and re-spawns) isn't fast enough for OP.

    can't verify or deny the complaint - I haven't had to wait for a boss/npc to re-spawn yet, so I don't have a gauge on the timing, but it *can* be an issue.
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • Hawke
    Ummm, while it might break your challenge factor, it doesn't break your quest factor... All you need is one hit on that mob and you get credit...
  • RedWarrior72
    Inversus wrote: »
    Going into 'public' dungeons and getting annoyed at other players is a bad thing to do.
    There are instanced group dungeons, one in each area.

    Not quite sure what you're talking about 'spawn camping'.

    This doesn't seem like a question... more a rant that you put a couple of question marks into at random positions.
    The "spawn camping" is reference to a group of individuals standing at the spawn point of a boss trying to get the first hit in so they get credit for the kill and then can advance the quest. Saw this a lot in beta, seems that it is still going on.
  • Inversus
    Yes there are some buggy spawns where people camp it, which isn't great.

    I'd hardly say this is bad as MMO launches go. So far we've (well, not me, but you guys) had no server downtime, a few bearable quest glitches, an easily fixable bug with character creation and reasonably lagless gameplay.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Exarch
    There was definitely spawn camping yesterday, the lifespan of any quest-relevant named mob was measured in picoseconds so the non-instanced rooms were always full of people standing around waiting for it to respawn so they could whack it once before it died. It's a first-day issue, it will be even worse on Friday, and then forgotten in a month.
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    Inversus wrote: »
    Yes there are some buggy spawns where people camp it, which isn't great.

    I'd hardly say this is bad as MMO launches go. So far we've (well, not me, but you guys) had no server downtime, a few bearable quest glitches, an easily fixable bug with character creation and reasonably lagless gameplay.

    Wait until the 4th, then we will see.
    Edited by SoulSeekerUSA on 31 March 2014 21:44
  • Inversus
    What's special about the 8th..?
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    Inversus wrote: »
    What's special about the 8th..?

    Sorry, was supposed to been the 4th.
  • RedWarrior72
    Inversus wrote: »
    What's special about the 8th..?
    Probably first scheduled down time and patch day. The first of many where they fix some bugs and break other things.
  • Inversus
    Inversus wrote: »
    What's special about the 8th..?

    Sorry, was supposed to been the 4th.

    Oh, okay.
    I doubt much will change before the 4th, patches will be occuring throughout the month.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • hrdndv_ESO
    LOL... I love the reference to a mob only lasting a time "measured in picoseconds." Yes. There are places where a ton of players gather to kill a limited number of spawns. This mob of players will eventually move on to higher level locations. It is a symptom of "Game Start." It is kinda funny to see a bunch of players all camped out waiting for a troll to spawn and pounce on it when it does so that only one group gets credit for the kill. Everyone else has to wait another... 5-30 minutes? or so.
  • SoulSeekerUSA
    hrdndv_ESO wrote: »
    This mob of players will eventually move on to higher level locations.

    Right along with you.
  • Coggage
    The "spawn camping" is reference to a group of individuals standing at the spawn point of a boss trying to get the first hit in so they get credit for the kill and then can advance the quest. Saw this a lot in beta, seems that it is still going on.
    You cannot "tag" a mob in this game to "claim" the mob, if that's what you mean. If 15 people hit it, 15 people get the credit as well as their own loot, if any.

    There is no killstealing, if anyone is concerned about that.

  • kijima
    Inversus wrote: »
    Going into 'public' dungeons and getting annoyed at other players is a bad thing to do.
    There are instanced group dungeons, one in each area.

    Not quite sure what you're talking about 'spawn camping'.

    This doesn't seem like a question... more a rant that you put a couple of question marks into at random positions.
    The "spawn camping" is reference to a group of individuals standing at the spawn point of a boss trying to get the first hit in so they get credit for the kill and then can advance the quest. Saw this a lot in beta, seems that it is still going on.

    That is always going to happen, it was funnier in beta with a broken quest where a Boss wouldn't respawn so you go down to where he/she was supposed to be, stand on the exact marker to find the boss had been replaced with characters doing pushups or playing the lute to pass the time.

    That was usually my cue to go and make a coffee.

    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Inversus
    The spawn camping would happen, but everyone gets credit for the kill in ESO.
    It's just some weird quests with bad respawns, which should be fixed in the next few patches.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Dragonetti
    agonyhell wrote: »
    beta tested and played at least 40 mmorpg's

    How did you come up with that number? Counted? :)

    “Never let your sense of morals stand in the way of doing what's right”
  • Varko
    Hardly a bad mmo launch. I'm playing and it's smooth.. haha. Kids today...
  • Foul_Corsair
    At least 40? You must be old.... :| Now, name them...

    And tbh I don't consider this spawn camping as such. Its simply ppl trying to advance their quest. Spawn camping to me is a bunch of peeps camping on something that spawns and when u kill/open it, it gives u a pile of good loot/gear, so they wait around for respawn. It will die down as ppl lvl and not all of us are standing around in the lower lvl zones. Surely you've seen it in most if not all of those other mmo's. I know I have
    Edited by Foul_Corsair on 12 April 2014 17:57
    would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole?
  • hrdndv_ESO
    According to Wiki: "The term MMORPG was coined by Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima Online, in 1997"

    So playing 40 of them would not be impossible in 18 years, and such a player would not necessarily be older than 30 years old... LOL

    And I agree, this launch has not been bad. Hard to evaluate yet, but smoother than I expected.
  • Socratic
    hrdndv_ESO wrote: »
    According to Wiki: "The term MMORPG was coined by Richard Garriott, the creator of Ultima Online, in 1997"

    So playing 40 of them would not be impossible in 18 years, and such a player would not necessarily be older than 30 years old... LOL

    And I agree, this launch has not been bad. Hard to evaluate yet, but smoother than I expected.

    That would be 17 years. OP starting with EQ would equate to 15 years ;p. I guess he's never happy with any game judging by at "least 40", just a game hopper that probably moans about every game he plays.
  • Hellbane
    This is actually one of the smoothest launches I've experienced. I've only encountered one issue so far with a frog race but that's it. I'm having a blast!
    Captain Hellbane of the Dominion at your service.
  • Raeph
    You've played 40 MMORPGs and yet you're still caught off guard by launch period issues? I call BS, because I've been playing MMOs since The Realm and UO, and this is not the worst launch by a long shot. The starter zones are flooded, as they always are. Some quests aren't working perfectly, as there always are. But aside from that the game is in a good state, the servers have performed well, and we don't have huge login queues (yet, knock on wood).

    Go back in time and play the Anarchy Online release, then tell me this has been the worse one ever.
    Edited by Raeph on 1 April 2014 19:24
  • Melian
    Go do the mages' and fighters' guild questlines; you'll probably like those. Or queue for a dungeon.There's plenty of instanced stuff to do.
  • wounded_graywolf
    You want a challenge at low level (8 or so) with no one camping? Go to the Matron's Clutch along the shore in Stonefalls. It's west of Ebonheart on the beach. Go solo. Lots of high-respawn-rate critters, although the matron herself may take a long time to show up, at least under current circumstances. You'll be challenged.
    Edited by wounded_graywolf on 1 April 2014 20:10
    Ebonheart Pact
    Member, Order of the Silver Dragons
  • claudekennilol
    You want a challenge at low level (8 or so) with no one camping? Go to the Matriarch's Clutch along the shore in Stonefalls. It's west of Davon's Watch on the beach. Go solo. Lots of high-respawn-rate critters, although the matriarch herself may take a long time to show up, at least under current circumstances. You'll be challenged.

    Lol, you mean the giant crab that bugs out and despawns after engaging and getting the achievement anyways?
  • wounded_graywolf
    You want a challenge at low level (8 or so) with no one camping? Go to the Matriarch's Clutch along the shore in Stonefalls. It's west of Davon's Watch on the beach. Go solo. Lots of high-respawn-rate critters, although the matriarch herself may take a long time to show up, at least under current circumstances. You'll be challenged.

    Lol, you mean the giant crab that bugs out and despawns after engaging and getting the achievement anyways?

    No -- that's at Shipwreck Strand and is "Crabclaw" or some such name. The Matron Deurgh is what I mean -- I've never seen her spawn, but all her brood are a lot to deal with. High HP, hit hard, and respawn fast.

    Edit: the place I mean is west of Ebonheart, not Davon's Watch -- sorry.

    Edited by wounded_graywolf on 1 April 2014 20:10
    Ebonheart Pact
    Member, Order of the Silver Dragons
  • Stienbjorn
    Anarchy Online, my MMO love/hate relationship. That game was a broken mess when it launched, but man did it reek of potential.
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