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The infinite loading screens are back

Now that the infinite loading screens returned, it's probably a good idea to add an button to cancel the loading and let us return to the previous point instead of leaving us with the single solution of closing the game window and logging in again. It would be a really helpful way to get around these issues.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 11 April 2023 17:16
  • shadyjane62
    I have noticed this in both EU and NA. It allows me to cook and check the laundry.
  • jle30303
    I have crashed half a dozen times - four to desktop, two to plain black screen. Sometimes during loading, sometimes while just walking around.

    My gameplay is INCREDIBLY choppy whenever there is any actual action.

    I don't know what their idea of an "improvement" in performance is, but this isn't it.
  • deadsheepb14_ESO
    There is a free-to-play promo on steam currently, so that's going to stress the servers a bit more than normal I think?
    Edited by deadsheepb14_ESO on 7 April 2023 23:24
  • Tenthirty2
    Had several CTDs in the past 1-2 weeks but no infinite loading screens, yet... [ominous tone plays]
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • disintegr8
    Long loading screens, a virtually permanent lag and regular DC's have been present for me since the last update. The birthday event isn't helping at all.

    I missed out on a vet trial completion last week because I dc'd just before the boss died - no loot, no quest completion. I tanked nCR a few days ago, lagged so bad that I died and was res'd before I was even dead on my screen.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • jle30303
    Wrong category. This does not happen in other games: it is not a PC problem: it is a Zenimax problem.
  • harvey07
    yeah. my log in and out to the character screen is 2 - 3 mins each way. so i click my character.....wait 2-3 mins to 'zone in' dailies then /camp....and another 2-3 mins until i get back to the character screen so i can do it all over again. load times exceed my play time on alts.

    i normally now hit enter or /camp and get up and go do something until i zone back in.
  • NeKryXe

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding

    It wasn't my intention to turn this into a strict "PC Technical" issue. I don't believe that it'll ever be completely fixed. It's something that happens from time to time and we are already used to it. My main interest was the suggestion to add a "cancel" button on the loading screen and let us return to the previous position, instead of letting it stuck trying to load another region. It's something that could be done for all platforms and not only for PC.

    So, it's not at all a "PC Technical Support" thread. It's a suggestion for an implementation on all platforms not a request for support. I placed it on "general" because I couldn't find a specific area for suggestions. Please review it again. Thanks.
  • Ragnork
    :( Infinite load screen

    Was kicked from game, lost lobby connection.
    Waited a few minutes before logging back in, selected character and now stuck on load screen.

    PC EU
    Wait time, not sure, have been reading newspaper and chatting to family whilst waiting. Meanwhile my wife has completed a round of writs and 3x endeavours.
    Have passed character selection screen, now on the loading screen to Greenshade.
  • ZOS_Bill
    As the OP wanted to make a suggestion for a cancel button instead of needing troubleshooting, we have decided to close this discussion from further comments.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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