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Please Help Me Optimize My Time In-Game

I have been playing this game since it came out, I loved the game, Even when I was made partly Blind, I kept struggling playing the game. My Wife and a couple of friends came on to play with me and they also started to love the game.... BUT....

No matter what I do I cannot match their damage - level 1400+ at the time versus lvl 200 - 800's , time goes on and they are now ALL 1000 - 1500, I'm 1770, they do Way More damage than me, I tried using the same race - same armour - same champion points - same attributes exact copies of their characters , They do between 32,000 and 60,000+ damage, I cannot get over 16,000 . They level up rapidly... I do it slowly.

Nobody explains HOW YOU SET UP , its all different sites with different conflicting opinions - none of which seem to work for me, but some do for the others.

And now the Final Straw ... the Jubilee event , I was looking forward to a new cake and some new bits & Bobs, but when I was being told that people were getting recipes / motifs / Legendry materials I was All in, I took a pile of pain killers & Sat down to have fun... First daily - I was informed that I got a coffer and a Jubilee box, quick rush to see what I was going to get ... Ethereal Dust?? Chrome plating ?? chrome grains, the excitement was there .. But what the daffy duck , the coffer is there but no Jubilee Box ... try again, same result , and again, same result. ok try changing character try again... same coffer Yes Jubilee NO... I am at Multiple tries Now, and although I keep being awarded the Jubilee Boxes I have yet to Get one !!!

So I will have another couple of tries, to get the boxes, and then its going to be enough is enough, too many years and too much money spent to get shafted in all directions.

its hard enough playing this game being part blind , but to put in lots of effort for Nothing is Just getting me depressed , life is enough of a struggle without deliberately looking for more...

Open to Suggestions here, I do not want to give up on a great game, but 580 champion points and all the best of gear, = 16,000 damage... naked and all champion point son healing 16,000 damage. Jester event we are all playing together... they go up 30 levels... I go up 10.

what's wrong with this??????
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 7 April 2023 03:31
  • Ratzkifal
    In lots of events there is doubled XP. You needed to interact with the Pie of Misrule tool that should be in your collection for the Jester's event to increase your XP gain by 100%. For the current event you just need to eat a slice of your pie that you summon to get the event tickets. If they went up 30 levels and you only 10 while you were doing the exact same activities, then this XP boost is the most likely culprit. There are also XP scrolls which you can get from login rewards which can further speed up your XP gain.

    That you aren't getting jubilee boxes is indeed a bit strange. Are you sure you are not getting them? Their full english name is Anniversary Jubilee Gift Box, so they start with "A".
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • TaSheen
    Also, do you have autoloot enabled? If so, you may not be seeing them as autoloot is opening them as you get them.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • rauyran
    Do you have an addon like Unboxer that is automatically opening your Jubilee boxes for you?
  • SeaGtGruff
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    For the current event you just need to eat a slice of your pie that you summon to get the event tickets.

    I think you meant to type "cake" there. :)

    All three are good suggestions-- alphabetical order, auto-loot, and add-ons. Hopefully the OP will be able to figure out what's happening.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • JimFord047
    My way of checking.... Blind man rules... look at it, look at it again, look at it again, whatever the common is that's the answer!!

    So before handing in the Quest, look at the inventory, and the craft bag, take a note of the number of items in the bag (27/205)

    Collect the quest, now 28/205, the only thing in is the coffer, open the coffer 2 items its now 29/205. Looking into the craft bag NO NEW ITEMS, ergo, either the Jubilee Boxes are empty (with or without the A) or they have not went onto the account!!

    Yes the Wife reminds me every 2 hours to eat the pie!! or in this case the cake!!

    So its still not what the new title has been changed TO, I do not need to Optimize my time in game (nobody will hire a Blind Network Consultant / Computer Engineer, All I have is time....), I want to know why all of this is happening and what to do about it . or ask a My doctor to up my anti-depressants to combat the stress that I am putting myself under. Same thing really.. I hate taking Medications - I would rather the problem be fixed, so for My eyes it was a Surgical Mess-up - 2 years and several specialists , there is no fix, I am going Blind (totally), therefore they cannot fix the eyes so give me happy pills to get over the fact they cannot fix the eyes..

    The Frustration / Stress of working as hard as I can, but going backwards in the game is not an addition i desire , and I do not need more pills, If I cannot find out Why, the same setup of 4 different people have 2 different results (3 work mines does not) then its time to just Plain give up.

    But the engineer in me says "There is a Problem, Where is the start middle and end, Now Work a Solution" , mostly that starts with RTFM, but there is NO manual for me to read... lmao and even if there was, these days I cannot read!!
  • TaSheen
    What daily quests are you doing? When you say "coffer" are you referring to the containers you get from the daily writ turnins?

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • JimFord047
    High Isle, Daily Job Brokers, each gives a high Isle Coffer and an anniversary jubilee box .

    When I then go into the Chr$ it only shows the 1 item, the High Isle Coffer. having been added, no materials, no plans, no recipes, if I then open the coffer it shows 1 item in the last case systres Maul epic, i remove the item, the coffer deletes and the inventory shows 1 new item, systres maul. Nothing Else.

    But at that one, my wife saw the anniversary box and 7 items being "added" on the notification box on the bottom right of the screen, Yet None of the items were in the inventory or craft bag

    this is the puzzle....

    But more interested in why my damage is messed up

    this morning, I was doing my 16,000 damage (criticals), now this evening, without changing anything, I am now only doing 13, 450 critical and 21,504 normal damage .. I thought the criticals were meant to be higher than the damage not the other way around
  • Jaimeh
    JimFord047 wrote: »
    And now the Final Straw ... the Jubilee event , I was looking forward to a new cake and some new bits & Bobs, but when I was being told that people were getting recipes / motifs / Legendry materials I was All in, I took a pile of pain killers & Sat down to have fun... First daily - I was informed that I got a coffer and a Jubilee box, quick rush to see what I was going to get ... Ethereal Dust?? Chrome plating ?? chrome grains, the excitement was there .. But what the daffy duck , the coffer is there but no Jubilee Box ... try again, same result , and again, same result. ok try changing character try again... same coffer Yes Jubilee NO... I am at Multiple tries Now, and although I keep being awarded the Jubilee Boxes I have yet to Get one !!!

    If you are doing repeatable dailies and you are not getting the Jubilee boxes, it might be a bug on your end, because they definitely should be dropping. Are you sure you started to do the dailies after the event had gone live?
  • spartaxoxo
    Earlier today the Jester Festival was active, Anniversary didn't start until 10 am EST.

    As for your damage, try and look up a 1 bar Oakensoul build. The reason you're not getting the damage you desire sounds like your rotation. A simpler rotation might make things less frustrating.
  • festegios
    JimFord047 wrote: »
    High Isle, Daily Job Brokers, each gives a high Isle Coffer and an anniversary jubilee box .

    this morning, I was doing my 16,000 damage (criticals), now this evening, without changing anything, I am now only doing 13, 450 critical and 21,504 normal damage .. I thought the criticals were meant to be higher than the damage not the other way around

    How are you measuring your damage? If you’re just talking about the damage numbers that appear on your screen your can’t really take them as being your dps, they are just the damage caused by your skills at that time.

    I’m sure there are add-ons that can track damage. Or just go whack a dummy.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    JimFord047 wrote: »
    And now the Final Straw ... the Jubilee event , I was looking forward to a new cake and some new bits & Bobs, but when I was being told that people were getting recipes / motifs / Legendry materials I was All in, I took a pile of pain killers & Sat down to have fun... First daily - I was informed that I got a coffer and a Jubilee box, quick rush to see what I was going to get ... Ethereal Dust?? Chrome plating ?? chrome grains, the excitement was there .. But what the daffy duck , the coffer is there but no Jubilee Box ... try again, same result , and again, same result. ok try changing character try again... same coffer Yes Jubilee NO... I am at Multiple tries Now, and although I keep being awarded the Jubilee Boxes I have yet to Get one !!!

    If you are doing repeatable dailies and you are not getting the Jubilee boxes, it might be a bug on your end, because they definitely should be dropping. Are you sure you started to do the dailies after the event had gone live?

    Event is live now. I would do a fast daily like a crafting one. And see if that works. Or try one from a different zone.

    I say this because there have been issues in previous years where daily quests from certian zones in game did not trigger event awards. So variety could be key here.
  • Soarora
    festegios wrote: »
    JimFord047 wrote: »
    High Isle, Daily Job Brokers, each gives a high Isle Coffer and an anniversary jubilee box .

    this morning, I was doing my 16,000 damage (criticals), now this evening, without changing anything, I am now only doing 13, 450 critical and 21,504 normal damage .. I thought the criticals were meant to be higher than the damage not the other way around

    How are you measuring your damage? If you’re just talking about the damage numbers that appear on your screen your can’t really take them as being your dps, they are just the damage caused by your skills at that time.

    I’m sure there are add-ons that can track damage. Or just go whack a dummy.

    If you want to work on your damage, whacking a dummy is a good idea. Gear isn't everything, skill is. Dummies don't move, there's no mechanics, you just get to work on your rotation and see what your real damage is and where to go from there (using combat metrics).
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Kiyakotari
    Try doing crafting writs, they’re dailies that are easy to farm and give lots of Anniversary Boxes.
  • Tenthirty2
    OP I'm sorry you're frustrated.
    I'm definitely not upper-crust when it comes to damage so I'd leave any suggestions for that part of your post to more knowledgeable players.

    For your Jubilee box issues:
    If I understand correctly you are seeing the Jubilee box being rewarded but you are not seeing it in your inventory?

    If so can I ask if you are on PC and if you are using Lazy Writ Crafter addon?
    If you are there is a setting in the addon to autoloot anniversary boxes.

    I had that happen on an alt earlier, did like 10 dailies, saw the box being awarded, open my bag later, ZERO jubilee boxes.
    It was LRC autolooting it for me.
    So I did get the rewards, but I like to open my own presents TYVM lol, so I turned that setting off.
    Edited by Tenthirty2 on 7 April 2023 00:51
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • belial5221_ESO
    If you use lazy writ crafter addon it's set to auto open boxes,unless you disable it in the addon settings.Mostly there's various mats,I'm rarely getting much else,once in while a recipe or motif.

    For damage,it's trial and error on gear, skills, CP.The sites tell setups and rotation,but you gotta be quick and precise doing things,so it all comes down to playstyle.Not everyone can use same builds and get same results.

    Don't worry about being high/top damage,jsut enjoy playing the game at your own pace.I can't move hands fast enough and don't care for trials,cause too much for me to do.I jsut do most solo,or duo dungeons/arena with my brother.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • JimFord047
    reinstalling the game to see if that helps!

    My Biggest Problem is the setups... The old Champion Point system was a lot better than this one, Do Not get me wrong it's probably quite good if you know how to use it! But that's never been explained nor documented , its a case of Trial and error, which in my case means THOUSANDS in gold Chopping and Changing, for the dammed thing to be all different in a few hours!!

    Dummies are good - got a couple of them, and access to more via the Beam me up Guild house , but they do not translate to the Game World, they are always a couple of Thousand out.

    I have tried making Characters with the exact same Setups but different races, to see if that is the problem. EG a Templar Build with High Elf - Dark Elf - Breton - Imperial they all do basically the exact same damage , I have put all the attribute points to Magika and then to Stamina and then 50/50 exact same damage!!

    I have transmuted Armours full sets /mixed sets epic and legendry, changed them from nothing all the way up to nirnhoned, tried various enchantments all end up wit the exact same amount of damage, they all cap out at 16,380

    in the Quest for damage its all based upon and oakensoul build - when its not it caps out AT 5739

    I have even put the builds into the ESOBUILDEDITOR - every aspect exact and I am always 1000 - 3000+ short of what it says the build should do.

    The Current Build is mostly a survivable Healers Build for Group Dungeons, So All of the champion Points are onto the Healer bits ( oh and it still does 16,380 damage)

    5 pieces of Twice Born (to allow for The Shadow and the Ritual, so far the best healing Combo) a combo of Heavy / Medium / Light to make use of the Undaunted Bonuses

    5 pieces of leeching Plate (to allow for me to survive) Heavy Armour
    An OakenSoul Ring

    And a Pauldron / Arm Cop / Epaulete of a monster set to boost healing

    the restoration Staff is powered for Healing, but the Lightning staff is carried as Nirnhoned / precise / Powered / Sharpened

    The bar is 3 healing 1 defense 1 offense all class abilities allowing me to just switch in and out thhe different staffs without changing the whole thing

    this has been changed around Multiple times ALL WITH THE EXACT SAME RESULT MAX 16,384

    Heavy Armours

    Medusa / Rattlecage / Dreugh King / Briarheart / gloom Grace / Livewire, in various Assortments / enchantments etc

    Medium Armours

    Hundings rage / Storm Master / Briarheart and a few others, various Assortments / enchantments Etc


    the image above is what I had been working on at 03:00 with a handful of pain meds, just to show how METHODICAL I have been trying to work this out

    but here it is in a more readable form

    The Character is lvl 1762 Everything is Levelled up to Maximum Level 50 , 0 Champion Points

    setup Critical Hits Normal Hits

    0 Attribute's 2751 1831
    64 on Magic 3324 2216
    64 on Stamina 3324 2216
    50/50 Magic/stamina 3037 2025
    64 Magica + Magica Armour Enchantment 3496 2330
    64 Magica + Stamina Armour Enchantments 3496 2330
    64 Stamina + Magica Armour Enchantment 3496 2330
    64 Stamina + Stamina Armour Enchantments 3496 2330

    now take the top results and start Adding Mundas Stones

    Critical Hits Normal Hits

    The Lover 5623 3559
    The Shadow 5643 3339
    The Warrior 5534 3503
    The Apprentice 5534 3503
    The Thief 5275 3339
    The Lover + The Shadow 7449 4474
    The Lover + The Thief 5739 3632
    The Lover + The Warrior 5803 3673

    Take the Top 2 and add on the Oakensoul ring

    Critical Hits Normal Hits

    The Lover + The Shadow 16374 9668
    The Lover + The Warrior 15847 9332

    Now Take the Top Result and start adding the Champion points

    Critical Hits Normal Hits

    Fighting Finesse 16374 9668

    makes No difference from Now on in All champion points single or plain ALL champion points mixed = the above 16,374 is the MAX

    change the Armours Around Twice born + Medusa / Twice Born + Dreugh King / Medusa +Dreugh King (all Armours Divines)

    Critical Hits Normal Hits

    15350 9029
    14709 8562
    15017 8834
    14803 8807
    14150 8283
    14445 8437

    As you can see the results were Varied Down the Way, the top score was actually going back to the original Setup, it could not reach the 16,374 max, instead it was 15,350. However the next day it was back to the 16,374

    Armour mix off Medusa + Rattlecage or Dreugh King should have been a lot higher than Twice Born on its own, but came nowhere near it!!

    so the Healers Survival Build was worked out... a lot better for healing / reviving whilst taking a lot of hits (only the Dark Elf Templar survives Fire a little longer) giving a Maximum of 16,374 All the time.... Until Yesterday!!!!

    The all of a Sudden My Crits were down 3000 to 13,374 but my normal damage rose from 9029 to 21,074 , I have used multiple Apps to measure the damage NONE COME BACK THE SAME as each other, so this is based upon the Zenimax Built in damage counter.

    And a little Logical deviance, same Dungeon - same Boss - Different Armours, how long does it take to kill it!! 6 times then averaged time. the Quicker the death, the more your hitting it , except they all take the same average time!!!

    Use the Wives Account, put on the same Armour, same mundus, same champion points , same race, same Attributes and kill it about 3 times faster, with 3 times the damage.

    ask friends to do the same experiment - roughly the same result as wife, meaning something on my WHOLE ACCOUNT is Not Working Correctly!!!!

    But I am open to Suggestions!!!!

  • JimFord047
    Also to Add - I have done this with Addons and without Addons enabled , not made a difference
  • festegios
    JimFord047 wrote: »

    I suggest if you want to improve your damage then take a trip to YouTube and look up someone like skinny cheeks. Your currently using sets that arnt really used that often anymore,

    It almost looks like you’re over thinking all of this too.

    If a oaken sorc can just hold down one button and get 90k+ then I’m sure you’ll get there
  • Kusto
    How are people still struggling when we have Oakensoul? I dont get it. All you need is sergeant's mail and storm master sets. Sergeant's is a heavy armor set so you wanna use 1 ring, 1 necklace, lightning staff and chest piece. The rest of body is storm master and head can be 1 piece Slimecraw for some extra crit. Make sure all body pieces are divines and enchant magica. Also you wanna have the head Slimecraw piece light armor. Then you get the most out of the undaunted skilline passives. All jewelery bloodthirsty with spell damage glyphs. Staff precise with flame or poison enchant. Also its important to gold out the staff. Body and jewelery are not that important and can be purple. Thief mundus and blue food (max magica and max hp). Class dont really matter but sorcs pull slightly more dps than others. For race go with high elf or dark elf. CP depends somewhat on your class and content youre doing but cant go wrong with this: blue tree slottables master at arms, weapons expert, wrathful strikes, deadly aim.
    Then go to the raid target dummy (iron atro 21mil hp). You don't even need to use any abilities. Just make sure you have the passives for destro staff, racial, med and light armor( if using 1 piece light head). Also helps if you got fighters guild leveled. You can slot fighters skills abilities just to get extra wep damage via passives.
    Then all you have to do is heavily attach. Hold down 1 button until dummy is dead. Result should be 70-80k. You're welcome and have fun carrying pugs in vet content.

    And if you wanna hit 100k then slot 5 hardest hitting abilities your class has and use them between heavy attacks.
  • JimFord047
    Lol, I am Very Appreciative of the help So Far!!

    But... (has to be a BUT in there!!)

    Everyone seems to be recommending Light / medium Armour where as I kind of Need to wear Heavy, I thought I did Mention I AM BLIND, well 80% BLIND, by the time I see something I have been hit about 10 times, light armour & I am Just respawning All the time! Also as an added bonus , Decades off Military Service & A couple of accidents has left me rather Buggered up mobility wise, my Brain can react to things but the signal to the fingers can take a while, so Lightning Staff is the preferred point and shoot device! and as a PS I am OLD, so add in the age factor (not yet senile... but practising for it)

    When Playing in a Group I am normally the healer, a. Because I do not do that much damage, b. I normally Survive longer and get to heal the Squishy always Dying DPS's , c. In Trials the Setup Allows Me to Work as an Alternative Tank if needed + still heal.

    And Remember EVERYTHING is max Level!!!

    As To Overthinking.... You May have a Point, and here is the But!!! YouTube is not always the answer! Some Person had to work it all out to make the Video, Were they overthinking, just thinking, or got lucky????

    OK STORM MASTERS + SERGEANT'S as a first off, the setup I am Using Beats it !! for Survivability and Damage!!! All Divines + Magika Enchantments, augmented with Oakensoul and Zann's (worked out better than Slimecraw) utilising Undaunted / Fighters Guild Bonuses The CP's are as Suggested but mixed around with Fighting Finesse / Thaumatage / Untamed Aggression (everything was legendry) Basically been there tried that Binned it...

    the Iron Atronach Dummy, the setup quoted above I am using hits 75K on that dummy, yet go out into the game and that 75K damage drops to between 13K & 16K wheres the other 60K?????

    A Lot of the "high Damage Builds!" are every now and again Crit hits , Those even I can make (on target Dummies, not playing the game) I am Not looking for 100K every now and again nor 80K, If i Could get 50K I would be happy (more than happy in fact)

    Skinny Cheeks Video, was / is informative, But... (I know it has to be here) take a look at the Stats for Medusa / Rattlecage / Dreugh King, they are about the same, the Point I made is that I have set up a Damage Sorc on 4 Separate Accounts and Mines is 30% -40% of their damage!!!

    And Just to prove the point I spent ALL DAY Yesterday Levelling up a Templar on my Other account, and at a Level 32 with Limited Champion Points from the lvl 282 , its Doing MORE DAMAGE with the same Setup as My Main Account!!!

    That's My Problem, It's NOT THE BUILD'S ... the Builds Work .. .. .. .. Its Anything on this account Will Not do Any damage!!! that's the Problem, The Account !!!!!

    that's What I Need Fixed!!!

    Everything was Fine Until Zenimax Reduced My Lvl Because An Error had Given me Too Many XP Points , I had No Problem with being Reduced down, If It Needed Correcting then No Problem, I would not have been the only one. But since then I seem to have a Damage CAP, and nothings Altering it.

    explain what I sad Before 13K Crit's and 21K Normal Damage!!!
  • TaSheen
    Most normal players (leaving the top 1-2% out of consideration) don't have the identical amount of damage in dungeons/trials/arenas that they can produce on dummies. Dummies buff you; dummies stand still; dummies don't fight back.

    I can (with Oakensoul and light attack weaving only on one bar of course) hit about 50k on the dummy at my house (can't remember what it's called or how much hp it has - not in game right now - it's one we got in nested gift boxes for something years back) but in actual combat I don't get more than half that due to needing to move mostly.

    And yes, low damage, even with Oakensoul because my only connection is high ping satellite, and I'm in my mid-70s with not great reflexes any more. Still it's better by far that what I was getting prior to Oakensoul.... and I really struggle with twitchy combat which is what this game provides.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • KV_Tootn
    Hello there.
    So im playing with JimFord047 and can tell You all ,hes talking the right stuff.
    He is so dedicated to find out everything whats wrong and right, by testing all races ,diferrent clasess and everything what goes around. He does so much research in this that it is sometimes crazy. And yet hes strugling with dps. He literaly copied my char and we tested diferent builds and yet he never got the numbers i can have... We tested it out with different accounts and even without gears and atributes and yet he cant do high damage.... It jsut looks like a soft cap on dps or something wrong wit his account... Whatever he tries dosnt help. And thats dissapointing. After reaching out to Zos he even got level downgrade of some buug that they had with exp gain.......
    Hes a great healer and tank helper, but he simply cant do damage........... We tried everything.
    Ork * Templar * CP1812 * DPS*Tank-fulltime
    DK - Tank
    High elf*Sorcerer*DPS
    High elf*Arcanist*Dps
  • TaSheen
    The one thing I can think of is if your connection isn't very good, OP? I mean, I KNOW how bad my dps is and a lot of that is due to high satellite ping.

    Of course if you're on a gig connection then that's not your problem! Hmm. Unless you're using an older machine (like I am - this one's 7 years old, and while it runs 4k screens just fine, the rest of it really needs to be new - maybe after I've paid the SUV off in August).

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • KV_Tootn
    Well thats a intresting gues. But that dosnt explain the wierd numbers at crits and damages.. While hes crits are smal the damage stays high... Lets wait on Jims reply on this...
    Ork * Templar * CP1812 * DPS*Tank-fulltime
    DK - Tank
    High elf*Sorcerer*DPS
    High elf*Arcanist*Dps
  • JimFord047
    lol I have Spent the last 37 Years as a Computer Enthusiast (Nerd) / Computer Engineer / Network Consultant, So I actually do not have a lot of Hardware / Software issues, My Daily Fix and Clean Routine is what most people only do when their Computer Dies and is having to be repaired!

    Generally When Companies Cannot get their hardware AND Software Gelling , that's when I get involved , Military / Medical / Financial / Production Sectors Internationally , So Getting it Correct is a Must - Not - an Option! This kind of spills over to my own Computer as well, its Just automatic to me and happens without even thinking about it (LMAO NOT OVERTHINKING - JUST WORK)

    The Connection is a Fibre 1Gb , with ESO set on a QoS of 2 so it is pretty much never interrupted. And is tested with Speed Tests on a daily basis (Download / Upload Speed is at the moment 964.38 download and 52.43 Upload Transatlantic)

    ESO has been on since just about the release day!! and I have 4 separate Accounts though 2 have not been used in a decade! and 1 is basically a Mule for armours etc (ok I am an item Hoarding git)

    The ONLY Software Running other than the OS & Security when playing the game is DISCORD, which is used to talk to friends (Grudgingly - as its as secure /Stable as a jelly in a furnace) I have taken into account the Lag from the Discord, and it's Streaming interrupts, but I never stream and the result is the same with it turned off!!

    Yes its an Old Computer For 5 Reasons.

    1.When Built it was Totally over Spec'd , for work and Play
    2. With time it has had Upgrades
    3. It Still Works well, it will Keep Pace with the wives computer which is much newer (and way more expensive, thank you lockdowns)
    4. As Any Good Engineer will tell you - "If it is not broken, then do not fix it"
    5. Note to Nvidia / AMD / Intel Take your current prices and stick them where ducks stick their bills!!!!

    So Computer Specs

    Gigabyte X99 Gaming G1 WIFI (on an 1GB Fibre Ethernet Connection)
    HEDT Intel i7 5930K (overclocked Liquid Cooled)
    64Gb Corsair Vengeance Ram
    EVGA RTX2080 Super FTW3 Ultra Gaming (Upgraded from EVGA GTX 980Ti FTW Ultra Gaming ACX 2.0)
    Windows 10 Enterprise Boot Device 1TB Samsung 980 Pro (Fully Updated)
    Windows 11 Enterprise Boot Device 1TB WD SN770 (Not a Hack, Officially DIRECT Installed & Fully Updated)
    Unix (not Linux) Boot Device Samsung MZHPV512
    Game Drive 1 1TB WD SN770
    RAID 5 Data Array 40TB Toshiba Based
    RAID 0 Work Drives 16TB Seagate Based
    Rolling Backup Drive 16TB Seagate

    Game Run as 4K Native (it's Nicer and more accurate without DLSS / DLAA / FSR) Same Copy of the game on ALL OS Versions (Has Been Reinstalled in the past couple of days to omit that as a Possible problem - Though it would not have been as the PTS was a later install and Gives the same issue)

    The only 2 games installed are ESO (PTS as well if being Picky) and Fallout 76, everything else is not on the computer and installed if and when wanted (then removed from system after use and system Cleaned.)

    All Drivers are the Latest Current Release - and if they prove to Be inefficient or problematic then they are rolled back to the previous stable edition.

    There Are other NVME drives on PCIe Caddies that can simply be plugged in to the system as and when required, the Beauty of and HEDT System 40 PCIe lanes on the CPU and another 32 on the mainboard . So Hackintosh / Windows XP - ME - 7 - 8 / Linux Operating systems Simple Plug and Play, but they are for WORK and irrelevant here - but just full disclosure!

    Wives Computer

    Trust me, unless I have to I do not go near this Nightmare!!! to me its like a person (the wife) has tossed a hand grenade into a computer library and is happily living in the remains!!!

    Asrock Taichi X570
    AMD 5600X (in process of Upgrading to 5800x3D)
    Corsair 360 Capellix AIO
    64Gb 3800 Corsair Vengeance Ram
    EVGA RTX3080 FTW3 Gaming Ultra
    Windows 11 Pro Boot Drive 1TB Sabrent Rocket 4.0
    2 x 1TB Crucial MX500 (ESO on these)
    Game Store 4TB Seagate Hybrid
    Data Store 8TB Seagate Ironwolf Pro

    Running FULL UNICORN PUKE (gag!!)

    Yesterday, the Damage was nowhere near Stable - I was Seeing on some characters up to 38,000 as critical hits and normal damage of 24,000+ in Dungeons, but mostly it was staying about the 14,000 critical and 16,100 normal as being reported by the ESO Built in damage round the target . Strangely Enough on a couple of occasions I did see 10,100 Damage over time Numbers as well but they were once in a blue moon, mostly the damage over time was 5480 -a Vast improvement of the normal 1000 - 2000.

    The Bit that is Bugging me with the figures above, is the fact that it was happening with the Full healer Builds - Not One Champion Point on Damage - Only Healing.

    I was hoping to get to fully try it out with wife / Toten / max last night... but My Old ass went to bed with the cats (My argument is , and I am sticking with it, I am up 5 hours before them, so I get to go to bed at least 3 hours before them!!)

    As to Paying off the SUV lol, not got that problem in Scotland, paid it off a While back... but in Texas the Charger Hellcat is a Different matter (Need the new one!! or the Jeep TrackHawk )

  • JimFord047
    I forgot to Add, I also Have an Apple MacBook Pro 16" that I play the game on, and it has the exact same issues....

    3 Computers - 5 Different Operating systems - 3 separate installs All concurrently Running with Different Accounts, Only 1 Account gives the problems!!!

    Therefore I think we can ignore any possible computer "Blame"

    Hence the Original Title that Zenimax Changed... "I think it is time to stop playing ESO" , (on the Problem Account at least)
  • TaSheen
    Well, I'm all out of ideas then, sorry! I wish you luck with it.... because it sure seems dodgy that only one account is weird.

    [The SUV is a 2020 Subaru Forester, which we bought used in August of last year - had only 11100 miles on it; it will be nice to pay it off and start putting more money in the bank every month instead of on the vehicle loan.]

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • JimFord047
    The Subaru is a good car, though due to its lack of dealers in the uk , rather expensive for repairs. I ended up with what was meant to be a stop gap -the Suzuki Grand Vitara, Turned out to be a great car, and I replaced it a few years ago with another one.

    Family Coming over from the US on Holiday were All surprised at the space inside and the performance of it, though the comments of "Your Main Roads, are the width of most roads through small towns!" still amuses me.

    You get a Jeep Wrangler here and it looks like a Massive Car, in the US its about a normal..

    I always had the rule you want comfort get a car, You want performance get a Motorcycle. So I always had Both, now.... Well getting a tad to messed up for Both, but the Bike is real a No No now.

    As to the game, We all played yesterday, alone and together, I went through the 18 different characters, and they all performed pretty bad. the Best one was the dedicated Dark Elf Sorc, no champion points on offense All on healing, and it was doing its normal 16K. The Rattlecage/Medusa setup was finding it hard to Get 10K with ALL offensive CP's.

    Mad even more interesting with Leeching and Undertakers occasionally working, and Block just Not working in the majority , Taunts were also very iffy.

    The Damage Problem was really brought home when the 2 DPS were hitting the boss, the tank was Dying trying to hold the boss, I was circling healing and killing ALL the Adds , yet combat metrics said I did only 7.2% of the damage... lol they all kill ONE I kill 20+ yet I do the least damage .

    Its Embarrassing when a lvl 1780, is taking hit after hit, still standing and has been hitting an NPC for 3 minutes only to have taken down 25% of its life, and the lvl 242 Tank comes over and kills it with 3 hits!!!

    I will keep plodding, but I am 99.9% Sure its the account that's the problem - not the setups
  • Zodiarkslayer
    JimFord047 wrote: »
    ask friends to do the same experiment - roughly the same result as wife, meaning something on my WHOLE ACCOUNT is Not Working Correctly!!!!

    I understand your confusion and frustration. However...

    What you say makes no sense. Damage calculation is a serverwide implementation. One cannot have different rule sets for the same abilities as everyone else, except one hacks the client and consciously cheats. I don't think you did that.

    My guess is that you are simply hitting the dummy and note down the numbers that pop up or maybe noting down the tooltip numbers of some unspecified ability. That is not what DPS means.
    And since you are repeatedly getting the same/similar numbers, my second guess is that you just light attack. Your numbers would fit that and LAs are capped at base since U37, right?

    I hope you do understand that for comparing damage, there is an established standard. It is Trial Dummy Parses. A player uses his best gear and ability rotation on a 21 million HP dummy and completely kills it. All 21 million HP. At the end you get a DPS read out. The Addon Combat Metrics is even giving you accurate and more detailed readings.

    After all it's about damage per second, and not per hit.

    If you come up with your own system, you loose comparability.
    If you don't share your methodology, you shouldn't be surprised, that noone understands what you are doing and cannot help you.
    And you should not be surprised that what you do is producing erroneous and misleading information, if you do not adhere to standardised and established procedures.

    Sorry to be blunt. 😕
    Edited by Zodiarkslayer on 11 April 2023 09:53
    If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

    Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
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