Bit late on this request, but what are the odds someone could take another look at the "boundary box" for the Anvil of Old Orsinium? The furnishing is gorgeous but doesn't allow anything near it, or even sorta-kinda near it. Trying to create a nice forge area with it is functionally impossible.
Visually, I love this crafting station (also, it's the only non-default Blacksmithing station that isn't in the Clockwork style). But it turns yellow/loses interactability if anyone even looks at it wrong. Put a painting on the wall near it? Anvil is now unusable. Stairs around the corner from it? Anvil becomes unusable. Light up above it? Yep, the Anvil is unusable, enjoy.
Anyone else have this issue with it? Would a developer possibly be interested in relaxing the boundaries on this thing a little bit?
[EDIT: Spelling, words are hard.]
Gameplay Wishlist:-Winterhold [In all of its still-standing, pre-sunken, "rivaling Solitude" glory!]
-Frost class/skill line [Wardens count!]
-Unarmed/monk class or skill line
-Polearms/spears skill line [Aedric Spear counts, but...]
-Bound Weapons skill line [Casters should have more than sticks, yeah?]
-More skill lines in general
Housing Wishlist:-Structure pieces, by the thousands! Walls, doors, stairs; everything from every racial/architectural style
-More functional furniture: doors that open/close, portals to travel throughout one home, etc
-"Lairs" or something similar: another separate, instanced space inside of a home
-NPC's: guards and bards, all day
-The Golden Vendor, but able to be placed in homes [Might help with some excess Cyrodiil traffic, maybe?]
-The Luxury Furnisher, but also able to be placed in homes [... Look, homes are huge and I'm tired of them being empty]
-Boat house [Fair Winds absolutely counts!]
-Boat furnishings in general
-Respec/redidication shrines
-Wayshrines [I can just port to a guildmate, I guess, but...]
-Undaunted pledge billboards/Undaunted NPC's
-Crafting writ billboards
-More mount/pet functionality when placed [Pathing counts!]
-Guild bank/store access
-Ability to repair gear at home [If traveling merchants in the middle of nowhere can do it, why can't I?]
-Other, smaller, fun functionality, like farming or mini-games [Tales of Tribute absolutely counts!]
QoL Wishlist:-Text search boxes [Praise Tall Papa, thank you.]
-Item conversion/transmogrification [Outfit stations absolutely count!]
-Previewer/dressing room [Outfit stations absolutely count!]
-Instead of Arms Packs (or in addition to them), just sell me the blasted VFX
-Gear loadouts [Armory system counts!]
-Skill loadouts Armory system counts!
-Cloaks [I know you said no, but I'm not taking it off my list.]