Welcome new and future mercenaries!
We are in need of new players, as well as experienced players who enjoy teaching others!
Join me in helping to grow our new social guild which is intended for mature adults (I myself am in my thirties but we are accepting of anyone). My intention when creating this guild was to have a gathering place that everyone always wanted to join but had never been able to find. My goal is to have a social space where people can feel at home and among friends. We will foster an active Discord where we discuss The Elder Scrolls, gaming news, deals, and stories, movies, music, and so much more!
As stated above, this guild is intended for mature adults. We will not tolerate hate, drama, or childish attitudes.
As this guild is only just beginning we are in need of a few more officers to help maintain and shape the very essence of the guild.
I believe every member should own the guild in their own way, therefore, I propose a system where the officers can effectively maintain day to day operations, implement fun events, and exercise creative freedom, while members can offer suggestion and vote on any ideas they would like to see! This community belongs to all of us!
Contact me in ESO my ID is
@Cypher_Antares and please contact me if you would like to assist by becoming a commanding officer with full access to help run and operate the guild and Discord. Please comment with any relevant experience you may have in Discord or in-game Guild operations

Thank you everyone!! Enjoy your time in Tamriel!
Edited by Mister_Squirrel on 14 March 2023 04:06