Dismounting my Horse after talking to NPC's.

Every time I speak with an NPC, I am automatically dismounted from my horse. Is anybody else having this issue?

Also, when mounted and attacked, I find it a little difficult to dismount and fight back. Either make it so we can fight mounted, or automatically dismount us upon being attacked. (From experience, I prefer the later...)
  • Inversus
    You're often dismounted while speaking to an NPC, I believe this is intentional.
    I mean, it's rude to stay on your horse while talking to someone...

    As for being mounted while attacked - that's true, but if you stay alert you can dismount pretty quickly.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Darkstorn42
    When messing around with this in the beta I found that if I stayed at the max distance while talking to NPCs I would not get dismounted. But if I was close enough (pretty much if my horse was clipping with the NPC) then I would get dismounted every time.
  • AshenShugar
    I'll try that out Darkstorn. Thanks for the tip!
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