I've been plotting out what to do with Potentate's and have run into a problem I've had before: there are lots of things I want to do to the pool with structural items, but the structural elements I'd need to do them are in completely the wrong stone / style / colour, and no equivalent exists for the style I'd want to use.
I wonder, when new furnishings are released, whether it would be possible to dedicate a portion of the release to new items in the *previous* styles, not just the style of the most recent update.
For instance, we now have a bright blue window from High Isle. But we haven't got windows for anywhere else that are transparent. But it goes well beyond that into eg wall elements, archways and doorways (and, indeed, doors) that you can get in any shade of irregularly constructed grey or bright white, but not in deeper colours unless you want to go daedric.
Housing is a big deal for me and, I imagine, others in the game. It would be nice to see new furnishings added as the game evolved the types of structures available in *all* the styles, rather than, say, getting one dump of materials for Elsweyr and if what you want isn't in there then you'll never get it.
PS Also if the 2024 chapter can adopt a Georgian neoclassical sandstone style with clean stonework (as in more or less regular, not completely textureless) and less froufrou detailing I'd be very grateful. It would look pretty weird in ESO but... Housing. :-D
Edited by Northwold on 31 January 2023 12:39