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Bags & Inventory

Hi Gamers,

So I signed up for the 5 day early access Imperial Edition and so far I'm impressed. The game play is smooth, the action encounters flow, the area to explore is large and the quests are fun and plenty.

The thing I find ESO lacks is control over the inventory (Note that I did not participate in the Beta so this was a completely new experience). I've found the type of interface they are using was ok for Skyrim, where you could store huge amounts of your gear in your home (or in my case dump on the ground) but in ESO we don't have this option. Previous MMO's I have played have reduced the amount of scrolling needed for the inventory with the use of "Loot Bags"

I find that I keep having to travel back to a city and sell loot far too often, there is the option to buy larger bag space, but for early users the cost seems pretty high. I think a bag slot would have worked best especially due to the high amount of drops you can quickly view what you have an organise your loot more efficiently. There is a bank system in game which I have yet to make use of. But yet again you have to travel to a town to be able to use.

Your thoughts?
  • beriiel
    There are npcs you can talk to that will upgrade your inventory. The first one cost around 400 gold.
  • A1istair
    It may seem tedious but this unfortunately is the way ESO is meant to be played. I see that you haven't used the bank yet. This is absolutely detrimental, as most of your materials for crafting and items for either characters should be stored here. This will give you a better management of your items to boot. Also, have you dabbled with crafting? Breaking down items such as iron and steel armor or weapons will not only for example increase blacksmithing but will also clear up a lot of space as the materials used to craft them always stack. Hope this helps.
    Edited by A1istair on 31 March 2014 13:20
    •Alistair Theirin of Primal Instinct
    •Loyal to the Daggerfall Covenant
  • Usstan
    Bag space is a little tight at the start if you pick up everything, from all loot, chests, crates etc. But it shouldn't take you too long to at least get the first 10 additional slot (400g)

    Also, as soon as you get away from the starter islands you can also look for wandering merchants on the roads that you can sell your loot to.
  • DenverRalphy
    Beagle wrote: »
    Leave all your crafting materials in the bank. Empty as much of is out as possible. You don't need to have the crafting materials on you when you use a crafting station, it will pull the items out of your bank vault. That frees up a lot of room. Also, you can make alternate characters and email them some items that you will need in the future but not right away. They will hold on to it for a while until needed and that frees up even more space. The bag and vault upgrades help too, specially the first ones. Also, if you have any extra ore and cloth you just can't use, feel free to send them to me. I will 'dispose' of them for you. I am Beagle, you can find me on DC!
    Unless something has changed very recently, you can't send mail to yourself/alternates.

  • Thete
    My take on inventory is that I appreciate the fact that the bank has shared account storage and that you can craft with items in that bank area. However, I would still like characters to have their own personal space too. MMOs are notorious for needing lots of storage space, and this game (with even just the first few levels) is worse for that than most.
  • Celuwen
    Storage is always one of my biggest challenges in MMOs! I am a natural hoarder, so the fairly steep bag/bank prices are both a blessing and a curse. I've already got a bank mule. *must keep all useless items... FOREVER!* ;)
  • AdeusObsidiusCorvus
    You can't mail to your alts but you can... pop the stuff into your bank then have the alt pick withdraw them and hold the items in their alt inventories till later.
    Adeus Obsidius Corvus Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant,
    Adeus Obsidius Infernus Sorceror Daggerfall Covenant,
    Adeus Obsidius Daemonus Templar Daggerfall Covenant.
    Adeus Obsidius Draconis Dragonknight Ebonheart Pact,
    Verus Incendus Daedrus Nightblade Ebonheart Pact,
    Verus Incendus Arcanus Sorceror Ebonheart Pact.
    Verus Incendus Seraphus Templar Aldmeri Dominion,
    Verus Incendus Scorpius Dragonknight Aldmeri Dominion.
  • eltheria_ESO
    I have 4 alts already. And even though I wanted to be a super crafter (i.e. all of them on one character) I just can't due to spacing, I have my other chars holding the mats for their crafts.
  • decompiler
    lowlifer wrote: »
    ...there is the option to buy larger bag space, but for early users the cost seems pretty high.

    @lowlifer, 400g for the first upgrade is actually not too bad. If you can clear out at least 3 bag spaces now, run around and farm up some iron ore, raw maple, and raw jute. These all stack to 100 in your bag, so they only take up 3 slots. Once you've got close to three full stacks, sell those mats to a vendor; a lap or two around your starter island and you should easily have enough gold for that first bag upgrade.

    As for all of the gear drops you don't need, drop them in your bank until it's full and then head to a crafting station. You can deconstruct/research items from both your bags and your bank. :warning: Be aware that you have to have at least 4 bag slots open in order to deconstruct an item! (Oh, the number of times I've come to the crafting station with only 3 slots open...)

    I don't know if you've already decided on a craft to go into, but If you're already having trouble with storage, I would say avoid enchanting, alchemy, and to some extent provisioning! Runes, plants, and ingredients of the same type stack, but there are many, many different types out there and your bags will fill quickly. Stick with Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Woodworking and you'll be far less storage-starved.

    HTH, good luck! :wink:

    EDIT - Ah, and one more thought! When you're out in the middle of nowhere and you really need a space or two open right now, check to see if something in your bag didn't stack the way it's supposed to. When you move stackable items between your bags and any other container (bank, guild bank, guild store, player trade, etc.) they will not automatically stack, so you'll need to consolidate them by dragging one stack onto the other.
    Edited by decompiler on 31 March 2014 14:19
    Councilor of The Moot
    This space intentionally left blank
  • myblackbox123
    60 slots for all the mats, potions and misc items is not enough imo.
  • Greydog
    I am still a bit miffed that there are no individual banks. I would surely love to have a place other than my inventory to carry things like extra gear, maps and pets.
    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • BigDumbViking
    As has been said... Crafting mats go into your bank vault. The bank is shared across toons, so if you decide to make a crafting toon, you can send awesome crafting items through your bank, ect.

    Also, use your money for bank and bag upgrades. Early on you will want to just loot everything. Later on you can be more selective about what you take.
    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • BigDumbViking
    Oh and don't forget to feed your horse... you can gain inventory slots that way too.
    James Dalton - Nord Dragonknight

    & Trusty Steed Roadhouse

  • lowlifer
    Beagle wrote: »
    Leave all your crafting materials in the bank. Empty as much of is out as possible. You don't need to have the crafting materials on you when you use a crafting station, it will pull the items out of your bank vault.

    Awesome reply man, did not know about that, kinda solves a lot of issues. And the traveling merchants was something I was not aware of. Like I said I'm in the early stages and so far this was the only thing I disliked.
  • myblackbox123
    They should at least put the banks next to the crafting areas. There is a high lack of convenience in eso. However, im optimistic on future improvements.
  • Thete
    They should at least put the banks next to the crafting areas. There is a high lack of convenience in eso. However, im optimistic on future improvements.

    They do. All the crafting areas I've been to have a bank NPC nearby (right next to them in terms of the starter areas).
  • Greydog
    Oh and don't forget to feed your horse... you can gain inventory slots that way too.

    Just don't rely on those pack horse slots. They're only available when the horse is active.

    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • tallenn
    This has been an issue of concern for some time. Their official response was essentially, "deal with it". They aren't going to make crafting material bags or spaces, and they aren't going to add any character-specific bank slots.

    Really, the only option is to have several alts to hold extra crap, or just don't hold onto stuff. Either sell it to a vendor or don't pick it up in the first place.

    Going back to town to sell isn't TOO bad. There are way shrines in just about every new "section" of the zone, so my advice is to go ahead and go back each time you discover one, and clean out your bags- and don't try to hoard. You'll just end up causing yourself grief. There's really nothing you're likely to find at low level that you won't be able to easily re-acquire later, if you really need it.

    I also recommend getting a mod with a bag space counter. That way you can see at a glance when your space is getting low.
  • timtipi2
    i made a thread about bags , not so much about space, but the managing of it,

    i understand they have the list system like skyrim, for console users, seems more friendly then grid style i gues.

    maybe they dont want bags like ( the other mmo)
    but why not its a working system, basicly EVERY mmo has it in grid why do it diffrently in eso

    i played templar as dps / healer, i carrier to sets of items in beta, and alot of time i accidently sold some items from the offset because of this stupid list.

    i can only imagine that happening lategame were u found or crafted an awsome item and it turns out u sold it by accident and find it out to late to buyback.

    dont say mark as junk then only sell junk, because thats not an option, im not gona stand still and go through the list to mark stuff as junk or not everytime, selling it at the store takes just as much time

    besides 1 might wanna keep his gear loot to scrap it for crafting later instead of selling it as junk.

    -Grid system ( i know its possible there is an addon halfway of doing it right)
    -option to lock stuff to inventory (like mark junk) so u can't click sell it without a warning.

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