Solstheim might be the right size the Chapter Plan starting this year. My impression is that they want to dial back on "quest" stuff, and that introduces the possibility of smaller zones, or less to do in them.
If we're going to assume that there are any hints here about what's to come, I'll point out that the use of the word "uncover" seems like a pointed choice. I'm not sure what it points to, but I think "discover" or just "find out" would be more natural. Coupled with the image having a buried ruins vibe, it might be...something. Any thoughts?
Seraphayel wrote: »
I mean... I don't want to read too much into this, but Spellcrafting as shown back in 2014 was about hidden rooms in delves, where you would have to go to find new recipes, materials or whatever to craft new spells.
If we're going to assume that there are any hints here about what's to come, I'll point out that the use of the word "uncover" seems like a pointed choice. I'm not sure what it points to, but I think "discover" or just "find out" would be more natural. Coupled with the image having a buried ruins vibe, it might be...something. Any thoughts?
You're right. They have a tendency to do that. The reveal stream of 2022 was announced with "A Storm Rises Over Tamriel during ESO’s Upcoming Global Reveal Show", the stream of 2021 with "Destruction Comes to Tamriel During ESO’s 2021 Global Reveal Event!"
Have you noticed how few people seem to be talking about hints? I am just not feeling the hype. Marketing had best get on the ball and start paying some streamers to talk about this game or no one is going to notice this announcement until after it happens.
The tide of fate swirls around you with glorious fury and has chosen you to serve as its surrogate in a crisis most perilous. The future of at least two worlds hangs in the balance. Your talent for changing destiny has been noticed, hence the reason for this letter.
Many paths lead forward, but only one ends with the survival of Nirn. At this particular moment, in this specific instance, you must be the thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling.
I shall summon you as soon as the inescapable fortunes of consequence show me where we are headed most.
Leramil the Wise
Is it just me, or does this sound like a subtle hint that youtubers and other community leaders must promote the game at this critical stage to prevent the end of Nirn? They can change the destiny of the game by their influence on the community. They can keep the ESO world going.
StihlReign wrote: »...bring back the drumbeat of War.
Where is our epic destruction?
What of Cyrodiil? We need more, something new - Open the center, Connect the bridges, (make them drawbridges - pvpers love bridge fights) add NPC chaos in the center, add large Alliance-wide EMP buffs that benefit non-pvpers who contribute to their Alliance War effort.
Give us a massive platform tower in the center to fight to the top or something....
Recode the map, no one uses grass - bring in the overland team.
Starlight_Knight wrote: »I love this comment so much - it reminds me how i used to feel seeing so much potential in ESO, but now having had my soul shattered in a pool of unbreakable dork convergence i know that we're going to get a game of marbles in 2023 - and cyro will lag even worse
I think we are going to get a game of tag with children.
I'm being sarcastic, but it does click all the buttons (most requested, found in other video games, tent-pole/tie-in merchandise). Search for children in this forum and there are multiple pages of threads. And playing tag with children was in a previous Elder Scrolls game (Skyrim). ZOS could offer additional children as house guests in the Crown Store.
There are repeatedly comments that from the perspective of realism and logic, it's strange that there are no children anywhere. Few people would also like to have companion marriage plus child adoption for their roleplaying. But I never had the impression that it was "most requested", and I'm not really sure if it's a "tentpole system" either, as it's not really a big new activity that can be added on continously.
I wonder how the people who are actually building this game feel like when they have to read the announcements of the marketing department... I guess i know how the people who have to do the streams feel, because i can see it in their faces.
Araneae6537 wrote: »Sure, it would be realistic and people in ESO obviously have children, but I just assume they’re out of sight like the commodes.
I want neither kids nor spellcrafting... I just ant to be a sload... is that too much to ask???? They have the sprotes for it... I don't care if I can't mount or fit anyhere... It would be fun ;-D
Doesn't this happen to Necros? It happens to my vampires, and my assassins....
I think it would be a riot, if slightly inconvenient at times.