Bosmer, high Health, high Resistances, Oakensoul ring, Plaguebreak set, Titanium Cleave arena set with Brawler and Stampede, Occult Overload CP, Bloody Renewal CP, Swift trait on jewelry, Steed Mundus, Cloak potions - enjoy.
Edit: If you don't want to use Oakensoul for whatever reason get Sithis Gaze, als Ultimate you can use Goliath to become unkillable for some time or Vamp Daddy to regain ressources.
Bosmer, high Health, high Resistances, Oakensoul ring, Plaguebreak set, Titanium Cleave arena set with Brawler and Stampede, Occult Overload CP, Bloody Renewal CP, Swift trait on jewelry, Steed Mundus, Cloak potions - enjoy.
Edit: If you don't want to use Oakensoul for whatever reason get Sithis Gaze, als Ultimate you can use Goliath to become unkillable for some time or Vamp Daddy to regain ressources.
I’m genuinely curious how any of this other than high HP and resists can help anyone survive a one shot gank.
OP asked how to survive a ganker while being low on ressources, not how to prevent a one shot in the first place.
gariondavey wrote: »Sea serpent's coil...40 percent damage reduction from a gank
gariondavey wrote: »Sea serpent's coil...40 percent damage reduction from a gank