Va Khaj Dar, 'To be Desert Thief', is not only our name, it is our way of life.
We must make sure that our Moon Sugar and Skooma trade is not interrupted by this war.
Va Khaj Dar is the only Khajiit exclusive Guild in ESO, we roll mainly on the EU server, but we are represented on the US server too.
This as we are the founding Guild of the
Southern Brotherhood Alliance, this Alliance rolls on the EU and the US server, together we combine 20 Guilds and more than 800 members...
The Va khaj Dar is also continuing its caravan into the real world, as the Guild has its own Guild-Store...
All Khajiit are welcome, any other race that wishes to join our ranks is welcome to pick one of our allied Guilds in the Southern Brotherhood
Rahjin taught us how to be thieves, Khenarthi brings us swiftness and S'rendarr taught us mercy, for in his mercy, we stand on the front lines of the Aldmeri Dominion, to see that our alliance with the Elves may be triumphant, and to see that Khajiit continue to walk the sands of Elsweyr.
This one hopes to meet its kin soon in Tamriell,
Edited by QaDar on 31 March 2014 07:30