[PC][NA] Roleplayers Unlimited - ESO RP Guild & Discord RP HUB (advertise with us!)

Roleplayers Unlimited (RPU) is an OOC Roleplay Guild & Discord Hub aimed at uniting roleplaying guilds & leadership. With over 700 members, we have guild leaders from every province and taste - all sharing events on our calendar, for 2-3 dozen events posted regularly.

Our goal is not so much as to recruit everyone (we're usually full in-game!) but to help YOU network with other roleplayers & guilds. Together we can build a more diverse & rich setting, while ensuring everyone finds their best fit.

Check us out on Discord - come join the community - advertise your guilds and/or come see the events others have!

The Pariah's Forge is an Orsimer-focused Discord RP Hub: https://discord.gg/KfuWGFDXJC
  • Prophet_of_Malacath
    A month later, another +100 members - thank you all & keep on coming!

    We have over 4 dozen leaders representing other guilds (and you can rep your RP guild too!) - another dozen working on new projects - as well as a list of open, player-made RP towns!

    Eager to meet you all there!
    The Pariah's Forge is an Orsimer-focused Discord RP Hub: https://discord.gg/KfuWGFDXJC
  • Prophet_of_Malacath
    Happy Valentines!
    Love Roleplay? Join us!

    With over 800 (almost 900) members & 50-60 leads from other guilds, our hub exists to help you find your future friends! Events from multiple communities are posted & shared so newcomers can find the right fit.

    See ya there!
    The Pariah's Forge is an Orsimer-focused Discord RP Hub: https://discord.gg/KfuWGFDXJC
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