Daggerfall Wolves back and running trials again...

One of the oldest PlayStation guilds in the game is back once more and running trials after a very short hiatus.

What we offer and require:-
  • Vet trial rosters scheduled weekly (both open and closed rosters for players new and old to the content)
  • Zero testing or POV requirements, just a simple badge system
  • 800 CP minimum
  • Discord mandatory
  • We have all vet trial clears with many hardmode completes too (including VHOFHM, VMOLHM, VASHM, VHRCHM etc...)
  • Fully compositioned rosters and non-compositioned rosters too
  • Regular free trader
  • EU and NA timeones are both covered.

We are beginning to grow once more and are especially looking for any new potential raid leaders to help us provide even more scope for time zones and more trial rosters to meet demand.

You can either apply via the guild finder (Daggerfall guild, Primary Focus: Group PVE, Secondary Focus: Social - additional activities Trading, Dungeons, Housing, PvP, Trials, Crafting). or you can message me here or on PSN (same user name). We look forward to howling at the moon with you!!! Why be a sheep, when you can be a WOLF!!??

  • Rittings
    We crowned a few new Dro-Mathra Destroyer's today too!!! This could have been you!! :D

    Still recruiting :)
  • sully73
    I know it’s been awhile like a year since this is posted. I used to belong to the guild. Are you still active if so I’m definitely getting back into the game.
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