The Zenithar Syndicate(NA,PVP,Trade,Casual,Wabbajack,AdultOnly)


The Zenithar Syndicate has been formed on the base idea of merging PVP with commerce. ESO features a unique game economy that requires coordination of both PVP and Merchant players. It seems beneficial for Pvp players to have the support of crafters for gear and merchants to have the support from pvp players to be able to sell their wares to a wider audience. The marriage of both player mentalities is the idea behind The Zenithar Syndicate.

Code Of Conduct

The Basics

TZS is an Adult only guild (18 years of age or older)
TZS does not tolerate spamming of guild chat, Teamspeak, or forums
TZS requires members to be in Teamspeak to participate in Guild events.
NOTE: A mic is not required to join Guild events, All that is required is the ability to hear the event leader.

*TZS is not your moms guild. We will not hold your hand or kiss your boo boo’s. The Leaders of TZS expect its adult players to act like adults and solve personal in-guild disputes yourself. If somehow a dispute cannot be resolved and the issue interferes or disrupts guild activities TZS leadership will be involved.

If leadership has to become involved in a dispute the officer present will take appropriate action to quell the dispute until a council meeting can be held to deal out the consequences. If the council votes for explosion of a player, the player can appeal to the council after a months time to make amends.

Drinking while in teamspeak is not an issue in TZS. Being drunk and disruptive on the other hand is. Know your limits and… handle your ***. This applies to other means of being under the influence. Being incapacitated in Teamspeak will result in temporary ban from Teamspeak therefore a ban from guild events. Further infractions will result in expulsion from the guild.


This will be a game that evolves constantly over time, and while we will do our best to adjust to the changing realities, there remains a possibility that unforeseen circumstances may manifest. While this will most likely continue to grow over time, we realize that it’s impossible for us to write a flawless all-encompassing Charter, that covers every last contingency possible. Nor do we wish to even make an attempt to craft such a document, as any serious endeavor to do so would mostly likely yield a file the size of several large textbooks combined.

In the event that a situation arises that is not covered by the Guild Charter or the Guild Rules, the Officers and Council have the right to use their best judgement to determine the appropriate course of action. If you feel you have been unjustly judged you may make an appeal to the Council by contacting them in-game or on the forums.
Edited by Lancearon on 31 March 2014 04:10
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