I built a tank / dps bastion companion for my kids account to help them out. The idea was for the companion to keep taunt while also doing some dps. I thought using the ice staff taunt would be good for this as the staff line has some dps abilities in addition to the taunt. Using a couple quickened pieces easily gets the ice staff cooldown down below the taunt duration so it should keep an enemy taunted. Problem seems to be that when the initial taunt expires it does not re-apply. More likely, it re-applied the taunt a couple seconds before the taunt expired but did not refresh the taunt duration. Tried this on single enemies so there would not be any issues. Even on longer fights seems like the boss is never again solidly taunted after the initial taunt expires so maybe it's not even a re-apply the duration issue. In any case, no bueno, the result is most of the time enemy is un-taunted. Seems like a pretty basic thing to be broken. Companions only have 3 taunts after all and only 2 have a duration / cooldown that makes them look like they are worth anything on paper. Pity one of those seems not to work at all.
Has anybody else tried this? Right now it just seems like the ice staff taunt is pretty useless.
Otherwise, the companions have been great for the kids. They are strong enough to be useful in overworld stuff for sure and there skill lines seem pretty well thought out. Frankly, I would take them over bugs in rando normals a lot of the time if I had the option.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 19 November 2022 12:40 I am currently worried for the future of ESO. Population seems like it is in free fall and the cancellation of the North America in-person gathering feels very much like pulling the plug. Kudos on fixing the in-game economy though. Clearly whatever gold shenanigans were happening the last couple years are fixed.