I didn't notice it, and I played for a few hours yesterday evening and the one before. I play from Melbourne, Australia, with an average ping of about 400, and it was pretty stable.
If it's not your internet connection, perhaps one or more of your plugins is somehow conflicting with the update ? It's been known to occur. Unless you're not playing on PC/Mac, in which case ignore this comment!I didn't notice it, and I played for a few hours yesterday evening and the one before. I play from Melbourne, Australia, with an average ping of about 400, and it was pretty stable.
I don't understand. I was playing ok after disabling the pets in town thing, then they forced a new patch on monday, the ping raised and now I'm constantly having lots of problems and moved to login. It all started right after the patch.
If it's not your internet connection, perhaps one or more of your plugins is somehow conflicting with the update ? It's been known to occur. Unless you're not playing on PC/Mac, in which case ignore this comment!I didn't notice it, and I played for a few hours yesterday evening and the one before. I play from Melbourne, Australia, with an average ping of about 400, and it was pretty stable.
I don't understand. I was playing ok after disabling the pets in town thing, then they forced a new patch on monday, the ping raised and now I'm constantly having lots of problems and moved to login. It all started right after the patch.