ToT has a fairly well established gameplay norm that all actions are optional .
If I activate a Toss action, I am allowed to toss zero cards if I choose.
If I activate a Destroy action, I am entitled to destroy zero cards.
Same with tithes / additional patron actions; claim a tavern card action, etc etc.
Please make this also the case for Discard Enemy Agent actions.
There is a legitimate tactical reason for this.
Say I have played Shadows Slumber.
I played that card because I needed the 3 coin secondary action on that card. This three coin would enable me to activate the Psijic patron and win the game as my final patron.
However, the card's initial action is currently forcing me to discard my opponent's only agent. I play my card, and cannot currently progress without selecting an agent to knock out. Once removed, I cannot activate the Psijic patron, and I cannot win the game.
Based on all the other existing mechanics in ToT, this does not seem an intentional design choice. Please say if it is, but it seems that there should be a floating "(R) Confirm" context menu that would enable us to forego the agent discard while still collecting the coin from cards of this type.