House Nobleheart is recruiting!

Greetings everyone,

House Nobleheart is recruiting any and all able bodies to take up arms and join us in the good fight. We are a quickly growing guild on the North American Server with a dedicated playerbase interested in PvE / Progression, PvP, Crafting and Roleplaying. We hope to appeal to both "hardcore" and "casual" players alike, focused on creating a friendly environment where you can join with others that share the same game goals you have. Our beta guild quickly grew to 70+ members, and while we considered being a "PvE" guild or a "PvP" guild, or some other designation, we quickly realized that most of our players enjoy it all to some degree, and we don't fit neatly into a single designation. If you're looking for a guild that's interested in every aspect of the game, and focused on being a friendly, helpful, welcoming home to all - then you've come to the right place!

How can you join? Send a mail message to "Thrayceus Nobleheart" or any one of our many recruiters, and/or fill out an application at our website, We have a private Teamspeak server at the moment, and are looking into getting another, much larger chat server, to meet the demands of our guild.

Whatever guild you decide to call home, we wish you all the best! Thank you for taking the time to read our advertisement here. See you in Tamriel!

Thrayceus Nobleheart
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