Yesterday I played against a casual round of ToT and it was probably the most frustrating game I've had so far.
I picked decks 1 & 4... Rahjin was one of the decks I selected.
From the get-go my opponent hit me with Bewilderment every turn - it was the first thing they would do before even thinking about any other cards. They pretty much finished their turn in about 20 seconds. From their second turn, they then started waiting out the timer - hit me with Bewilderment and then wait until the 90 seconds was up. After a few turns I whispered them, calling them out on this and they then ended up playing the remainder of the match with some degree of normality. They never responded to my whisper.
Firstly, why do people do this? Just in general, I guess. I know it's just life that some people really couldn't care less about others, but we're playing a game here and we're generally all playing to have a bit of fun, yeah? You could be having the crappiest of times so you log into ESO to escape from all of that,. Unfortunately you encounter someone who has no idea who you are but it's their number one goal just to make things harder for you.
Then today, I thought to myself... there is no rule to say you can't spam Bewilderment... we are all given 90 seconds each round to do what we have to do. They never sent me any kind of hate whispers, so did they really do anything wrong?
Any thoughts?