Looking for a laid back prog team? Need a new home for your toons? Well, we got room for you in the Eltheric Raiding Company! Join today for
<insert desired promises> and all the <insert desired content you wish to be carried thru>! Either way, you can come hang out and make all new
<insert desired gaming relationships> with folks who want these same things.

I am seeking 2-4 folks to "co-gm" a guild for a more casual player. To start we will be most active in the Pacific Time Zone from the hours of 6pm-12am weekdays, and anytime not with family on weekends.
Seeking candidates with the following traits:
- 18+ or Mature enough for duties.
- able to log in 2-3 times a week, after 6pm PST/PDT
- willing to recruit
- actively available for group content
- willing to undertake admin duties
Discord, mic, and personable interactions with everyone is a major need from these individuals. GMing is a full time job some days, and with a few of us taking on a few duties, it should be more that manageable. Feel free to respond here, or head over to the discord server I am preparing for this newly formed guild:
Eltheric Raiding Co.