I just installed a new router and modem from my ISP (equipment upgrade) and immediately started experiencing constant disconnects from ESO.
An error has occurred. Please wait a few minutes and log in again. I've had the network signal tested multiple times and the signal is strong and steady. No other device or application in my house is having an issue. All other connections are fine. Streaming is fine. Only ESO is having a problem.
I know the troubleshooting page says to "open up outbound ports xxxx through yyyy". I asked my ISP tech support about opening up the recommended ports and I was warned that if I open those ports, I'm making my computer vulnerable to a world of viruses. There has to be a better solution than just willfully opening my PC to all the viruses the world has to offer. Apparently, people have been experiencing this problem for years but I haven't seen a secure fix posted.
Anyone able to shed some light on this?