The Pathfinder achievement is account-wide per server, but you can complete the achievement on more than one server. Players who already have the achievement can also help by assisting other players with traveling around the Systres, which will also help contribute to the end-goal.
On the page that shows the progress bar the % complete appears to be stuck at 26% since the first day of the event.
You need to reload/refresh the page. It's at 41% now and is updated daily but the prior loaded copy usually displays until a refresh/reload like the browsers can't easily tell that the page updated.
athena9205 wrote: »Gold companion jewelry is not dropping, must be bugged.
FlopsyPrince wrote: »I haven't seen any gold companion pieces and I can't recall even a purple piece. I am not doing as many as I could, but I have done 40 or more dailies so far (or double that).
The drop rate is low enough that the claim is almost false advertising.
agelonestar wrote: »@ZOS_Kevin I have a question.
The big reward for the community reaching 100% is that we all get the next DLC for free. However, all ESO+ subscribers are already paying for the DLC - that’s a core feature of our subscription.
Will ESO+ subscribers be rewarded in a different way? Or will we get some sort of discount on our subscription as this reward will have devalued it?
It’s not that I don’t appreciate the rewards - I genuinely love these community events and think they’re the best events in the game. But giving me something I have been paying for since 2014 (or whenever subscriptions started) feels a bit ridiculous.
Alphawolf01A wrote: »
The gold companion jewelry is ONLY a reward in the box given at the end of the event. It does not drop anywhere.
BenevolentBowd wrote: »
@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you confirm if only the High Isle Companions affect these drops?
Thanks in Advance.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Anything you bought for cash (base game, Chapters, etc) is available on both servers. Anything you paid for with Crowns is server-specific.
@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno I went to turn in the Tales of Tribute daily quest from playing others and it was not rewarding tickets... I thought the first daily in High Isle was supposed to grant tickets?
edit: it was Kishka's quest that I'm speaking of
I feel the same. The AWA has sort of ruined it for me.
FlopsyPrince wrote: »
One piece? Not as big of a deal, especially with 4 companions that need more. I thought it was to possibly be in many boxes.
ZOS usually has the "too many" or "too few" in these rewards and I think this event is more at the "too few" end of things.
I would greatly prefer a happy point in between. Even some regular purple jewelry would have helped make it more interesting. I don't mind patterns, but they are not that useful given the grind.
FineFeathered wrote: »
Tales of Tribute is not counted as one of the dailies. The Volcanic vents, the delve and the world bosses are.
FineFeathered wrote: »But seriously, we need as many people as possible to participate, not just folks with lots of alts.
No, we don't. There's not a chance in hell that bar doesn't hit 100% because that would be the biggest marketing fail ever.
There's a reason it's not clear how many people need to get the achievement to reach 100%. If we would all log off for a week the bar will still continue moving.
FineFeathered wrote: »
It's free to create char on the the opposite server. One for each acct you have on your main server. You share crowns between them. Money... well, you start over on the other server. But it doesn't cost anything to get started. I did this for the Grand Psijic Villa and have been playing them since.
seecodenotgames wrote: »If you unlocked it during the original event you got it on both servers. If you buy it with crowns, you only get it on one server.
Alphawolf01A wrote: »
ESO+ subscribers get a salamander pet.
athena9205 wrote: »my question on the gold companion jewelry is: will it be a trait i would use? i use quickened for my healers and aggressive for my DPS but there are many other traits available. Gold set that doesn't' fit in those two is worthless to me. We should have a means of changing companion gear traits on the transmute station.
Now that we're 100% I looked and no ring for the companion... Maybe I didn't have Ember or Isobel with the character when it popped? I also don't remember getting 5 boxes.. I did get the Salamander and some odd items. It unfolded in a very weird way and when It didn't show up. I am perplexed.
The gold ring is nested deep within the reward box you buy from the Crown Store. Opening each box gives you the next level gold box and the ring is in the 6th and final gold box nested in this fashion.
P.S. All mine on various alt accounts have had the same trait, so it seems to be set as Quickened and only in that trait.