Getting punished for leaving a RANKED game

Am I the only one or anybody else finds this to be stupid ?

When you leave a game (concede, dc, etc) you can't queue up for 10 minutes. makes no sense to me coz:

a. You get no rewards (except for losing your rank), so no point in spam leaving.

b. If youre desperate to lose, its too ez to throw the game in under 5 mins.

c. Its ranked, you cant go against friend and make them spam win (if thats the reason maybe ZoS should rethink their MM algorithm coz it can be exploited anyways).

d. You get punished even if leaving mid-game (lets say with 20 prestige while having no hope of winning).

e. Last but not least, Im sick of having to wait after a crash, or just sit there and afk after the first few rounds point out to an obv winner.

That concede button should have more meaning ^^.
Edited by CaliphStudio on 17 September 2022 12:16
  • SilverBride
    I agree. Concede is accepting that the other player is winning. It's like throwing in the towel. There should not be a penalty for this. However to prevent it from being abused there could be a limit to how many times you can concede in a day without being penalized.
    Edited by SilverBride on 17 September 2022 16:37
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