Housing improvements include the ability to create chat links to your homes, improved visibility in whose house you're visiting as well as how many people are present in a home, the ability to see the list of furnishings in a home that you are visiting, and improved placement alignment for hundreds of furnishings that commonly hang on walls—phew!
I guess we'll be able to post links to houses in text chat that people can use to travel in? Meh.
Being able to see what furnishings were used could be useful but.... meh.
Fixing all the wonky wall clipping.... I'm used to precision editing after placing and I doubt it'll be much use- I think I'll still need to. And that's fine- it's not a big deal.
This year we got a depressingly low number of new furnishings, for the first time ever the summer dlc didn't include a house we could buy with gold, and the drip feed on blueprints continues to suck the fun out of decorating.
It's been a rough year for housing enthusiasts. This just feels like they're throwing us a rather meager bone to placate us so we don't feel completely ignored.