Fast and Easy Way To Rank Up

Go play the novice player NPC's with the main goal of getting all the patrons pointing towards you. I had countless games that only lasted 2 minutes. That's 45 guaranteed experience each match.
~This grinding method can work with proficient NPC's as well, however; they use the patrons on occasion, so it gets irritating. The expert player NPC's seem to know when you're about to achieve a patron win and they will try to prevent it, which is even more annoying. I recommend simply shredding through the novice NPC's over and over again. It was the fastest way for me. Always do the female khajiit's quest each day and the redguard's quests when available.
~I really wanted the red eagle deck. It requires rank 7 to get and that's why I did this.
~Simply playing Tales of Tribute so much will still help your game.
I hope this helps!
"Jyggalag's forces are gathering in the Fringe...And I HATE IT when people gather forces in my Fringes!" - Sheogorath
  • virtus753
    Proficient NPCs are easier to patron farm this way because they can choose from among seven patrons instead of just the first four. Of the first four patrons, half require specific situations involving agents to flip (Pelin and Celarus). All of the three additional patrons available to Proficient NPCs (Ansei, Red Eagle, and Rajhin) require only power or gold.

    Novice NPCs only have access to Pelin, Celarus, Hlaalu, and Crows, so you are much more likely than not to be stuck with either Pelin or Celarus. If they have an exactly equal chance to choose each eligible patron, a Novice NPC will only have a 50% chance of not choosing Pelin or Celarus for their first patron and (assuming they choose Hlaalu or Crows for their first pick) only a 33% chance of not choosing Pelin or Celarus for their second. That's only a 16.67% chance of not having Pelin or Celarus chosen by a Novice NPC.

    A Proficient NPC has a 5 in 7 chance (71.4%) of choosing a non-Pelin/Celarus patron for their first pick and then a 4 in 6 chance (66.67%) of choosing another non-Pelin/Celarus for their second. That's a 47.6% chance of them choosing two "easy" patrons (requiring only gold or power, no agents), much more likely than the Novice's 16.67%.

    Both Novice and Proficient NPCs can and will use patrons, but only if they do not have a 1 gold Treasury card in play to convert to a 2 gold writ. Proficient NPCs will turn patrons more aggressively than Novice ones once they're out of 1 gold cards, but Novice NPCs can most definitely use them too and seem to jump especially on Orgnum if he favors you. The trick with both types of NPCs is to turn the patrons while the NPCs are still trapped in the Treasury card conversion mechanic, and it's much easier to line up those quick patron flips with patrons who do not require agent cards to be purchased or played.
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