Looking for someone to craft New Moon Acolyte equipment

Soul Shriven
Apologies if this request doesn't belong here. I'm looking for someone to craft New Moon Acolyte pieces.
- Medium belt, boots and bracers (training)
- Necklace and 1 ring (infused)
CP160. On PC EU. I have the materials. Let me know if you charge a fee. Thanks.
  • ice34697
    Xeijht wrote: »
    Apologies if this request doesn't belong here. I'm looking for someone to craft New Moon Acolyte pieces.
    - Medium belt, boots and bracers (training)
    - Necklace and 1 ring (infused)
    CP160. On PC EU. I have the materials. Let me know if you charge a fee. Thanks.

    i'd gladly help if I could (for free), but I'm on XBOX NA...and I don't think I can play with you. Sorry my friend.
  • Aelorin
    I m on PC EU, i did sent you a pm.
    And so the Elder Scrolls foretold.You will be shy, and I will be bold.
  • Xeijht
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the craft Aelorin :)
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