Looking for No Dues Housing guilds. Craft, decorate, anything housing related - NA Xbox

I am an everyday player and am recently getting into housing more. I'm not done done on my questing. However, I mostly play PvE and like to complete achievements. I'd like to be able to buy/sell items housing related and belong to like minded guild. No dues. No drama. ??

Anything like Grand Designs in the US?
Xbox X- NA
  • AkDarkness33
    Hello ellmarie, I may have a guild that you may be interested in, we have a few in the guild that are into housing & buildings, decorations and the such, most are on the older side so the drama is minimal, I can send you an invite to the Little Mortals, what’s your gamertag?
  • ellmarie
    Hello ellmarie, I may have a guild that you may be interested in, we have a few in the guild that are into housing & buildings, decorations and the such, most are on the older side so the drama is minimal, I can send you an invite to the Little Mortals, what’s your gamertag?

    Awesome! Sounds good. Gamer tag is same as name here. Ellmarie. Thank you!
    Xbox X- NA
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