First things first, you should know that this is a ravenwatch cyrodiil build, so no procs or champion points. And secondly, the reason I call this a “stamsorc” is because I’m using crystal weapon as a spammable and running bows on both bars. Yes I use a lot of magic skills but I’m also rolling and sprinting a lot so the light armor recovery passives are really just helping me dark deal more.
But so this isn’t a build write-up this is just more me asking you all if you think it’s a good idea. Now, at first, I was using amber plasm on the body and the sustain was pretty amazing obviously but I was squishy too (obviously.) I got a couple of kinda impressive x clips but it was during mid year mayhem so not sure that counts lol. Then I started using buffer of the swift on the body and I think that works better. Buffer of the swift, hundings rage, and slimecraw actually.
Basically… my stamsorc has struggled since they took crit chance away from medium armor. So it took a while… I guess I was scared to try… but light armor actually seems to work pretty well. The passive crit and penetration are very helpful, where even though I’m wearing a defensive set I can feel it augmenting my offense.
The only problem is my armor weight situation isn’t good and, thus, my max health situation isn’t good. Because I’m not wearing crafted sets. So I’m wondering… I’m asking… is the light armor stamsorc a good idea? And if so, what CRAFTED set would function best on the body for a light armor bow sorc? So that I could make a heavy or medium in more ideal spots.