So I tried WW in Cyro, my take after spending just 60+hrs is why would you want to lol
Players are faster, they hit harder, they have more heals. I miss not having Race Against Time on my bar. CC after Cc after CC, roll dodge cost 3474 if I wear heavy, Wearing heavy and still squishy.
Medium armor is nice, roll cost is 2500, still too much considering the amount of CCs I need to break free and roll doge continously. break free cost a5180 nd I have 20k stamina lol More Stamina you say? Umm, need 33K+HP in Cyro. Food cost 30k+. WHAT? Multi-effect enchant is a must IMO.
Everything about the character is bad imo.
Limited sets. I wear wretched vitality and still ALWATS out of stamina, why? because the CC after Cc after CC. I play Cyro just to break free for hours on end lol
Heavy attcks restore 50% more stamina GREAT! Ok how do you heavies while combatting CC after CC after CC lol You're a giant target for tab targetting snipes'and you can't catch them, they faster then dogs with 4 legs.
Raise the roar by at least 6 metres. Give WW CC immunity AND speed. Thought WW were tough to kill in Lore, am I wrong? You need to give them more than just Major Breach i think.
Add diversity to PVP please.