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[SPOILER] Vampirism recovery debuff makes no sense given what we are told about Lamae

In the vampirism quest we are introduced to Lamae, the first Vampire who was turned unwillingly. As we learn about her past, we get specific lore that "her wounds healed on her own" and they therefore had to burn her after Molag Bal corrupted her. I can understand that they thought fire weakness was a thing, but Lamae stands up from the fire in the flashback, seemingly unscathed, and kills them all. This suggests that her regenerative powers outdid the damage the fire could cause, or that the fire did nothing. So either she actually has high regenerative power, or she is immune to fire- which is it? Given the vampirism skill line passive, this piece of lore is unimportant and a throwaway. At all stages, you have increased damage to fire, and decreased health recovery.

I won't even touch the ability cost aspect of things because that isn't addressed by the "lore" and therefore doesn't conflict- the devs can do what they want with it.

If this were not enough, we are encouraged by Lamae to feed on others to accelerate our gift- which in the end leads to zero health regeneration at all and more hit to our fire resists.

Neither the fire debuff nor health recovery debuff given are supported by the lore given to us by patient 0. Vampires are either immune to fire, or have rapid health acceleration (the latter makes sense given the lore), but they do not suffer debuffs from both if we are to believe the first flashback.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 1 August 2022 02:06
  • Dr_Con
    Can't edit original posts-
    Just so people are aware, this quest also serves as a tutorial to people new to vampirism. From a story telling aspect, it does its job. We even get some sort of clue to what the ultimate is about, but in this case players are misled about the benefits at the result of the tutorial. In my humble opinion and if I were to suggest anything, it would be decreased benefits to receiving heals at later stages, while not touching health recovery unless the vampire hasn't fed (maybe even buffing it at later stages). A Health Recovery debuff makes no sense, the blood we fed on is supposed to heal us with the curse- yes you can argue that the abilities themselves drain blood to heal, but in a passive and unconscious state Lamae herself awoke from the flames and killed people who set her on fire.
    Edited by Dr_Con on 30 July 2022 17:19
  • virtus753
    You can edit original posts if you refresh the page first.
  • FluffyBird
    "Vampirism recovery debuff makes no sense given what we are told about Lamae"

    ^ fixed

  • SilverBride

    To edit the original post you need to click the wheel next to the subject. I don't know why they do it this way because it's not very obvious.

    Here is an example from a thread I started showing where the edit wheel is.

    Edited by SilverBride on 30 July 2022 17:32
  • Dr_Con
    virtus753 wrote: »
    You can edit original posts if you refresh the page first.

    Hey there, the option is either different or does not exist, as you can see I edited the second post I made but am unable to edit the first. I think this is intentional because they don't want people to go back and alter the original discussion. i stand corrected, for future posts i'll utilize that option.
    Edited by Dr_Con on 30 July 2022 17:33
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    A lot of the vampirism in ESO doesn't make sense.

    Some lines from Lamae makes more sense after the changes with how we now get stronger from feeding compared to how it was. Most strains of vampires we are aware of get stronger the less they feed but Lamae talked about how feeding will make you stronger.

    Which makes the appearance of the stages make no sense, because you look more and more like you haven't feed with a big lack of blood and colour to your cheeks, so to speak.
    The vampire look is also badly done in the first place. With how it fades everything on you such as tattoos, body paint, make up etc. Even stage 1 looks bad on most races. Especially ones with darker tones. Then races like khajiit and argonians shouldn't technically go that weird pale, because they don't have skin like the others. One has fur and the other got things like scales. Mer vampires don't have unique mer vampire eyes but get human ones. The list goes on.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • mocap
    she is a pure-blood vampire created by Molag Bal himself, not some random guy from zone chat who bited you :smile:
    These things are incomparable.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    mocap wrote: »
    she is a pure-blood vampire created by Molag Bal himself, not some random guy from zone chat who bited you :smile:
    These things are incomparable.

    Lamae makes you her scion, though. Making you of her blood, and not that shmuck's in general chat who bit you.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • mocap
    Lamae makes you her scion, though. Making you of her blood, and not that shmuck's in general chat who bit you.
    in this case OP should transform his character into Perefect Scion and enjoy full regen and other stuff.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Yeah, personally I feel like it would make more sense for Vamprisim in ESO to be more connected to Lamae than to Skyrim's vamps.
  • Yakidafi
    Did OP also think that maybe she had some items on which gave her 10million hp at the time and when she reached low hp the 33% damage reduction kicked in and she had time to come back and fight. If you need a lore reason for vampire passives ;D

    I know from playing other es games that Vampires have different abilities depending on where/who bit them, it differ in all games the vampires powers and drawbacks. She might be different from you since she is the first and molag bal made her and all that.

    And you got bit by another player.
    Edited by Yakidafi on 30 July 2022 18:30
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • mocap
    we do not know what form she was in at the time of her resurrection. If she was in Scion form, that would explain her healing and resistance to fire.
  • SilverBride
    I played a Vampire since launch. I cured once but ended up going back to it shortly after. But it just lost it's appeal since the changes with Greymoor so I cured and I think I'll stay cured this time.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Vampires should receive less outside healing 3%/6%/9%/12% per stage but in return gain increased health recovery, something like 150 per stage up to 600 at stage 4.
  • Spectral_Force
    Vampires should receive less outside healing 3%/6%/9%/12% per stage but in return gain increased health recovery, something like 150 per stage up to 600 at stage 4.

    This is probably one of the suggestions I support the most if we're to keep the current Vampire framework more or less the way it is now. The numbers will be subject to tweaks, but I like the overall idea.

    The skill line already mechanically discourages group play (both Eviscerate and Frenzy block outside heals, and the Stage 4 sprint invisibility doesn't gel well with teammates who don't also have it), and reduced outside healing already has precedent in TES V (notably Restore Health doesn't work on Undead targets, which require a separate magical effect). Lore-wise it can be handwaved away as "your cursed/undead flesh gets less receptive of others' care the more monstrous you are" or something like that.

    If Vampirism already undermines your ability to participate in group content, may as well push it all the way to solidify its place in a solo player's toolkit.
    I've unearthed the Legendary Antiquity of Mêlée Island and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!
  • Palumtra
    It's a similar drawback then what we have in Skyrim, altho we dont get other resistances in return(obviously balancing is different in an MMO....)
    I'd say that increasing the health regen and suffering a healing received penalty from external sources is one of the better suggestions I so far heard of
    PCEU - Tank main
  • captainwolfos
    There are apparently hundreds of different vampire clans in TES lore, each with subtly different abilities and weaknesses. I don't remember off the top of my head if any of them actually have a resistance or immunity to fire, but I wouldn't be surprised.

    That being said, Lamae Bal is unique, being the very first. So she may just be an exceptional case.
    Edited by captainwolfos on 31 July 2022 14:32
    Enemy of Boob Plates
    For the Covenant! For the High King!
    Solo Player | PVEer | Not caring about PVP since 1992
    Spill some blood for me, dear brother
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • Amottica
    Zenimax reworked vampirism but it seems they did not rework the dialogue for the quest.

    That seems to be all this is.

  • Vevvev
    Amottica wrote: »
    Zenimax reworked vampirism but it seems they did not rework the dialogue for the quest.

    That seems to be all this is.

    They did though, but didn't change that fact.

    They did however straight up have Lamae say that she specially augmented your strain of vampirisim to be different than the others.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Dr_Con

    Hello? you are decreasing their health recovery to 0 in the same drink you are increasing it by 505. Literally no benefit other than to advance the stage really quickly, and no one would use these on a non vampire character other than as a misclick,

    Whoever balances this game needs to really needs to take a closer look at why you decided to get rid of health recovery on Vampirism rather than nerfing the healing they receive, or something else. There's clearly different agendas here among developers.
    Edited by Dr_Con on 7 August 2022 21:30
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