So am usually running Cryodiil with a group of friends and we'll have the kill 20/40 player quests .. and my impression for those quests is that if you do enough damage to a player, not necessarily kill them outright, or if you are nearby a team mate who does enough damage .. and that opposing player dies (now or while you are still in Cryodiil) then that should count toward both the kill 20 and kill 40 player quests.
But generally in game I will see one of them tick off and not the other .. like I'll start the session with both at 0 .. yet when I complete the kill 20 quest I don't have 20 kills towards the kill 40 quest ..
So curious if there is more to what contributes towards a kill such that one will increment and the other will not ..
Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 27 July 2022 00:47