Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

PlayStation Patch Notes v2.34/1.16

Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online v2.34 (PS4) / v1.16 (PS5) fixes a couple game crashes, several fixes and improvements involving Tales of Tribute and other High Isle content, a fix for an issue that caused training dummies to report inflated DPS values, and more.

We have also refunded any Champion Points spent in skills that received cost changes with the High Isle update to fix an issue where you were unable to spend or adjust points in those skills; you’ll find details on this below. Please note, however, there is a known issue some of you may run into if you do a partial respec which could lead to some UI issues. Relogging should fix any issues you run into, and we are currently planning to hotfix this early next week. The size of this patch is approximately 484 MB.


Dreadsail Reef Trial
  • Tideborn Taleria
    • The Active Combat Text for Rapid Deluge now correctly refers to Tideborn Taleria rather than a Tideborn Tale as old as time.

  • The Shrine of Stendarr now has proper messaging for those that use it.
  • The flying horseman of Gonfalon Bay has been located and grounded.
  • Fixed an issue where books were spawning below the fixtures or terrain they were supposed to be resting on.
  • Fixed several issues related to quest rewards including unusable items, incorrect enchantments, and item sets.

  • All Flags Islet: The final synergy used to defeat the final boss will now be granted correctly to all fight participants.
  • Tournament of the Heart: Aurelia now appears at the end of this quest so she can say her lines.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Tribute daily quests from granting Tribute rank experience.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause you to remain in cursor-targeting mode when exiting a Tribute match.

  • Saint Pelin
    • The "Reinforcements" card can now be upgraded to "Legion's Arrival" by acquiring and following a clue.

  • Increased the amount of Tales of Tribute Club Rank experience gained from completing daily quests to grant 25, 50 and 75 experience based on wins.
  • Cards Across the Continent: Fixed an issue that prevented this daily quest from granting credit when defeating NPCs of lower tribute rank for high ranked players.

  • Fixed an issue that caused several Tales of Tribute pop-ups to show up repeatedly.


  • Fixed an issue where Ember would be hidden behind menu panels during outfit dyeing.

  • Refunded any Champion Points spent in skills that received cost changes with the High Isle update to fix an issue where you were unable to spend or adjust points in those skills. The affected skills are listed below, but please note that all subsequent Champion nodes have also been refunded.
    • Biting Aura
    • Deadly Aim
    • Duelist’s Rebuff
    • Enduring Resolve
    • Fighting Finesse
    • Ironclad
    • Master-at-Arms
    • Occult Overload
    • Thaumaturge
    • Unassailable


  • Fixed an issue that caused training dummies to report inflated DPS values.

  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash when a character is removed from the world.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Enchanting Station.

  • The Warrior’s Call: Titus Valerius will now continue to follow your character normally while inside the Ruined Library.
Edited by zos_meloro on 20 July 2022 11:48
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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