Add patron deselection possibity?

It may be an interesting option to allow players to block the use of a patron before the actual selection begins. Player A and Player B would have the possibility each to discard one patron. When both have made their choice the actual patron selection would start. There would still be at least 6 patrons to choose from.

This may help players who start out and are not yet so familiar with some patrons of course depriving them from the possibility to learn.

What do you think?
  • Veryamedliel
    There's a reason you only start out with 4 out of the 8 possible decks. So new players have plenty of time to get used to the first 4 partons during the questline.

    Nor do you get the remaining 4 decks at once. Again, plenty of time to try and get used to them. If people choose to rush through the questline to get all the decks before actually learning to play them, that's on them.

    You can also just play unranked matches.

    Lastly, people are free to "train" amongst themselves, agreeing on which decks to use or not to use.

    So, with all possible respect, you're asking for things that are already available.
  • Oddemus
    I think the ability to block patron usage might be a good counter to Orgnum. If you can use them more than once, you should be able to block the usage of the patrons for one turn, as well. I like this idea.
  • AnduinTryggva
    It's not quite what I had in mind but this is also an interesting idea.
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