I want to point out that the last actual PVP content that was released was in February of 2019 in update 21, in the form of a single BG map. It has now been 3 years and four months since we got PVP content, and according to the January PVP update, we will not be receiving any PVP content for AT LEAST the next 6 months. I obviously do not speak for the entire community when I say this, but in my opinion four years without PVP content is beyond ridiculous. PVP is an entire facet of the game that was heavily advertised at launch and basically been neglected ever since.
With this in mind, it is beyond disappointing to find out 6 months later that the "weekend PVP events" we were told could happen have turned out to be 25% AP in battlegrounds and double EXP in cyrodiil and imperial city. The vast majority of PVP players are far over the effective EXP cap, and outside of PVP there are ways to earn EXP that vastly outweigh any potential EXP you could earn in PVP. This is a complete non-incentive for the audience these events were for, and feels like a slap in the face to many of us. At the very least, double AP should be enabled as a weekend event in IC/Cyro. Furthermore, the imperial city celebration event could just be enabled during weekends instead - double telvar & key fragments, with increase drop chance on items from molag bal. These types are events are what everyone expected and has been waiting for.
The 25% AP in battlegrounds is nice, but a huge portion of the community doesn't even play battlegrounds. Also, why was such a low modifier chosen for these events? You already earn far less AP in battlegrounds than what is possible in open world, so 25% is hardly an actual incentive for players to go in there.
I really hope zenimax reconsiders what they're doing with these weekend events. I know that many of my friends who held out hope these past 6 months in expectation of enjoyable pvp events have flat out left the game after seeing what they turned out to be.
It is as if not a single person associated with zenimax has any involvement or experience with PVP whatsoever.
I have absolutely zero interest in more item sets. I've been playing this game for 8 years and there are dozens and dozens of sets that I'll never even use, and you guys are adding more. Most of them are junk or are too much of a pain to farm.
joerginger wrote: »
And yet more DLC dungeons? I know I'm repeating myself, but: Why? What purpose are they supposed to serve?
SimonThesis wrote: »Pretty disappointed and underwhelmed!
Same tired old formula without anything new or exciting. They promised weekend events in cyrodiil, so they gave a population of max level end game players a worthless xp boost.
Battlegrounds give waaaay less ap than in cyrodiil, an ap bump in there is a step in the right direction but taking keeps in cyrodiil will still give far more ap. People don't do battlegrounds because the rewards aren't worth it, as a pvper I'd love to do them but theres no reason to. I do think they should try two team battlegrounds instead of 3.
Tactics are also a part of PvP, just dumbly bashing someone's head in isn't the only PvP. Those modes are actually the most enjoyable, as players can outsmart the 'I'm-the-strongest'-types of players. If someone wins with tactics, they are actually better at PvP.Ctf and relic are the worst offenders, due to the 3 team aspect of bgs, these mode heavily incentivize avoiding actual pvp combat.
Tactics are also a part of PvP, just dumbly bashing someone's head in isn't the only PvP. Those modes are actually the most enjoyable, as players can outsmart the 'I'm-the-strongest'-types of players. If someone wins with tactics, they are actually better at PvP.
(unrelated to the above quote)
In my opinion PvP is already much too rewarding, adding more rewards to it will only have PvPers benefit even more from PvP. Too many benefits actually. Players who do not want to PvP simply won't PvP, regardless of how many carrots you place in front of them. I am one of those players.
The only way to make PvP work, is to place those players new to PvP on the same powerlevel as the top tier PvPers. But this is highly unwanted by regular PvPers(example: how the PvP community responded to oakensoul). In regards to improving PvP, it is best to not listen to actual PvPers. But instead listen to the casuals, about what they would want changed in/about PvP to actually take part in it. We all want more players in PvP, so any changes should not only be for the current niche of PvP players.
Tactics are also a part of PvP, just dumbly bashing someone's head in isn't the only PvP. Those modes are actually the most enjoyable, as players can outsmart the 'I'm-the-strongest'-types of players. If someone wins with tactics, they are actually better at PvP.
(unrelated to the above quote)
In my opinion PvP is already much too rewarding, adding more rewards to it will only have PvPers benefit even more from PvP. Too many benefits actually. Players who do not want to PvP simply won't PvP, regardless of how many carrots you place in front of them. I am one of those players.
The only way to make PvP work, is to place those players new to PvP on the same powerlevel as the top tier PvPers. But this is highly unwanted by regular PvPers(example: how the PvP community responded to oakensoul). In regards to improving PvP, it is best to not listen to actual PvPers. But instead listen to the casuals, about what they would want changed in/about PvP to actually take part in it. We all want more players in PvP, so any changes should not only be for the current niche of PvP players.