Unable to play cards in my turn.

Something really weird just happened in a ranked game. Right in the second turn I was able to get the "Rally" card, but somehow, when I was going to play, all cards appeared highlighted but I couldn't select any. Clicking on cards didn't do anything. My only available option was to end the turn. So, I did it. When I selected to end the turn I got removed from the board with a 10 minute penalty and dropped more than 100 positions out of top 10%. This was really weird. Anyone alse already had this problem?

  • Asawasa
    I've had cards that didn't allow me to use combos or be able to click on them before but never my whole hand. Just another reason they should remove ToT until the glitches are fixed.
  • Bat
    I had a game just now where a card's play effect was to knock out two agents, but instead of allowing me to highlight the cards and click confirm when prompted, it used up the power I'd gathered during the turn on both of them. Just lol this game is so broken in this current version.
    Edited by Bat on 29 June 2022 23:19
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