So I just read that the standard chance to apply status effects with weapon enchants is 20% status Effects or also,Status Effect): Instant damage.
"Charged" trait increases this chance by 240% for one-handed weapons and twice that for two-handed weapons (so 580%).
You can also increase the chance to apply the status effects with the charged trait. A one handed weapon with gold quality will increase chance by 240% and a two handed weapon twice as much.
A 20% base chance increased by 580% takes it well over 100%.
Is that actually how the game calculates it? Increasing that 20% chance to proc by even a lowly 100% is double the chance, or 40%. So with that 580% increased chance on a two-handed weapon, that weapon's enchant will
always be applied after every cooldown?
Even single target direct damage rockets from a 10% chance to a nearly 70% chance?
Edited by Holycannoli on 27 June 2022 19:04