Vendor prices across Tamriel are reduced by 10%
These include:
Vendors that sell items for gold, AP, or Tel Var stones, including the Golden Vendor
Houses purchasable for gold
zenithar, uespwiki wrote:...His priests teach that the path to peace and prosperity is through earnest work and honest profit, not through war, bloodshed, or theft
Comrade_Ogilvy wrote: »Seems a bit odd that an event around a deity that forbids theft might reward extra stuff from pick-pocketing, thieves troves or looting safeboxes.
Are there going to be higher penalties for getting caught at any of these latter activities during the event?
redspecter23 wrote: »
It's fine when you look at it this way. The person you're stealing it from did work extremely hard to get it. You're just relieving them of the burden of having to carry it around all day. They already worked so hard. They deserve to walk around a bit lighter.
@ZOS_Kevin Are the parcels from the other rounds of a group Arena (or other activities, for that matter) not guaranteed? I understand there's only a small chance to acquire one from stealing, but I'm wondering about the Master Writs, World Bosses, etc.The final round's reward chest contains a guaranteed parcel
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »39 tickets doesn't seem like enough to get the current mount and Indrik that you may have missed in the past. Will there be any option to get event tickets with crowns/gems/seals to supplement?
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »39 tickets doesn't seem like enough to get the current mount and Indrik that you may have missed in the past. Will there be any option to get event tickets with crowns/gems/seals to supplement?
@ZOS_Kevin Are the parcels from the other rounds of a group Arena (or other activities, for that matter) not guaranteed? I understand there's only a small chance to acquire one from stealing, but I'm wondering about the Master Writs, World Bosses, etc.
Seraphaile wrote: »There is nothing in the event announcement about the Indrik merchant carrying feathers to make Nascent Indriks to convert, I assume the merchant will have them but confirmation would be nice
Seraphaile wrote: »There is nothing in the event announcement about the Indrik merchant carrying feathers to make Nascent Indriks to convert, I assume the merchant will have them but confirmation would be nice
I am working on an infographic, and the preliminary information seems to be contrary to the release article. Maybe you could confirm what I have gathered?
Zenithar's Sublime Parcel
Always when doing intro, master writ, 1st daily writ/acco, arena completion as they are considered as dailys.
Zenithar's Delightful Parcel.
Maybe when doing world boss/event with guildie in the group, after each round in an arena or stealing stuff.
Am I correct?
In other words, we are not going to see the same kind of rewards system as usually seen in the other events where the first reward in the day is surely being and having a worthy reward, and repeating the activity that leads to those reward containers would reward less worthy containers.
During the event, each time you complete the daily quest, you’ll receive one of Zenithar’s Sublime Parcel boxes. In addition, you can net Zenithar’s Delightful Parcel boxes by participating in the following activities:
That is what I was wondering too. So it would follow the 'one gold box per day, purple ones for grinding' theme that has been the generic way to go. Would be nice to get confirmation before pressing guess is, its not any daily, but only the event daily which gives a "golden" box.
everything else like master writs, world bosses, 1st crafting writ, maybe stealing, maybe arena stages... will give a "purple" box.
There is Zenithar themed double bonus.I think that the master writs should be giving 2x XP during the event.
That would seem like an appropriate reward for working so hard on getting to that crafting level and consuming those extra materials.
It would be understandable that the event wouldn't be 2XP for everything (since it is for Zenithar) But, 2XP for the master writs is very appropriate.
There is Zenithar themed double bonus.
Crafting inspiration gain from all sources is increased by 100%
@TheGreatBlackBear: Yes, there will be. Event Tickets are always available for CrownsTheGreatBlackBear wrote: »39 tickets doesn't seem like enough to get the current mount and Indrik that you may have missed in the past. Will there be any option to get event tickets with crowns/gems/seals to supplement?
@Monops: There is a chance to get one from non-final Arena rounds, but guaranteed from the final round. Master Writs, World Bosses, and your first daily crafting writ (non-master) are guaranteed drops. This is also highlighted in the article.@ZOS_Kevin Are the parcels from the other rounds of a group Arena (or other activities, for that matter) not guaranteed? I understand there's only a small chance to acquire one from stealing, but I'm wondering about the Master Writs, World Bosses, etc.
@karthrag_inak: That is correct, no 2x experience for this event.karthrag_inak wrote: »So no 2x experience for this event?
@Seraphaile: Nenulaure is indeed the Indrik Vendor. She'll be at the Belkarth Festival Grounds, offering Nascent Indrik feathers, Luminous Indrik berries, Icebreath Indrik berries, plus the Shimmering Indrik pet and Rimedusk Indrik pet.Seraphaile wrote: »There is nothing in the event announcement about the Indrik merchant carrying feathers to make Nascent Indriks to convert, I assume the merchant will have them but confirmation would be nice.
(Purple) Delightful Parcels come from intro quest, master writ, 1st daily, arena rounds when grouped with guildie, world bosses, stealing.
Thank you very many, this clears it. No farming of golden boxes with writs.(Gold) Sublime Parcel ONLY comes from the event daily, Honest Toil.
As it happens I do have one more question. There is mention of a chance for crafting boosters.Happy to clarify any other points that will help you there, @Ek1
What are considered gold-tier boosters? If I use the crate tiers as a reference then Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll and major Research scrolls are such.Crafting boosters, Small chance of a gold-tier booster or a research time scroll
Gotta say, bummed out the XP for crafting writs won't be 2X. That really seems like it should be.
And before someone replies, I know the inspiration is boosted. I am speaking about the writ XP.