Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.28.0.0 and our newest Chapter: High Isle! Visit the beautiful Systres Archipelago, far to the southwest of continental Tamriel, and delve into the culture and secrets of the noble and chivalric Breton people.
This Chapter not only explores the lore and political intrigue of the Bretons but also introduces two new Companions. You can use them to support your efforts throughout the world, including conquering the new Volcanic Vents found throughout High Isle. For a bigger challenge, be sure to head to Dreadsail Reef, a new 12-player Trial located in the northwest section of High Isle.
We’re also very excited to introduce you to Tales of Tribute, a new deckbuilding card game. Play against NPCs or against your fellow players to earn new cards, decks, furnishings, cosmetics, Transmute Crystals and more. To get started, simply head to the Roister Club of Gonfalon Bay.
This Chapter also includes several new item sets and Mythic Items, new Antiquities, a number of new collectibles, tons of new achievements, and more.
The free Update 34 base game introduces the highly requested Mundus Stones in the Armory System, made some updates to the quickslot wheel, and more. Lastly, we’re excited to add localized Spanish text to ESO in this update!
This latest update is approximately 44GB in size. We look forward to you setting sail to High Isle!

- New Features / Updates / Big Changes
- High Isle Chapter
- New Zone: High Isle
- Volcanic Vents and Lava Vents
- Tales of Tribute
- Two New Companions: Ember & Isobel
- New Trial: Dreadsail Reef
- New Item Sets
- New Antiquities
- New Collectibles
- New Dyes
- New Achievements and Titles
- New Xbox Achievements and Challenge
- New Home
- New Furnishings
- Update 34 Base Game
- Mundus Stones in Armory
- Quickslot Wheel Updates
- HDR Improvements
- Fixes & Improvements
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on 21 June 2022 14:31 Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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