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The problem with Tales of Tribute

Is that I don't want to do anything, anymore, outside of dailies and raporing with Ember, playing Tales of Tribute, collecting Tales of Tribute.
What I'm trying to say is, ToT is more engaging than Elder Scrolls Online proper.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 10 June 2022 01:53
  • NeKryXe
    I've been playing only ToT and nothing else on ESO since release. So... I completely understand. :smile: I also stopped playing ES Legends.
  • Punches_Below_Belt
    I’ve decided a proper adventurer like myself would only engage in card playing at night. Daylight should be used for productive activity like fighting the alliance war and picking columbine.
  • Jack-0
    Did I slip and fall into an alternate dimension?? I grudgingly tried it last night, I did the tutorial, which wasn’t exactly exciting but at least it didn’t take too long. Then they gave me a quest to beat an npc novice, and during the dialogue for this the quest npc repeatedly told me it didn’t matter if I won or lost. Fine. I challenged an npc novice and it took 30+ minutes for the game to play out. Alright, it would be a bit faster once I’m more familiar with the game, as I kept reading the tool tips for everything. For most of the game, I was winning. In the final couple of rounds I got obliterated. I lost over half an hour of my life to this dull crap.

    And I didn’t even complete the quest, because presumably it *does* matter whether you win or lose, and losing won’t progress the quest.

    Utterly unimpressed. If the forum didn’t censor swear words I’d have some choice ones to use to describe this lousy pos.

    I won’t be touching this again until I’m forced to because some item I want is gated behind it.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Jack-0 wrote: »
    Did I slip and fall into an alternate dimension?? I grudgingly tried it last night, I did the tutorial, which wasn’t exactly exciting but at least it didn’t take too long. Then they gave me a quest to beat an npc novice, and during the dialogue for this the quest npc repeatedly told me it didn’t matter if I won or lost. Fine. I challenged an npc novice and it took 30+ minutes for the game to play out. Alright, it would be a bit faster once I’m more familiar with the game, as I kept reading the tool tips for everything. For most of the game, I was winning. In the final couple of rounds I got obliterated. I lost over half an hour of my life to this dull crap.

    And I didn’t even complete the quest, because presumably it *does* matter whether you win or lose, and losing won’t progress the quest.

    Utterly unimpressed. If the forum didn’t censor swear words I’d have some choice ones to use to describe this lousy pos.

    I won’t be touching this again until I’m forced to because some item I want is gated behind it.

    I have a similar impression, but a bit mixed because I do win (sometimes).

    My main issue is the amount of time it takes, and if you have rubbish cards then you are looking at the inevitable for quite a while - hopeful, but in vain.

    And sometimes when I am winning, way ahead, can't be beat, it's like "Oh, so you just played the win card... "
  • AzuraFan
    My main issue is the amount of time it takes...

    Mine too. Reduce the game time to 5-10 minutes and I'll play a lot more.
  • merpins
    My main wish for the game would be that you don't discard your hand at the end of your turn, but instead draw back up to 5 or discard back down to 5. It would add far more strategy to this game, and make the RNG feel less bad without changing the core idea of the game.
  • Kiralyn2000
    My main wish for the game would be that you don't discard your hand at the end of your turn, but instead draw back up to 5 or discard back down to 5. It would add far more strategy to this game, and make the RNG feel less bad without changing the core idea of the game.

    I haven't gone in depth on the game (didn't read all the previews), but from what I've seen it's a "deckbuilding" game in the style of the tabletop games Dominion, Thunderstone, or Ascension. And in all of those, you toss your whole hand at the end of each round. There's lots of strategy & RNG/deck management involved in the genre, which is why they're pretty well rated by tabletop gamers.
  • NeKryXe
    AzuraFan wrote: »
    My main issue is the amount of time it takes...

    Mine too. Reduce the game time to 5-10 minutes and I'll play a lot more.

    Please no!!! It would be the ruin of it. The pacing is perfect.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    This thread has been moved to the Tales Of Tribute, as it is better suited there.

    Staff Post
  • Lysette
    ToT is addictive, I have not done anything other in ESO in days - just playing ToT. Maybe this evening I will go out and do something else - like investigating Inns and play ToT there.
  • stankarp
    Is there anyway I can totally delete tales of Tribute from my ESO account, I mean totally wipe it, [snip] So many achieve points from high isles devoted to this [snip]

    Honestly. I thought I was supposed to be the hero/saviour of Tamriel, u know that achieve Savior of Tamriel, when I defeated Molag Bal or some other Daedric Prince in Coldharbour,, since then I have to steal, pickpocket, stab innocents, kill livestock, use Blade of Woe.

    ESO has become so confused, please focus on the main point of being a hero, a savior, solve problems, unite people, help people. Like Oblivion, Skyrim, my objectives were clear, be a good guy, sorry I mean good peep, help peeps, solve problem, get achieves for being a good person.

    ESO has become so lost in it's direction it is sad. Hero of tamriel reduced to pickpocketing, stabbing innocents with Blade of Woe and playing cards. And killing peeps sheep. [snip]

    When Redfall turned out to not be ES 6 i was devastated. Then Starfall pushed back ES 6 again i was shattered.

    To the concept team at ESO get back on track please, I want to be the savior of Tamriel again, the good guy, and get rewarded accordingly. Help peeps, solve problems, rescue peeps in distress, kill bad peeps, that sort of stuff. Even feed some farmers sheep when they are in drought.

    I want to be savior of Tamriel again, no more pickpocketing, no more killing innocents with Blade of Woe, stealing, playing stupid card games, no more slaughtering innocent peeps livestock.

    I want to Kill Alduin again, the worldeater, I want to help Brother Martin in his death struggle again in ESO, not play cards and kill sheep.

    Please get back on track.

    [edited for profanity bypass, inappropriate content & threat]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 22 July 2022 16:19
  • stankarp
    Yeah, more for disgruntled ESO player about to go back To ESO5, Skyrim, modified, still the best rpg game ever.



    I hope these images come out, it's about drama, service and real achievement. Feeling good about your rpg, helping, being part society, what the real world is about. Being a real hero is about helping peeps, not stealing, stabbing in the back or playing cards.

    I hope ESO takes this as a genuine message to save ESO.

    I was once Hero of Tamriel, now i am a thief, an assasin, a livestock killer, a pickpocket. And in my spare time I play a stupid card game.

    I am sure I would never be allowed into Sovengarde with these skills.

    I want to go to the hall of heroes as a hero, not some confused misfit who has no identity.

  • stankarp
    I want to go to Sovengarde as a real Hero, to be accepted as a genuine hero, not a killer of livestock, a pickpocket, a backstabber or a card playing gambler,

    I want to talk to Tsun who is the Nordic god of trials against adversity. Shield-thane of Shor, he serves as the guardian of the Whalebone Bridge to the Hall of Valor. I want to talk on equal terms and feast and hunt and [snip] in the halls of Sovengarde forever because I was a real hero, not a thief, not a card player, not a backstabber from Dark Brotherhood. I want to save the world again, apparently i did not in Cold Harbor, what do i have to do?

    To the ESO design team, no more periphal *** to compete with other games, no more motifs, no more costumes, no more costumes, whatever.

    Create real drama, real stories, real rpg stuff.I want to go to Sovengarde as a real hero, meet


    And feel I am achieving.

    Then go back to Tamriel for great achievements.

    [edited for inappropriate content]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 22 July 2022 16:21
  • PunkAben
    It's a shame a lot of players have left eso because we get a lousy deck of cards.
    The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do.The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.Ted NelsonElder Scrolls Online most balanced part is maybe the the number of bugs and not bugs!
  • goggs25
    The problem with the rubbish card game is it has achievement for it and because of that I will not buy this dlc, especially when the achievement for the card game is unotainable.
  • FantasticFreddie
    I just cannot get into it. It has no appeal for me
  • Katheriah
    goggs25 wrote: »
    The problem with the rubbish card game is it has achievement for it and because of that I will not buy this dlc, especially when the achievement for the card game is unotainable.

    I have all ToT achievements, which one is unobtainable according to you? I might be able to help.
  • stankarp
    And will Tsun let you into Sovengarde when your count of days has ended because you were a good card player?

    I think not.
  • Veryamedliel
    AzuraFan wrote: »
    My main issue is the amount of time it takes...

    Mine too. Reduce the game time to 5-10 minutes and I'll play a lot more.

    Uhm.. once you get used to it the game does take 5-10 min. And no, it doesn't require getting all the cards or being a master ranked player. Al it takes is getting to know the cards and their abilities and knowing which one to let go, even if they are good cards.
  • stankarp
  • Cireous
    Your thread hijacking is most impressive @stankarp lol
    Btw, still loving ToT. Can't wait for more decks. <3
  • PinkApple
    Cireous wrote: »
    Your thread hijacking is most impressive @stankarp lol
    Btw, still loving ToT. Can't wait for more decks. <3


    ToT is fun, and less RNG than people think :D
    @PinkApple on NA servers Finished #1 NA Season 1 Finished #1 NA+EU Season 2 -- Check out my Tales of Tribute youtube channel here:
  • FrancisCrawford
    Cireous wrote: »
    Your thread hijacking is most impressive @stankarp lol
    Btw, still loving ToT. Can't wait for more decks. <3


    ToT is fun, and less RNG than people think :D

    There may be a One Right Way to play the very early moves (and if there is, it is surely in line with your recommendations).

    And endgame looks like it's more about skill than RNG, at least if the patron set allows for substantial deck manipulation.

    But in my early experience, the deck-building phase is indeed heavily affected by RNG.
  • Lunatearz
    ToT was really fun. UNTILL I started upgrading my cards. The RNG became REALLY horrible. The times you can not even buy any cards on the table and your enemy can are too much. and once they have this advantage your game is told from the first two hands (start cards). and by all means please do make the sorc king patron limited in use it really takes the fun out of the game that when your enemy is able to buy the ONLY low coin point cards in his first hand and then start running the patron because theres no cards lower then 7 which dont have any points to begin with. Theres no way you can win that match and it takes all the fun out of the game. I leave the match then with results ofcourse in a ten minute no cue up time.. NOT even UNRANKED

    Please ESO make the game more balanced the RNG better and bring the fun back i use to have.

    its frustrating to not enjoy a game solely because of the horrible rng and unbalance in matches. The game is great even though i was not very drawn by the idea of a card game in eso at first. After trying it though i fell for it. but now i have gotten all my upgrades the games are now frustrating.

  • Tuonra2
    I see you point out the right thing: when your opponent can buy something every turn, but you can't, it's extremely difficult to win.

    Now how do we turn this around? Well you play to have gold. If in the first 2 turns you focus on gold: using the treasury to get rid of power starters, buying cards that give gold, and importantly NOT buying cards that don't give gold, like portcullis or toll of flesh. Then you will be the first player to get a 6 gold hand. And then you get the best pick of the 6cost cards, which is almost as good as going first, or the first pick of the 7 gold cards, which is better than going first.

    To this end, the upgraded cards should actually help you, as often the card gets an extra gold on the upgrade.

    I hope this helps and you don't give up on the game!
  • Lunatearz
    Tuonra2 wrote: »
    I see you point out the right thing: when your opponent can buy something every turn, but you can't, it's extremely difficult to win.

    Now how do we turn this around? Well you play to have gold. If in the first 2 turns you focus on gold: using the treasury to get rid of power starters, buying cards that give gold, and importantly NOT buying cards that don't give gold, like portcullis or toll of flesh. Then you will be the first player to get a 6 gold hand. And then you get the best pick of the 6cost cards, which is almost as good as going first, or the first pick of the 7 gold cards, which is better than going first.

    To this end, the upgraded cards should actually help you, as often the card gets an extra gold on the upgrade.

    I hope this helps and you don't give up on the game!

    That would ONLY work if there's actually cards that will help you further and not only crappy no point cards that are a one turn use only with only points ina combo that you never get
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