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Feedback from a week spent doing Solo Random Battlegrounds.


Below is a list of areas that I think things could be improved in Battlegrounds/the surrounding experience from what I think might be fixable from the least difficult to the most difficult to implement.

I do not regularly engage in many Battlegrounds but, last week I did enough to hit rank one in each of the game modes.

Scoring in matches is a bit too rewarding to healing and not rewarding enough to other forms of support/teamwork

Burst healing specifically rewards too many points. For example, I would regularly get more points healing the person carrying the Chaosball than they would get from carrying it as every time I healed above a certain amount I got points. In Death Match, you'd sometimes see healers with low kill counts on top from all of the Critical Heals they were doing (It's a little odd as if you look up the help it's listed as just giving five points but appears to give 100). People protecting the person carrying the ball by CCing or killing the attackers don't get points. You also run into the issue that people defending in capture the relic may not end up getting many points.

The messaging around the rewards for Battlegrounds isn't very good

It's unclear the amount of rewards you'll get from doing a Battleground when you queue and the rewards only appear briefly on your screen. You can earn some cool outfits from doing Battlegrounds but, you don't see them at most of the Battleground locations (the newer spots do a better job) and you don't see much of a hint as to how you'd get them. I think you'd have more people doing Battlegrounds if they could more clearly see all that they got for doing the content. (It'd also potentially be nice to hit the button to get xp to ensure you were on the bar you want to get xp on)

People that aren't familiar with Cyrodiil don't have many options for spending the AP they earn

If you go to the Battleground areas near the cities, you can buy generic potions, generic food, an expensive motif set, materials for the motif set, and weapons that are part of several sets with AP and that's it. The Battlegrounds themselves have Elite Vendors outside but, I'm not sure most people would look at that location. AP would feel far more rewarding if we had more to easily spend it on. Maybe toss in a quest that sends people to the Golden on Weekends or add a few items to the vendor such as the tents from the various teams.

The reward gap in rewards can be a bit large and can produce frustrating/unfair results.

A significant portion of the people doing Battlegrounds are doing it for the Daily XP bonus. Currently, first and second place get around 100k xp if they haven't done that daily already and third place gets around 10k. As a result, the team in second place will frequently attempt to beat the team in third rather than try to win and the team in third will try to beat the team in second which tends to lead to matches being a blowout as the team in first has limited competition. I'd suggest switching the daily to reward just the first place team and players that reach a high enough point total during the day while also evening out the rewards between the places a bit more outside of the daily. You want third place to not be so generous with xp people afk but, you also want the rewards to be good enough to potentially keep people playing beyond the daily.

Battlegrounds are putting people in matches where they don't really want to be rather frequently and it can have a negative impact on gameplay

Many of the death matches I was put in had leavers and most of the objective matches had players ignoring the objective (In one case only myself and one person on the other team were actually doing the objectives). With five different match types in can be hours before you get in the type of match you want to play the most. I'd suggest letting players rate the match types and maps and use the rating along with some rng and adjustments for how long it's been since they played their favorite type to determine the map selection of the people playing. You can't always make everyone happy but, it'd probably be possible to make most of the game happier more often which might lead to an increase in population.

  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    Also you are rewarded with 1 (one) transmute crystal for completing your random daily bg. A WHOLE transmute crystal. You will actually need ONLY 50 days to transmute an item or even better JUST 25 if you recreate it from a full collection set.
    Oh, and do you know that one battlegroun where you are allowed to use mounts...well until you engage in combat and then you can't for the rest of the match because you are in combat. Speaking of stuck in combat, have you ever tried swapping gear or skills after respawning? Yeah....... Oh... and add some consumables crafting station on the spawn point. Maybe a bg quest giver too.
    Ok! see you in 5 years ^^
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    I left off the transmutes because my experience with them was a bit messy and I didn't want to seem too greedy.

    I got 30 transmutes for being at the top of the leaderboard for the week in three categories. I'm unsure if getting the transmutes in that is guaranteed or chance based as it's been a couple years since I got it.

    I also got multiple Rewards for the Worthy with 10+ Transmutes.

    As a result, I brought in well over 100 transmutes on the week which while it's not competitive with doing Random Dungeons it's quite good compared to pretty much everything else assuming the amount I got wasn't getting really lucky.

    I left off the combat being on all the time because I was unsure if it was intended or a bug (it seemed to trigger when I moved forward more than when I didn't but, I didn't pay too much attention because I was trying to farm points) and I didn't want to annoy the people that use Death Dealer's Fete who benefit from the combat being on all of the time.

    BG quest giver would make things far more convenient and likely lead to more people doing the quests but, it might put a bit of a damper on people visiting the Battlegrounds areas.
  • propertyOfUndefined
    I think these are great observations and excellent points!
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