Do it.
Let me explain myself further. When I say "do it", I mean that in the nicest way possible. Not in the sense of "just do it because its so easy!" This is not inteneded to be a negative post, so please read what I have to say.
Ive only been playing this game for 6 months, so im speaking from my personal experiences and the opinions that they have formed.
This game is awesome. Ive played MMORPGS for 20+ years, and i can truely say this is top 3 for me. My playstyle has and always will be aimed at the top tier/high end content but thats just me, I appreciate and respect all playstyles, its what makes this game more then just a game for many of us. The ability to play how you want and enjoy doing it, its great.
So onto the topic at hand; players wanting to do vet content but dont. Why is this happening? For many reasons, yes, but there is one that continues to stick out like a sore thumb. Its players being scared, period.
So I asked myself; why are players scared to try content that they actually want to experience? And its quite simple, they're scared to fail, scared to let the team down, scared of being berated and told they arent good enough. All very valid reasons for avoiding doing something. Who wants to play a game thats supposed to be fun feeling scared of what might happen if they fail? Well, no one.
For me, I went from level 1 to 1800, doing everything I wanted to do and never felt scared or intimidated. Thats not to say I didnt have my share of bad apples telling me im too low cp or im not good enough, I did. I took it with a grain of salt, tried to improve and refused to let anyone hinder my experience.
But as ive put more time in the game im realizing this gap between players. Im realizing not everyone who wants to do vet content is of the same mindset as me. I can see how even one bad experience can completely turn a player off from doing something they actually want to do and simply, I hate it.
Last night I had a guildy, one who falls into the category of wanting to do vet content but doesnt, specifically DLC dungeons. We started off doing regular vet dungeons and by the end of the night we beat vet Red Petal. Was his dps lower and did he die a few times? Yes. But throughout the night I could see him learning mechanics and really enjoying himself. No pressure, no berating no belittling. What we had was someone who was scared to fail but more then anything still wanted to experience the content. By said player explaining his situation to me, I was easily able to help him achieve his goal and we had an absolute blast doing it.
Now if he never told me the reasons why he was avoiding this content I would never have known and therefore am unable to help in any way. Ive found that the truely good players want to help more then most might think. My best experiences and the best people ive met on this game have come from Q'ing random vet dungeons. I would always let the group know im still learning the zone and any tips are welcome. This lead to me meeting so many amazing people who love helping other players and seeing them succeed.
So if what im saying seems easier said then done, it is. I fully understand that not every experience will be a good one. I understand that once is enough to deter/discourage players. So, what I want to get accross is we need to all work together in a positive manner.
There are so many great players out there wanting to share their knowledge, lots of the time we just have to ask. Dont be scared. I wouldnt be here having had this great experience if it wasnt for those people. Please dont allow the guy thats played for years smashing through dungeons expecting everyone to be on the same level affect your experience and what you choose to do with your precious game time. I honestly feel that a large portion of the player base is good people with similar goals in mind; having fun!
Its sad that the few bad ones stand out and have such a significant impact on other players.
What do you guys think? What can be done to negate these issues and bridge the gap? Im looking forward to any input the community has on this topic.
This post was not intended for those who go into vet content completely unprepared or for those who want to be carried. You are a part of the problem.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 15 May 2022 21:00