Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

Xbox Elite 2 - Zoom in and out

I was trying to bind the P2 and P4 for camera zoom in and out - but it won't let me.

Sometimes in PVP my view zooms in for no reason, and I can't get it back unless I switch to KB and Mouse, but which time, I am dead.

Any suggestions?


  • morrowjen
    That's odd. I use the same controller but I haven't tried to change the binding for zooming. (I think default is dpad down while using the right thumbstick to zoom). I use betterUI for gamepad improvements but ever since the last big update it's not been working well. IDK if that's related or not but there have definitely been some changes since global achievements that have made using a gamepad harder than it used to be. I hate whatever they did that messed with the inventory view -- so much so I've played far less.
    Edited by morrowjen on 25 April 2022 23:47
  • Zama666
    Hey @morrowjen

    I hate that binding, because occasionally I hit that combo and is all messed up. Especially PVP....
    I use the controller on the PC and swapping back n not good.
    The Xbox Elite 2 has so many option, hoping it could be addressed...

    Tanks for letting me know!

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