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Sooooooo....why am I playing PvP? No seriously...what are the rewards in PvP.

I know I get alliance points...but honestly at the Golden Vendor they are double compared to gold. So....seriously what are the rewards worth playing PvP?
  • Mesite
    I've done a bit of PvP but I'm honestly not sure what happens at the end of the time period. At the end of the battle do the people who have taken part not get mail saying who won? I've been a few times and I never knew who won. That would be a good reward.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    The armor sets you get from the "rewards for the worthy" emails are worth it alone. You get the email rewards from just gaining AP in Cryodiil. I usually get 3 or 4 of them if I'm just playing PvP for 2 hours or so, and a lot more if I'm running with my PvP guild. Depending on the armor set, you can sell it on your guild's vendor for pretty good gold. That's why a lot of us merchant type players spend time in PvP land.... it's a cash business you know ;)
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on 17 April 2022 18:16
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Ilsabet
    Aside from the Golden Vendor, AP can be traded for Akaviri or Militant Ordinator motifs (and the latter has never been given out in any events, so those pages have remained relatively scarce). It can also be used to buy RNG boxes for gear sets sold in the controllable towns in Cyrodiil. Any of those things can be used or sold on guild traders.

    Gaining Alliance ranks via AP gain also unlocks skill points, dyes, titles, and the ability to buy siege weapon furnishings with AP.

    Distinct from Alliance ranks, the Alliance skill lines (Assault and Support) are also advanced via AP gain and have some potentially useful skills like Caltrops and War Horn.

    There are various other achievements that can be gained in Cyro and IC, and some of them (like completing town quests and dolmens in Cyro) are required for bigger achievements like the one that grants the Savior of Nirn title. Those are often PvE activities, but within the PvP zone(s), and of course there are other achievements specifically for PvP activities.

    And as starlizard mentioned, gaining AP will get you Rewards for the Worthy boxes in the mail, I think at a rate of a box for every 20k AP. Those can have desirable set gear and a bit of money on the side.

    PvP is also an excellent source of transmutation crystals, whether from opening a Rewards for the Worthy box each day or from end-of-campaign rewards (more on that below).

    Mesite wrote: »
    I've done a bit of PvP but I'm honestly not sure what happens at the end of the time period. At the end of the battle do the people who have taken part not get mail saying who won? I've been a few times and I never knew who won. That would be a good reward.

    In order to get end-of-campaign rewards, you have to have set a certain campaign as your home campaign and gained enough AP to register for at least the first reward tier (which requires 25k AP during the relevant 30- or 7-day period). So if you didn't set the campaign as your home campaign, or you just noodled around a little and didn't make it to that first tier, then you wouldn't have gotten any mails at the end of the campaign.
  • neferpitou73
    In terms of the actual worthwhile rewards:

    -50 transmutes per character that has gotten a certain amount of AP
    -20k gold for first place faction when campaign ends
    -10kish gold for second place
    -AP to buy alliance pots and make a ton of gold

    The other rewards aren't really worth it imo. Especially rewards of the worthy which tend to be sets that aren't very good or that everyone already has (although the introduction of PB and DC has changed that a bit).

    Would like to see the rewards improved a bit more tbh.
  • Dojohoda
    Normally I would say that the reward is enjoying the game however, they introduced PVP sets last year that punishes players for playing. I go into PVP only to see that organized groups have adopted those particular sets, mostly dark convergence, and all I see are purple swirls being spammed all the time. In BGs, the group with dark convergence wins. I like cyrodiil and the existence of those sets spoil the game for me. IMO, the best reward is to delete those sets from the game.

    Below are some informative links regarding the alliance war to uesp, a site that I have been visiting for more than a decade.

    General information:
    Campaign rewards:
    Dyes, skill points, ranks from AP:
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • EdmondDontes
    The reward, the most satisfying one, is good game play...when it works. The thrill of excellent PvP combat is the reward. At least that's what most of the people I play with think. That is why we are so upset with performance. We can't get the only reward we care about, and that is the thrill of excellent PvP and combat....when it works.

    Nobody I know cares much at all for AP, XP, what sets drop in loot boxes etc. We just want good PvP fun and good, engaging, fair fights.

    PvP is the best reward and the only one that really matters in the end.
  • DigiAngel
    Yea......thanks all. The actual lists of goodies is extremely helpful. EdmondDontes really hit it on the head...."when it works". Honestly, getting ganked by yet another cloaker out of no where is not fun....and the rewards aren't even close to the frustration of events like that. I do agree though...getting in a group and running IS fun in and of itself. If I understand it right, the gear can be bought at guild really...just gold? Eh....seems like a miss on the whole risk (frustration/tedium) vs. reward thing. Anyway thanks for the answers all!
  • Silversmith
    Your reward is the hate tells from the people you have killed.
  • vindex9ona
    PVP is a state of mind, the rewards you gain are just an added extra. True PvP players would play it even if there were no rewards at all, even if it was actually costing in game money (which it often does, if you like to experiment with builds).

    Not meaning it as a criticism at all, just mentioning it because it’s the true measure of whether you are made for PVP or not. If you do it for the rewards, you will gain more frustration from it than enjoyment.

  • DigiAngel
    vindex9ona wrote: »
    PVP is a state of mind, the rewards you gain are just an added extra. True PvP players would play it even if there were no rewards at all, even if it was actually costing in game money (which it often does, if you like to experiment with builds).

    Not meaning it as a criticism at all, just mentioning it because it’s the true measure of whether you are made for PVP or not. If you do it for the rewards, you will gain more frustration from it than enjoyment.

    Ya I'm not I guess....I'm not in it for the rewards, but I AM for the skill line. Suck it up and drive on is gonna be the rule for pvp for me :)
  • Cuddlypuff
    It only takes 1158000 AP to unlock L10 in alliance war skills, which is actually far easier in practice due to tortes and event/low pop bonuses. I levelled it on 16 alts during the last MYM and it took anywhere between 2-4 hours on each. To make things easier I gave all of them the exact same stam bomber build lol.
  • DigiAngel
    I'd love to see that build then @Cuddlypuff .
  • xFocused
    I ask myself this a lot. I mainly play PvP for the social aspect and for the exciting fights. I run with a really well organized guild and we have a lot of fun theory crafting/building, farming sets and just general hanging out. The rewards are pretty low tier in my opinion. The gold payout isn't great unless you finish high on the leaderboards, the gold jewelry is nice but again, you have to finish high on the leaderboards. The end of campaign rewards need to be re-worked badly in my opinion
    PS5 - NA
    Necro Main
  • Cuddlypuff
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    I'd love to see that build then @Cuddlypuff .

    Body plaguebreak, backbar clever alchemist, frontbar arena weapon masters 2H. Carve/Brawler as spammable.
  • DigiAngel
  • Recremen
    There's tangible (well, as much as virtual goods can be tangible) and intangible rewards. Tangible goods include the golden, PvP item sets, dyes, titles, furniture, etc., while intangible goods would include the unique and dynamic play space that PvP offers. For some people, the intangible reward is the most important part, but it's not for everyone. If none of that does it for you then PvP might not be for you.
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Gaeliannas
    xFocused wrote: »
    I ask myself this a lot. I mainly play PvP for the social aspect and for the exciting fights. I run with a really well organized guild and we have a lot of fun theory crafting/building, farming sets and just general hanging out. The rewards are pretty low tier in my opinion. The gold payout isn't great unless you finish high on the leaderboards, the gold jewelry is nice but again, you have to finish high on the leaderboards. The end of campaign rewards need to be re-worked badly in my opinion

    A lot of folks think that, there are items from the RotW that sell for well over 100K. As do some from the town vendors, but those require playing loot box roulette and I only get those when I needed a piece from that set anyways and have tons of AP to burn. ;)
  • Klabbath
    PvP for the social bit basically, if you ask me.
    Also no enemy in the game is more dangerous than a human player. They will never strike in the same places or move in a predictable manner, always adapting to what you're doing.
    PC - EU
  • Gaeliannas
    Klabbath wrote: »
    PvP for the social bit basically, if you ask me.
    Also no enemy in the game is more dangerous than a human player. They will never strike in the same places or move in a predictable manner, always adapting to what you're doing.

    That is why I like it, and equate PVE to a glorified PAC Man simulation, where you just need to memorize the scripted moves of the enemies to win. Also, our chat is hilarious in PVP and always a good time.
  • Jaraal
    There's also tel var in Imperial City which is a farmable currency, and can get you a lot of nice and valuable things to use/sell.
  • Daoin
    as in the daily random theres a daily experience bonus, myself i see it as a hit and run kind of thing, no need for pvp gear a selective set of skills i would not usually use in pve..just the bonus exp..and more times than not i have it done by completing at atleast 2nd place within 3 matches..1st time great..2nd not a bad time..3rd..hmm..then after this maybe forget the daily bonus for the day while having racked up tons of alliance points
  • DigiAngel
    So I finally got the "takeover 9 resources" daily completed. Took a while as I had to kind of time it right...make sure there was group of people and whatnot. Not gonna lie I was kind of excited for the reward....which turned out to be a purple badge worth 500 gold, and 10 raw hides.

    This was a joke right? I mean....right?

    I was told in game that the real reward was the gameplay and alliance points but honestly....the pvp gameplay is meh at best (I imagine it would be more fun in a pvp group/guild, but so far that hasn't happened yest), and as for alliance points....these seem to be worth exactly .5 gold. this point....seems kinda pointless.
  • Ilsabet
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    So I finally got the "takeover 9 resources" daily completed. Took a while as I had to kind of time it right...make sure there was group of people and whatnot. Not gonna lie I was kind of excited for the reward....which turned out to be a purple badge worth 500 gold, and 10 raw hides.

    I hope you didn't sell that badge. The point of those is to stock up on them and then buy an item with AP to turn a certain number of badges into a runebox or style page, which can go for a considerable amount of gold. If you're not enjoying pvp then you may not want to be in it for the long haul, but those gladiator's proofs can be obtained by opening a box from the Conquest Board quests once per day. (So if you happen to finish two quests in a day, save one box to open the next day so you don't waste the chance for a proof.)

    Here's a list of swag you can get with Cyro proofs.
  • DigiAngel
    Thanks for the link...that's good information to have :)
  • Gaeliannas
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    Thanks for the link...that's good information to have :)

    FYI, the Arena Gladiator Costume can sell for 2mil, so that makes each proof worth about 40k, not 500g. The Lion sells for even more, but sells slower. ;);ItemNamePattern=Runebox:+Arena+Gladiator+Costume
    Edited by Gaeliannas on 29 April 2022 14:00
  • DigiAngel
    Thanks for this...ultimately PvP == Gold and I am semi interested in, the other zero interest. I will say that Standard had much less lag then AL last that's a plus.
  • Minalan
    PVP is all about “salty /whispers”, it’s a reward in itself.

    They’re great, and after a few weeks you get quite the collection of hate, anger, and verbal cancer.
  • Fhritz
    For fun, I mean it's the purpose of a game ?
    I'm a single character man.
    Stamblade. Khajiit. Mostly pvp.
    And...that's it.
  • HerrKeinTipp_MrNoTip
    1 hr play per toon = 50 transmutes. :)
  • biminirwb17_ESO
    PVP is its own reward.

    You can let off steam by complaining about lag.
    You can joke with friends about people's hairstyles.
    You can accuse people of all kinds of diabolic exploits when they kill you.
    You can ride to a keep, disconnect, and lose your lobby.
    You can lose your favourite siege that you lovingly repaired coz the client would talk nicely to the server.
    You can one shot a newbie who didn't even know you were there
    You can get steamrolled by a naked mag DK with no weapon :smiley:

    But really its just good fun.
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