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For the love of god can hammer stop spawning at gate of the highest pop first place faction with emp

Why would you ever think this was a good idea. And this is coming from a player on said faction. Alikr dolmen grinds are about as fun, at least there you get jewelry for mats so maybe it is bit more fun there.
  • WoppaBoem
    Yes this was the major fail, this first alliance with emp even should not be able to pick it up let alone it spawing to start with at that said alliance.
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • xFocused
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, hammer needs to be removed already. Such a terrible mechanic that adds nothing of value to the game
    PS5 - NA
    Necro Main
  • darvaria
    xFocused wrote: »
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, hammer needs to be removed already. Such a terrible mechanic that adds nothing of value to the game

    WoppaBoem wrote: »
    Yes this was the major fail, this first alliance with emp even should not be able to pick it up let alone it spawing to start with at that said alliance.
    Not to mention an alliance that is pop locked with the other 2 with 2 bars. Really good idea is to not let the emp or higher population faction even pick it up. Now, that would work.

  • xylena_lazarow
    Another failure of the hammer design is that even when it does spawn on the underdog's side, they won't even bring it outside their gates, knowing the high pop zerg will quickly take it and wipe the map with it.

    Yet another failure of the hammer design is that it directly contradicts their once stated goal encouraging players to spread out across the map (6k PvDoor ticks lol) instead of all stacking on one keep. Guess what the hammer does...
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • DrSlaughtr
    Yeah the problem is the moment the hammer is brought out it becomes the tool for the biggest zerg, whether it spawned for them or not.

    I wonder if it would be better it did something like this.

    Hammer spawns for 2nd or 3rd place faction.

    Is is no longer a siege tool. It buffs survivability and damage, making it an actual weapon. Hammer doesn't eat itself.

    Allies in the vicinity get double AP.

    While out, all scores earned for the alliance leaderboard are double.

    Once the wielder dies, so does hammer. Or maybe it can pass up to 3 times.

    Just spitballing.
    I drink and I stream things.
  • Iriidius
    Hammer beeing unable to heal itself makes it unuseable without organized groups and/or healers. While a group with cross heal can keep hammer alive easily, hammer without healers cant defend. Have tried to use hammer with a group of randoms a few times, nobody was healing me althought i was running around with half live for a while and i was dying when i would have survived without it. An Artefact that gives low pop faction the chance to kill strong PvDoor groups would be more usefull.
  • Jaraal
    I’d rather see the gate spawns eliminated completely. Just let it spawn at the open field locations. No more cowering in fear with it behind the gates.

    Let the games begin!
  • xylena_lazarow
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Let the games begin!
    What games? High pop faction grabs hammer, paints map one color in 20min. War's over guys, go home.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • alberichtano
    xFocused wrote: »
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, hammer needs to be removed already. Such a terrible mechanic that adds nothing of value to the game

    I was just going to express the same sentiment. It really doesn't do anything positive to the game. It is a nuisance at best and a pest at worst. Often someone not in group, sometimes even a troll will catch it and squander it, or even - willingly or unwillingly - hand it over to an enemy faction.

    My best use of the hammer is to take it and run fast as heck down to the nearest slaughterfish infested stream and take a hearty swim with it. That way it does no harm at least.
  • alberichtano
    Another failure of the hammer design is that even when it does spawn on the underdog's side, they won't even bring it outside their gates, knowing the high pop zerg will quickly take it and wipe the map with it.

    Yet another failure of the hammer design is that it directly contradicts their once stated goal encouraging players to spread out across the map (6k PvDoor ticks lol) instead of all stacking on one keep. Guess what the hammer does...

    At first I thought that it was an unbalanced mechanic because there were more coming, other artifacts from meddlesome Daedric princes, like Peryites shield or somesuch, so that there would be a balance between the artifacts. But nope. :/
  • darvaria

  • darvaria
    Hey but the hammer is useful for pop locked leader faction, they can do this with the hammer. Break all the gates and bridges and try to keep the other factions trapped. (go back to the old way when no one could break gates and bridges........) I went and did other things but saw a couple times when both EP and DC were gated most of the night. We know we don't have to PVP. Even the good AD players are tired of the lack of PVP. The only entertainment is looking at the map.


    Edited by darvaria on 14 April 2022 20:31
  • Jaraal
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Let the games begin!
    What games? High pop faction grabs hammer, paints map one color in 20min. War's over guys, go home.

    It depends on the skill of the wielder and the quality of their group (heals, mainly). I've seen significantly outnumbered successful hammer runs. Conversely, let a scrub in a megazerg get their hands on it and watch how fast they lose it.
  • xFocused
    xFocused wrote: »
    I've said this before and I'll say it again, hammer needs to be removed already. Such a terrible mechanic that adds nothing of value to the game

    I was just going to express the same sentiment. It really doesn't do anything positive to the game. It is a nuisance at best and a pest at worst. Often someone not in group, sometimes even a troll will catch it and squander it, or even - willingly or unwillingly - hand it over to an enemy faction.

    My best use of the hammer is to take it and run fast as heck down to the nearest slaughterfish infested stream and take a hearty swim with it. That way it does no harm at least.

    Agreed. It's just a broken mechanic in my opinion. It causes insane server lag when it's a huge fight, trolls pick it up and give it to another faction, I just think it needs to be gone. I can't tell you how many times I've bluescreened when there's a large scale fight over it
    PS5 - NA
    Necro Main
  • Kordai
    And hammer spawns behind the only pop-locked faction yet again.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Hammer was just poorly planned all in all. I think it needs to go at this point.
    Even if zos went and made it so only the factions getting hard-gated or losing massively get the hammer; what happens is the dominant faction just prevents the losing faction from getting the hammer(like farming groups or bomb groups camping the hammer until it despawns Same as they keep them from taking their keeps. If the losing faction can't push without hammer, what will make them push with it?
    Hammer only gives you a strong ult and great siege capability, but the 50 man zerg that ran over the 10 man group will still run over the 10 man group at the end of the day, hammer or not.
    The hammer only gives people the "illusion" that they have the ability to push on map suddenly, but in reality the dominant faction will just stop them at the gates.

    At the end of the day, the bigger zerg typically, always wins, and the faction who's gated most of the time likely don't have the numbers to be able to push
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • acastanza_ESO
    The hammer should only spawn in the "home" area of the lowest score faction, and if the faction with Emp picks it up, they should explode - maybe even if they just enter a radius around it before it's been picked up as a defense against camping the spawn.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on 25 April 2022 19:43
  • Gaeliannas
    The hammer should only spawn in the "home" area of the lowest score faction, and if the faction with Emp picks it up, they should explode - maybe even if they just enter a radius around it before it's been picked up as a defense against camping the spawn.

    Even better, the walls of all their keeps fall down and the keeps become neutral... giving everyone the chance to instantly take them and earn tons of AP repairing the walls! Really, make it a 50/50 chance when picking up the hammer, become a god or destroy all of your factions keeps, who knows what will happen? Sounds very Uncle Sheo to me!

    Edited by Gaeliannas on 26 April 2022 04:05
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