PeacefulAnarchy wrote: »I doubt it. From what I understand there's only one live shard. Pulling things into the live shard is done by single users, so whatever performance cost would probably be borne by that user in terms of load times. As far as writing to the db it shouldn't be any more intensive, or generally frequent, than a new character or account being created. As for moving things off the live shard I would hope that's something done biweekly during the maintenance.RawBrightSilver wrote: »One problem that users sometimes encounter after having sharded a database is that the shards eventually become unbalanced. If that occurs, any benefits of sharding the database are canceled out by slowdowns and crashes. The database would likely need to be repaired and resharded to allow for a more even data distribution.
Have we been experiencing anything like that lately?
If the performance issues are due to sharding then it might be that they did some other db change besides that at the same time, but the sharding itself, in their implementation, shouldn't cause those issues.